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'No, I'm pretty sane although I demand to know exactly with who I'm dealing with and what he did to you. And don't you dare come to me saying it was nothing Theo. You've been avoiding me but now we're gonna talk.'

Theo looked at me and a big sigh left his mouth, he then took me to his cabin and closed the door and locked it to make sure that no one would interrupt us. I sat down in the chair and he sat next to me. He didn't started talking right away. I'm guessing it's something he doesn't like to talk about.

'Scallywag was once my friend. We grew up together. We lived next to each other and his father was a close friend to my parents. During the day we would spend it playing together since neither my parents or his father had money to pay for our education. One day we were going back home when we heard screams from inside my house. We run to there and we found both my father and his dead on the wooden floor. They had killed each other. We were confused we didn't know what had happened to them. They were good friends just like us. Since Vince didn't had a mother he stayed at my house. My mother treated him like is own and that only made our friendship grow bigger. Eight months after that my little sister was born. We didn't knew that my mother was pregnant but then she told us that she found out the day our fathers died. We forgot that subject, we had a lot of fun with my little sister but as she grow bigger me and Vince started to notice that she looked a lot like his father and was there that we understood everything. My mother was having a love relationship with his dad and my little Sophie was his daughter and not my father's. When Vince got to know that he left the house. He said that my mother killed his father. We didn't heard of him for eight years. But then he came back. He came back with a new name Scallywag. He had been in a pirate ship for those eight years and he had become one of the most terrifying pirates with only fifteen years. When he came back, he came with only one purpose. Kill me, my mum and my sister. You can say he succeeded. He killed my mum and my little sister right in front of me and then burned all of our town. I was left with nothing. Luckily, one ship came by and took me to England where I was for one year and then that same ship was left for me. This beauty here is all I have since that.'

When Theo finished I had tears running though my face. I didn't mesure my actions. I got up and hugged Theo the tightest I could. He has been throw so much. Life made him the way he is, he wasn't like this. He wasn't a pirate. The bad things he has done is because he is mad with life. He is a good man, a broken hearted man that has nothing but a pretty ship.

'I'm sorry Theo. I'm sorry I made you talk about that. I now understand why you hate him so much. He is cruel. I'm so sorry.'

'Don't be sorry love, if that didn't happened I would probably never knew you.'

'Theo, don't say those things. He killed your family, he destroyed everything you had. He left you all alone in a burned town with no food. You were a fifteen years old boy.'

'And now I'm twenty two and six years after I'm here to have my revenge. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but I know I will have him.'

'You will Theo, you will.'

'Isabella, promise me one thing.'


'Promise me you'll be careful everytime he is around. I don't want anything to happen to you. He could have hurt you today...'

'I promise Theo but only if you promise that you will never spend more than two days without talking to me.'

'I can't promise you that love. I will have to leave you. I promised that to your dad.'

'I don't care what you promised to my father.'

'Yes, you do love. It's for your own safety. Now if you please, go sleep a little. I'm gonna help the crew with looking for the treasure. I know you're tired of it. So take some rest. I'll be here when you wake up.' He said and I nodded.

I went and layed on the bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Theo's story. I though I had a bad life but compared to him I'm so happy. He didn't had other's choices in his life but become a pirate. He couldn't chose. I had my parents even though I don't like my mother, he had to spend his youth alone without a shoulder to cry on. Jesus, he needs to be loved. That's why everybody on this ship is so close to him. He needs people around him who care about him.

That stupid bloody pirate made my Theo suffer and I won't let him go on with is life without having a little revenge even tho he didn't do anything to me. I wonder if Ejays knows about this. Did she ever though in telling me? Did she knew he would tell me? Did she ever predicted that she would be in this ship? I feel like for Theo she is a weapon, a way to find out things before the others, she is a way for him to protect herself.

I close my eyes and try to clean my mind. He just doesn't get out of my thoughts. He, us, we... I need to stop my imagination. I'm starting to believe that something I want is going go happen when it's clearly not going to. He said it a few minutes ago. He said he couldn't promise me what I asked. He said he was going to leave me to my father because he would not break his promise to him. After this I will probably never see him again and the moment he leaves I know my freedom will go along with him, and I'll go back to be my same old, sad life. Embrace it Isabelle you're not one person to have a happy life.

I hope you guys liked it!

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