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We've been sailing for about two weeks. Theo said that we're getting close and I've never been that happy. I need action. Theo also said that we're getting in danger waters, in any minute we can be attacked, not by mermaids but by pirates or even the fleet. Yesterday Theo had a meeting with George and some other mans I didn't want to go so I stayed in the crow's nest. I didn't want to hear his voice again, he annoyed me, he always has but now I just can't handle it.

Sometimes I wish my dad was here. I know he would see how of a good person Theo is. He just has the wrong idea about pirates in general. I do know that some of them really are evil, I do know that deep inside Theo has that part of him as well but he has more good than evil in him. I lost track of my thoughs when I hear the cabin's door open. Theo walks out of it with his full outfit. He walks towards me and puts his arm around my back.

'I need to ask you a favor.' Theo says and I nod for him to keep talking 'I've told you that we can be attacked anytime so I need you to go up there.' He says pointing to the crow's nest

'But Theo if you do really get attacked how am I supposed to help? I want to fight.'

'You have a gun up there.'

'Theo, are you trying to make me not fight?' I ask understanding what he was trying to do

'I don't want anything to happen to you.'

'Jesus, Theo let's get a thing clear if I am your first mate you have to trust me and not hide me! You've seen that I can fight a little at least to defend myself, please let me be here.'

'If anything happens to you I will never forgive myself.'

'Nothing will happen to me, please Theo.' I beg

'Alright love, but use your sword, you don't have that much precision with guns.'

'Are you saying I'm not good with guns?' I ask

'No love, I'm saying you're better at sword fighting because we trained it.' He said and I nodded 'Why don't you start sleeping in my cabin?' he asks and I look confused at him

'Why's that?'

'Because, Gale misses Ejays in the bed.'

'Ejays told me she sleeped down there...'

'She doesn't, she only does so you don't feel unconfortable. So, will you?'

'You only have one bed Theo.'

'We'll be fine.' he said and I nodded.

'Theo?' I call before he turns around and he looks at me 'Use your hat and coat more often.' I said and walked below deck

Did I really said that? Oh god, I'm losing control of myself now, everything is just great. I sit down on my bed or what was my bed. Theo makes me feel things I never felt before. He brings the part of me that I try to hide when I'm in London. The part that usually scares people because I'm a woman, a princess and I can't like those type of things. For them the only thing I can do is sit in a chair drinking tea or playing piano. As for Theo I can do whatever I want, he only cares about my safety. Suddently, I don't want this voyage to end this fast.

'You're here.' Ejays says sitting in the bed in front of me

'Why didn't you tell me? I would be fine if you went with Gale.' I said to her

'No, you wouldn't' she said pointing at her head. I always forget that she can see the future.

I was going to ask her what she though about me sleeping with Theo in the cabin but she suddently got serious and got up. 'Ejays?' I call her but she run to the deck I followed her and she run to the cabin.

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