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As we get closer I start to recognise the ship. The sails, the size of it, the amount of crew that was still in ship and not on land fighting. Only one ship was ever able to do that... The Golden Curse. I'm in the hands of Captain Cutthroat, the most evil and cruel captain of the piracy era.

There's one pirate right near the stairs of the ship and he helps his friends to get back on the ship while I keep sitting in the little boat. The three pirates talk in low voices to each other so I can't ear what they are saying. I see a woman approaching the group of mans and quickly they finish their conversation.

'You got her Gale?' the woman asks.

'Love, you can see the future, you already know I got her'

'Yes Gale, I know, and I also know that she almost got you!' the woman yells and gives him a snap on the head.

'See, I didn't even had to tell her.' Bones says before leaving

'But I got her!'

'Anyway, take her to Theo he wants to see her and talk with her.'

One pirate jumps into the boat and takes the rope out of my hands while pushing me to the stairs. The same woman helps me to get in the ship and smiles at me. 'Good move actually' she whispers in my ear and I smile at her. My arms are quickly grabbed by other two pirates and they lead me to the Captain's Cabin. I can feel the looks of all of them in me and I know everyone stoped what they were doing to look. The only noise that can be ear beside the ocean are my footsteps.

The door makes a big noise when opened and I start to get anxious. Once inside I give a good look to the whole cabin. It's actually quite big. There's a bed in the corner and in the middle there's a big table with a big amount of maps and bottles of rum. There's some wall pictures and more maps. I can also see a very big book shelf full with big books. But what makes my eyes stop is the man right in front of me. I can only see his back but he's tall and strong and Isabella why are you appreciating the man?

'I heard you gave Gale quite a good fight.' a strong and deep voice says and I know it's him but he keeps facing the other side.

'Why am I here?'

'I see you don't like to talk'

'Not with people like you, just tell me how much money you want and live my town'

'Not that easy doll...' he says and then looks at me.

Jesus Christ... He's handsome. Dark eyes, messy hair not short but not long either and that beard. He also looks young. How can he be that young and already be the most cruel, evil and successful pirate? Everyone knows him.

'Why not that easy?' I ask, trying not to look intimidated by him

'Because, what I want is not money.'

'You're a pirate! The only thing that all of you can think about is money!'

'Oh you got that so wrong doll. What about the rum? Women? Sex? Money is not all we want' he says with a preverted smile on his face.

'But all you think about is paltry!'

'Then what you suggest we think about? How we would be a lot better in land working to a king that barelly gives us money to eat? My love, I'd rather be in jail than to work to your father!'

'Don't you dare talk like that about father...'

'Or what? What doll? What could you possible do that would make me stop?' he looks at me with a stupid smile on his face and when I don't answer him he laughs right next to my face. 'Nothing, of course. You only had one purpose here, but now, I think I'll keep you for long.'

'You bastard! Why am I even here? You brough me just to talk about my father?'

'In a rush doll?' he asks with a provocative smile

'Stop calling me that!'

'Oh we're going to have so much fun!' he says sitting on his chair behind the table and drinking rum from the bottle 'Alright, I'll tell you why you're here. So I intend to exchange you for help of your father.'

'Why do you need help of the navy?'

'You see, not a long time ago, was about one month eleven ships of the spanish fleet were lost in a hurricane near Florida, those ships were returning from the New World to Spain and what they had inside is one of the most wanted treasures by pirates. They carried tons of silver and also five milion in golden coins.'

'And why do you need help to get a treasure that doesn't have anyone to defend it, just go and get the gold'

'Doll, I'm not the only pirate searching for it... We're all looking for it and we don't know the exact location. We just know that they left Cuba and seven days after they disappeared near Florida.'

'I understand but what makes you think that my father will help you?'

'I got you doll, he does everthing for you. But first we're going to a little ride to Tortuga'


'Gale! Get her out of here!' he screams

Gale comes and grabs my arm. When I leave the cabin I can see the crew looking while Gale takes me to the deck where the crew sleeps. I can see that woman next to a bed and Gale leaves me with her.

'You're gonna sleep here, I'm right here next to you so don't be scared. My name is Ejays.'


'Yes, I know who you are.'

'Of course you do... I'm sorry but why are you being nice?'

'We're people, not monsters Isabella, we may not have the best methods but in here we're all a big family. You'll feel that after being here a while.'

'Pirates kill and destroy Ejays, I'm sorry if I'm offending you but pirates will always be my greatest enemy.'

'Yes, say that now...'

'How did you end up here? You're the only woman'

'Well, I'm Gales girl. He meet me when he went to the Caribbean, we had sex, we both liked each other and I ended up coming with him.'

'You had sex with a man and decided to leave your life because of that?'

'No Bella, can I call you that?' she asks and I nodded 'I can see the future and the moment my eyes stoped on him I could see myself with him and we were both old people.'

'What can you see of me?'

'You're just gonna be surprised by your future. Something that you would never expect will happen in a near future.'

'Can't you tell me what's going to happen?'

'No, you would try to make that not happen...' she says and well, that's true.

What could happen that would surprise me? Something that I would not expect? Well, I never though that I would be on board of a pirates ship and heading to Tortuga. Everything just got out of control really quickly.

'Is it going to be good?' I ask

'I'll say that you'll turn this crew upside down... But now, let's get you a more confortable dress, how can you breath in that?'

'I don't' I say and Ejays laugh.

I hope you guys liked it!

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