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Pirate Lord of the Atlantic? I look over at Theo and he looks back at me. I can see that he is a little shocked. I don't really know what that pirate Lord thing is but I guess it is important. Everybody is still cheering for him but what are they celebrating? I need to know what that is, I hate not to know things. Ejays walks to me and smiles.

'Aren't you happy for your captain?' She asks

'How can I be happy if I don't know why they're happy?'

'Oh, your father never talked to you about pirate lords? Well, then I'll let the new one tell you what they are.' She said and I felt a hand in my shoulder.

I turn to see who's hand was and I find Theo looking at me. He puts his arm around my neck and walks with me to his cabin but before we got in he yelled at the crew 'Let's get this beauty moving, shall we?' and suddently all the screams stoped and they all started to work again. Theo and I got in the cabin and I sat down in the chair waiting for him to sit in front of me. He didn't sit in the chair, instead he sat in front of me in the table.

'Confused right?' He asked and I nod ' You never heard of pirate lords? Well, then I shall inform you. There's nine of them and each one owns a part of the ocean. If you're in the part of one of them you have to go by their rules. All of them form a counsel. So they're only replaced if they give the title to another pirate or if another pirate kills them before they give the title. In this case I killed him, he didn't gave the title I am now the Pirate Lord of the Atlantic...' Theo said and finally sat down

'Why was he after you?'

'I owed him money. I stole a lot of things in his sea and well I didn't gave him his part so he's been after me since that. He never really liked when I was in the Atlantic and I guess you can say I love the Atlantic so I'm always there.'

'Did you really had to not give him his part?' I ask, I know Theo is a successful pirate

'I didn't have to but I wanted I mean, we're pirates... You steal other people, you don't have rules. This is the total opposite.'

'So now, the Atlantic ocean doesn't have rules? People can just go and steal whatever they want, they can steal what was supposed to be yours?' I ask

'Got a good point Love, that's why I need you with me.'

'You don't need me with you Theo. You know very well what you have to do. You don't need someone in your ear telling you what to do.'

'But you see love, you don't do that. You give your opinion and make me think better in my options. Gale tells me what to do and believe me sometimes I'm glad he did but others it's just annoying and suffocating.'

'I heard that.' Gale says coming inside the cabin 'I always knew tho, I'm just here to say that we're pretty much in Florida, we can start searching.'

'Theo, how are we supposed to search for something that is in the bottom of the ocean?'

'With a light and patience. The treasure is silver and gold that way it shines when a flash of light gets into them. Also these waters are not that deep, at least the part where the ship sank. People say that the treasure may actually be already in one of the beaches.'

'Then why don't we search in the beach?'

'Because love, it would take us a lot time and that is something we don't have. That way if we find the coins they can lead us to the beach where the actual treasure is.'

'Very smart Captain.' I say Theo smiles at me.

'Orders?' Gale asks

'Tell the crew to point light at the sea, I'll tell the other ships. Love, if you don't mind can you please point in the map the closest beaches from where the treasure sank?' Theo asked ans I nodded

They both left the cabin and I went to the big table to look at the maps. He had a big circle around the area where the ship sank. I grabbed a more closer map and started to point possible places where the treasure could be. There's so many beaches around here and little islands it's gonna be hard to find it. I am also surprised we've only found one pirate searching for the treasure. I'm sure that all of them are looking for it. I do know that they all have a special hate for the spanish fleet. They're way more radical than the British. Once I finish pointing the possible places I grabbed the map and went out to search for Theo. I found him talking with George.

'I know you fancy her, I can see it. If you didn't she would be in prison down there and not in your cabin sleeping.' George said

'What if I do? Do you have anything to do with it? Who's in charge here? Me, exactly I can kill you anytime I want.'

'But you won't because if you kill me, the other ships would return to England without blinking.'

'Don't test me George.'

'Oh little Theo, you have a lot to learn, she doesn't fancy you back so if you please stop looking at her with those nasty eyes I'll be glad. She's still my fiancée.'

'Unfortunately' Theo said and George smiled before going back to his ship

Theo fancy's me? No, of course he doesn't, you're imagining things Isabella stop it right now. Just go and tell him that you've marked the places where the treasure could be. Go on Isabella.

'Theo! I've marked the places. It's gonna be hard. There's a lot of beaches and little islands near the place. The treasure could be anywhere.'

'That's why we're gonna guide us through the coins, once we found them of course. Nice job love.'

'What did he want?' I asked pointing at George that was looking at us

'Just made more threats, same as usual. Don't worry. Let's make those mans start working and find that treasure.'

He didn't lied to me. That's good I think. He didn't said the truth tho. Why would he not tell me the truth if he didn't fancy me? This Captain makes me crazy but I must say that thinking that exists a possibility that Theo may like me made my heart jump a beat. Have I fallen in love?

I hope you liked it!

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