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It's been two days since Theo has become a Pirate Lord and it's been two days since he doesn't get out of my mind. I've been trying to talk with Ejays for this two days but she's always with Theo now. It's not jealousy I just need to talk with her. I need her advice. She's the only in here that I can talk to about this thing. She's the one that I know won't judge.

I kept on working this two days. Helping the crew with the light on the sea. We haven't been successful so far. We found nothing, zero, rien. Not even a lost piece of the treasure. That is demotivating the crew. They don't believe we're gonna find the treasure but everyday I try and make those mans believe that we can do it. We're strong, we're determined and we have the best Captain of the sea.

Today isn't a different day. We all have lights in our hands and we keep pointing them at the sea. Hope running through our fingers. It's only been two days and I already miss being in the crow's nest, doing a normal pirate work, fighting, practicing with Theo, being with Theo. The only time of the day that I see him is in the morning and in the night before going to sleep. He's spending all the time alone or with Ejays, almost doesn't talk to me or with me.

We all stop pointing our lights to the sea when it's time to have lunch. We're not tired but you can say we are bored. There's not a pirate that enjoys spending days pointing lights at the sea. They want the sailling work not this and I totally understand them but I also know that this is probably the only way we can find that treasure. We walk bellow the deck and into the tables. The food is already in plates and we quickly sit down an start eating. Ejays sats in front of me and with no Theo around this is a good time to ask her for some time to talk.

'Ejays, I need to talk with you. I'm in desperate need of your smart advices.' I say and she smiles at me

'I knew you were going to ask me that. Let's eat and after that I'll take you to my cabin. Gale is having a little meet with Theo.' She says and I nod.

I eat the fastest I can. I really want to talk with Ejays and I don't want anybodody to stop our conversation. I feel like I need it so I can rest my mind. I've been thinking about this the past two days I just need to get my thoughs out of my mind. Once we both are finished with the meal we walk outside and sit in a hidden place so nobody can find us.

'I'm all ears so tell me what you need to talk about.'

'Two days ago I heard a conversation between Theo and George where they were talking about me. George was saying that Theo fancied me. He didn't denied but he didn't said it was true. I am so confused Ejays. When the though that Theo could possibly like me came to my mind I felt my heart jump a beat. What is this? Am I in love? I know I'm gonna have my heart broken but i'm so confused.'

'First of all Bella, don't predict things that you don't know they're gonna happen. You don't know if you're gonna get your heart broken. Second, you heard a conversation you can't be sure if what they said is true in those five minutes. Theo didn't denied so maybe he is in fact liking you. You have to judge thinking in everything he has done to you and for you. Third, you're not confused. You know what your heart wants and you just don't accept it because you're scared you're gonna get hurt.'

Ejays was right... I know that I'm liking Theo for quite a time now. I think I understood I liked him when he made me come back to his ship. I was so happy he didn't left me there. I was so happy I was able to spend more time with him and now we're here and we pretty much are not talking for the past days, my heart is breaking. I miss him.

'Captain! Sails ahead!' Larry screams from the crow's nest

I quickly run to Theo's side and look at the tiny ship becoming bigger as it comes closer to us. I see Theo's face expression change when he looks at the flags and he looks at Gale that grabs the monocule from his hands.

'Who is it?' I ask


That name. He is the one that made Theo scream at me. He is the one that makes Theo change is behaviour, change in general. I look over at Ejays and she gives me a worried look. Not good. Are we gonna fight? What are we going to do?

'Dear friend Cutthroat do not fear! I come in peace just to have a little chat.' A rough voice is heard from the ship that comes near us.

'We will not fight unless they make the first move right? It's not the time to get him, not yet.' Theo says as the ship stops next to ours and a tall, nasty looking man with long hair and beard comes to us and stops in front of Theo.

'Dear friend, how have you been?' The man asks

'I was a lot better before seeing you.'

'Oh, don't be so rude. I see you've been looking for the treasure. I though I wouldn't find you tho. I heard that Dubloon Devil was coming after you but I also heard that you killed him... Welcome to the counsel mate.'

'What do you want?' I ask before Theo could say anything and that's the moment Scallywag noticed me. If looks could kill I would already be dead by Theo

'What do we have here? A woman? I though your crew only accepted Ejays'

'Leave her alone Vince.'

'Oh, I see what we have here... She's important uh? Well, I won't hurt her... This time little Theo, I'm sure you know I don't have a heart anymore.'

'You never had one I bet' I said and he looked at me with fury in his eyes

'What did you said?'

'Bella, please' I heard Theo mumble in my ear 'She said nothing. What do you want?"

'I wanted to see you dear friend and of course wish you good luck on your hunt for the spanish treasure.'

'Well I don't need your luck so now if you please leave my ship I would appreciate it.'

'Very rude Theo, but I'll leave, for now... It is always good to see you.' Scallywag said and left the ship

'Were you out of your mind!?' Theo asked me

'No, I'm pretty sane although I demand to know exactly with who I'm dealing with and what he did to you. And don't you dare come to me saying it was nothing Theo. You've been avoiding me but now we're gonna talk.'

I hope you liked it!

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