Chapter 20 - Goodbye

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As we pulled up at Izy's house (which I guess was now partly my house) all three of them were standing out front. And then I noticed Nathan standing behind them. Izy must have called him.

This was my new family. Well, the one that would be in the same country as me anyway. My incredible boyfriend who finally had hope of graduating this year. My unbelievable best friend who I got to graduate with. And the two people who were practically my second parents anyway. I felt a little more confident about staying here now, knowing that these are the people I would be staying with.

The truck was already on it's way to Japan and my parent's flight left soon so they had to be on their way to the airport within the next ten minutes. The time limit made my stomach clench.

I hugged Nathan and Izy as we arrived. As I turned back to say my last goodbyes to my parents I realised it was like standing in the middle of a battlefield. My parents on one side and my best friend and my boyfriend on the other. I stood between, not wanting to pick a side.

I hugged my parents together and they both held me tight. I could help but cry.

"I love you guys" I said. They just held me.

"Hun, we have to get going" my dad finally said, whipping tears from my eyes. He would never admit he was crying.

I nodded and mimicked his movements. My mum kissed me on the cheek but it wasn't enough. I hugged them both again and I didn't want to let go, I never wanted to let go. Their flight could wait. Everything could wait. I wish the world would wait. My dad pulled back and my mum wrapped her arms around me more. After she kissed me once more she got into the taxi.

My dad stepped forward.

"Listen, kiddo" he said, looking me straight in the eye "I have something for you. You might not want it. But I really wish you would just accept it" he handed me an envelope and hugged me one last time before joining mum in the taxi.

I waited to open it until they were gone, whatever it was, it could wait.

I waved them away and I was only slightly aware of the four standing behind me, waving as well. And just like that they were gone. I wrapped one hand around the locket that hung from my neck and was suddenly aware of the envelope in my hand. It was thick and I wondered what was inside it. The last little bit of my parents.

I whipped my eyes and opened it. No one came to my side which I was incredibly grateful for. I needed this moment. I took out the small stack of papers that were folded and it took me several minutes to figure out what they were. The small print was difficult to read through my tear filled eyes, but I finally managed to understand what the contracts were for.

I looked to Nathan and back again. He was just as confused as the rest. They were actor contracts. One with my name and one with Nathan's. They were for the lead roles in my dad's new play, showing downtown. He did say the main character was based on me but I never really thought much of it, considering he didn't even know I wanted to be an actor until a short while ago. Tears kept falling, blurring my vision as I realised all they needed was our signatures and the parts were ours. Recommended by the play-write himself.

I loved my dad and I know I said I never just wanted a career handed to me but I also knew this would be the best experience of my life and better yet, I get to do it beside my boyfriend. I looked back up at the four people still staring at me to figure out what was in the envelop, I handed them to Nathan as he came up to see if I was okay. It took him much less time to realise what they were. When he did he handed them backwards to Izy and her parents as they all read to understand what the big deal was.

Nathan took me in his arms before I could even see Izy's reaction. He held me close and I remembered how much effort it was to get him to do the last freakin' play and I hoped he would be easier to convince this time. He kissed my forehead and then as if answering the obvious question he said "yes". I kissed him this time, letting him know this was the answer I wanted.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Izy and her parents go back inside the gate towards the house, leaving us alone out here. I missed my parents more that I could have possibly planned for but I felt like I had all the time in the world to be with Nathan and to explore every part of him in every way possible. I realised how much our lives had changed and how much they were going to change once we accepted these job offers.

I knew I would see my parents again soon but right now it was me and Nathan and nothing else mattered to me as he kissed me and held me as close as humanly possible. This was the first time I was excited about the future and all the time we had together. But it was also the first time I could really say I was happy about where my future was heading.

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