Chapter 12 - Night

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They plan to fly out Monday morning. That gives me no more than a week. Telling Izy wasn't that bad, it was the idea of telling Nathan before the big performance, I just couldn't.

"This is so unfair!" Izy practically screamed as we took a seat on the top of the steps, looking out to the football field, where we sat on our first day back.

"Yeah" was all I could manage, I tried not to cry.

"We can chat like all the time right?" There were tears in her eyes.

"Of course!"

"Oh my gosh! I'll visit! I promise". Her arms were around me now and I couldn't help it, the tears became unstoppable, much like this move. "But it's great that your parents are coming to see you perform. Isn't it?" she tried to lighten the mood as we both whipped our eyes.

"Yeah" I said "Yeah it is." And it was, despite the main issue at hand, this was a good thing. My parents could see that I was good at this, it was the only thing I was really good at.

Going through all my lessons each day was difficult, especially ones where I had Nathan in my class, because I had to look at him knowing, in a weeks time, I wont be here. Since me and him became a 'thing', he's gotten better in class and only gets into trouble once a week. I worry that things will all go back to the way they were before, if I leave.

Drama rehearsals were fun though. I tried to focus on that, the thing I loved doing. The thing that kept my parents from having us fly out tonight.

My week went too quickly. It was already Friday and I wasn't done with this place. It was as if my misfortune was being passed onto others now. Mr Rennagan called Nathan into his office and told him that his understudy was in hospital and that it was down to him to put on the show, no matter what. Mr Rennagan then told the rest of us about the tragic accident with Chris. Izy was having crisis after crisis, although she tends to exaggerate. First it was the prop design was wrong and didn't match my costume then the fabrics clashed with the back drop. None of this was Izy's fault of course but she liked to make a point that, and I quote, "everyone else is completely and utterly useless!" She wasn't having a good day.

Nathan had planned a day out for us that day after rehearsals, which he only just told me about as he guided me towards his motorbike. With his leather jacket on and boots, he looked like real rebel, the stereotypical bad boy. There was something about him that way that got me so intrigued. 

"Hop on" he said, handing me the spare helmet. I considered for a while about how I'd never rode one before and the curiosity took over. After I put it on and held on to the back of him, we were off.  

I had no idea where we were going but at this point I didn't care. The insane rush of riding a motorbike is indescribable. The air that just glides past you and to say it was just like flying would be an understatement. I suddenly became worried about what my mum might think but that thought was suddenly forgotten when he lifted the front wheel up off the ground.

"Scared yet?" I could barely hear him through my helmet and over the sound of the wind shooting past my head. I hadn't realised this was his goal.

"As if" I managed to shout back at him. I knew he heard me because as soon as I finished speaking we were shooting forwards faster than I could have imagined. It was a fairly long journey but I loved every second of it.

I almost didn't realise when we came to a cliff and he slowed the bike down to a stop. This was also when I realised it was now dark.

As we got off the bike I could barely keep my balance, but he was soon beside me to keep me on my feet. We left the helmets by the bike and he guided me towards the edge.

"Okay, so we cant sit on the bonnet but I think the grass is the next best thing" I looked out at the view and I honestly had no words for it. Then he deliberately fell to the ground, pulling me with him but catching me to brace my fall. Our faces were so close as I laid beside him, sitting up a little so I was half laying on the floor and half against his chest.

We laughed a little at his cheeky, yet cleaver trick and then just laid there together for a while. I played with his tatted old shirt between my fingers as he ran his hand through my hair. 

The air was so cool and peaceful here I knew it couldn't get more perfect than this. 

He kept his hand on the back of my head for a second and then pulled me closer to him until he could reach my lips without lifting his own head. My body naturally shifted in towards him and we just fit perfectly together, it didn't even feel like I was doing anything, it just worked. He pulled away from me but it just wasn't enough. I leaned in to kiss him again. I kissed him and I meant it.

Almost without thinking my body automatically lifted to get as close to him as possible. As I put all my weight on my hands and knees, my lips never leaving his, I placed one leg either side of him, resting on his body as if to get as close as humanly possible. He didn't protest as I continued to kiss him, running my hands through his hair. He mimicked my movements for a moment and then lowered his hands down my back until he was pulling me closer to him.

He knew what he was doing so when he sat up, keeping me in his lap and span me over in one quick and subtle movement, I did not complain. With my legs still wrapped around his he held me close, closer than I thought possible, close enough that I could feel his heart rate increase, as I'm sure he could hear mine.

It was as if my brain wasn't controlling me anymore, his lips were. I moved as he moved. It was like chess. But I knew my brain wouldn't let this last long. I was leaving in a few days, and I probably wouldn't see him again. The long distance thing never works, despite what they say.

I pulled away and realised just how out of breath I was. With him still on top of me I began to stand up and almost like magnets, he stood up to allow me some space. It was like we were sync'd.

"Are you alright?" he asked holding my hands at a reasonable distance. "I wouldn't- I mean I would have asked- I mean if-"

"Shut up" I said laughing a little, to let him know I was fine. I kissed him one last time, keeping my hands around his neck. "I should get back"

He smiled, recognising that he hadn't done anything wrong, hadn't overstepped his line. Honestly I don't think I want to draw one.

He knew not to question me so we got back on his motorbike and he drove me home. The ride felt slightly less impressive second time round but it was still incredible.

As we got to my house I realised that if my parents saw me getting off a motorbike, I'm pretty sure this would be the last time you'll ever hear from me. 

He kissed my cheek without even getting off his bike. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Big day"

"Yeah" I smiled "Can't wait" but I knew that once the performance was over, it was only a matter of time before I had to tell him I was leaving. I wouldn't have even been able to leave him right there and then if it wasn't for knowing tomorrow I would see him again.

Explaining to my parents where I was wasn't easy but it's not my main concern right now. Trying to sleep was the true quest.

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