Chapter 10 - Complicated

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I never realised how much I loved being an actress, I mean I always knew there was nothing else on this planet that I enjoyed doing more. But I never realised just how great it feels when you're standing on stage with the rest of your cast mates rehearsing for a play due to premiere in a week. If I'm being honest, I wasn't surprised when I got the lead role, but Diana was, I would tell you here exact words but I think they are a little too... Unpleasant. 

The best part was I got to do it with my boyfriend, which still seemed a little odd to say. My boyfriend. It's still a little new to me. But what I was sure of was that there is no one else I would rather share the stage with.

When I saw him on stage talking to Mr Rennagan on that Monday morning the excitement was almost too much. I tried to walk at a normal pace as I made my way to join the group. We were all gathered on stage to discus opening night which was only this Saturday so his slightly panicky expression wasn't completely uncalled for. 

I probably should have been listening to what he was saying but I couldn't focus. I realised just how perfect everything seemed for me at the moment. My dad was now back and because his plays were doing so well, he hasn't been called out again since, so my parents are both a lot happier without the extra stress. Nathan was fully committed to the performance and I couldn't be happier for him. The best part is that we get to hang out together after rehearsals and I can't tell you how much fun he is to be around. My best friend was completely understanding when it came to Nathan and said that there was a reason she didn't bring up her new foreign boyfriend; she didn't want to make me feel alone. I love her for that. Everything was just... Perfect.

After Mr Rennagan dismissed us, Izy stayed behind to deal with some crisis with the costumes but I think she was over-exaggerating a little. But it meant Nathan could walk me home. 

"You didn't have to walk me home?" I said as he took my hand into his.

"If you like I could leave?" he said sarcastically knowing I wouldn't want that. I didn't need to answer his question, as I pulled him in closer and put my hand around his back he lifted his over my shoulders and we continued walking. "I'll take that as a no!" he smiled his half smile that I had gotten used to and we continued walking.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said, suddenly curious.

"Why did you want to join the drama group?" His question surprised me, I thought he already knew this.

"Well I love acting and thought this would be fun" I wasn't sure if that came out as a question or not, it just seemed like an obvious answer.

"I can see there is more to it than that" my walk suddenly became more unsteady but he continued as if walking through a wild fire knowing he could never get burnt.

I thought about it, knowing the answer was a lot more complicated. "I wanted to prove to my parents I could do this alone" I saw his expression and I realised this probably made no sense to him so I continued. "My dad's a famous play-write and my mums an author" he smiled as if realising exactly what I meant. Was I really that easy to figure out?

"And you want to prove that you can become an actress without being 'offered' a part just like that" he finished my explanation for me and I had the answer to my question.

"Exactly. I thought if I made it on my own it would feel more deserved. I don't want to be considered one of those actresses that never really wanted to become what they are now but because the offer was there, they took it for the fame and the money. That's not me."

We were almost at my house now and he didn't have another comment. It seemed like he was holding something back but I didn't want to press the matter. As we got to my front door he stopped for a second.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"


He kissed me on the cheek and was about to continue walking but he stopped for a moment as if remembering something else. "You know you really should have been listening today" and he was gone. Why would he bring that up? And how did he know I wasn't? This bothered me for no longer than a second because as I opened the door I could smell dinner and that was suddenly my main concern.

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