Chapter 8: The Defence of Moscow: The First Battle

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3rd Person POV

Front lines, 15 miles from Moscow city limits

"So, it was you that let my city burn. And you'll pay for that" Eren angrily said while looking at the metal monster.

"Guys we still have a few tanks left!" Connie yells

"Get them ready!!" Mina yells back

"Guys, look!" Thomas points at the metal titan

The Colossal Titan started walking on the minefield, causing the land mines to detonate and explode.

"It seems like it's trying to get rid of all the land mines placed there" Mina observes 

"SHIT ITS TRYING TO CLEAR A PATH FOR THE GERMANS!!" Connie shouts even though nobody knew if the Titan had any connections with the Germans.

"Get into the tanks!" Eren yells 

And everyone does as he orders

Eren opened the hatch, on the top of the T-34, and then entered the tank.

Due to his injuries, Samuel was sent to a field hospital and couldn't participate in the battle.

In the tank, Sasha was reloading the machine guns, Connie was reloading the main turret, Mina was the driver, Thomas was operating the radio, and Eren was the tank commander.

"Alright, machine guns are reloaded!" Sasha yells

"Same for the main gun!" Connie also yells

"Ok, full speed ahead!" Eren commands 

Mina starts the engine, which needed a few seconds to heat up since it was out in freezing temperatures for hours.

Then, the tank along with other T-34s starts moving towards the titan.

"Alright! Are all guns in position!" Eren yells

"Yep!" Connie and Sasha say in unison 

"Fire when ordered!" Eren yells

The tank, along with the other T-34s, aimed at the Colossal Titan. 

The Colossal, on the other hand, was still detonating the land mines by walking on them.

"Fire!" Eren yells as Sasha fires the tank's main turret.

The tank shell hit the titan, and so did the other tank shells that were fired by the other tanks.

But, it had little to no effect on the Titan.

"Shit, it did no damage!" Connie yells

"Reload!" Eren commands 

"It's forming that metal pipe again!" Mina yells

"Shit! Get the tank moving" Eren yells as Mina does as he orders 

The tank moves at full speed towards the titan, and away from the main group of tanks that were shooting at the titan.

The Colossal Titan then throws the metal pipe at a few tanks.

Those tanks immediately blew up.

Then, the Titan creates another pipe that he throws at the last remaining tanks.

"Fuck, we're the only ones left!" Thomas exclaims 

"What do we do?" Mina asks

"Keep driving the tank fowards" Eren replies

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