Intelligence Report: Titans

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    6 января 1928 года                                                                                          Отдел советской разведки

                                                           Отчет разведки: титаны    

The exact definition of a titan is still debated among scientists.

 But one thing is for sure, they are powerful weapons..

Titans are tall, metallic, and humanoid giants. 

Humans with some kind of mutation can transform into these titans. And even have full control over them. 

Which is why countries desperately attempt to find individuals with these kinds of mutation, and turn them into a powerful weapon for military purposes..

All their body parts are made out of hard, impenetrable steel. Why? There is no confirmed source behind this phenomena..

In fact, the origins of this kind of power is still unknown.

People who posses this kind of power are turned into soldiers, and are forced to fight wars.

The first use of a titan was back in the Napoleonic wars, during the French invasion of Russia.

 The Russians drafted some titan-shifters into their army and used their power to drive the French out of Russia. Eventually, the Russians along with the Coalition (Britain, Austria, Prussia, ect.) defeated the French in the Napoleonic wars. All thanks to these titan powers..

Even though the war was won, Russia tried to keep the power of the titans a secret from both the public and the international community. Hoping that they will be the only military power with titan shifters. But eventually, the British became aware of its existence and used that power to win some of their Colonial Wars.

For many, it seemed as if the Titans were invincible due to the fact that they had regenerative powers and that their metal armor could withstand almost anything. 

Also, about their healing ability, it doesn't really heal the shifter. Meaning, that instead of replacing a missing limb with human flesh and organic materials, the newly constructed limb is more metallic and artificial than it is natural.

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