Chapter 5: Successes

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Eren POV

 No, this can't be happening. I can't fail! If I fail, how am I supposed to get my revenge on the  Germans! God dammit!!!

"Eren Yeager, what is your major malfunction!" Keith yells at me

This can't be happening... Why can't I do this!! 

A few hours later

"Just remember the basics and you'll be fine. No need to do anything fancy, just focus on your balance. Then, distribute your weight evenly between the belts on your waist and your legs." Mikasa explains 

"Loosen up your stance a little bit, if I can do it then I'm pretty sure you can too" Armin adds on

"Alright, I'll for sure do it this time" I declare 

Armin nods and starts turning the lever, pulling me up into the air and onto the metal board.

As soon as I stepped onto the meta board, I lost balance and fell down.

My head hit the ground, almost knocking me out. 

3rd person POV

The Mess Hall, a half an hour later

"Look at him, he was talking big about butchering all the Germans. But he got real quiet after paratrooper training, didn't he" some guys says to his friend 

"I guess it's Army for him tomorrow, no elite German-killing division for him" the guy's friends adds on.

Eren shocked and wasn't moving a muscle until

"Eren" Mikasa shook Eren

"Ah!" Eren suddenly 'woke up' from his day dreaming

"Worrying won't solve a thing. You still can practice first thing tomorrow" Armin advises 

"How pathetic, how am I supposed to kill them if I can't even stand up straight" Eren says while feeling discouraged 

 "It might be time to let that dream die" Mikasa came in

"What do you mean?" Eren asks 

"I think you should give up this attempt to be a soldier. There is a lot more to fighting and combat than just throwing your life away in vain"

"What the hell are you saying! After what happened that day, after what happened to my mom! You're crazy if you think that I'm just gonna walk away!" 

"I get it, but it doesn't matter how determined you are"

"It- wait what do you mean?" 

"Because whether or not you're fit to be a soldier, isn't up to you" Mikasa replies 

 Ding ding ding

The bell was ringing, telling everyone clean up and head for their dorms.

"Fuck you Mikasa, I'm out" Eren said angrily while leaving

But Mikasa neither heard him say that nor saw him leave.

"Look, I'm sorry I said that, I just don't want you to die because it tear my world apart. I made a promise to your mother and I'm going to honor it. Because I truly care about you, more than you know" Mikasa looks to her side expecting to see Eren, but instead sees Sasha giving a confused look.

"So, are you gonna eat that?" Sasha points at the loaf of bread Mikasa didn't eat.

Mikasa said picks up the bread and hands it out to Sasha. 

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