"Fight!" (Prolouge)

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Mikasa POV

It was a cold, dark evening. Clouds gathered and droplets were falling onto the ground. It was cold indeed.. Cold enough to make someone want to shiver and utilize a method that will keep themselves warm. At least, any ordinary person would do so.. But not me..

As the cold air made contact with the skin, the body was working to keep itself warm, but the mind could care less. It had lost all motivation to do anything at all. It had lost its purpose in life...

I was forcefully pulled into a truck by the soldiers. I decided to not even try to escape....I had nothing to live for; I had no one.. No point in trying anymore.. I have nowhere to go..

"Come on!" One of the soldiers yells as he pulls me off the truck.

I enter an inconspicuous cabin situated deep within the forest - just so that the German soldiers could have a bit of 'privacy'.

As I walk into the building, while being 'escorted' by the Germans, I am thrown onto the floor.

"Now who gets to go first?" One of them says in German.

"Me." One responds

"No, I get to go first!" another one interrupts.

"I had more kills than you, so I get a reward!" The man who was the first to initially respond speaks.

"Fuck you!" The other one angrily curses.

"You guys are arguing like little kids" a third guy comes in.

Despite being from Poland, I am very well knowledgeable in the German language. Thanks to that, I am aware of what they are planning to do to me.. But, I couldn't care less.. As long as they kill me at the end, I won't try to resist the inevitable. After all, this is a cruel world we live in..

But, just before the troops could come to some agreement in regards to how this whole process will work, there's a knock on the door.

"Who's there!" The third guy annoyingly said (as he was closest by the door). He promptly reached for the door handle and opened it slightly - but, just enough to make out who it is - due to suspicions of it being a hostile individual.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" The German troops asks with a stern tone.

"I'm lost, and I can't seem to locate my father." A young teenager responds with a voice that hints fear and uncertainty.

"Oh it's just a kid.. Here, I'll guide you back to your guardian." the German troops, relieved, says in a cordial manner.

But, just when the German soldiers within the cabin were about to give a sigh of relief - as partisans are very rampant around here - they soon discovered that their initial concerns were, in fact, valid.

"ARRRHHH!" The soldier by the door screams in pain.

The sound of the pain occurs simultaneously with the sound of, what can be described as, a knife coming in contact with flesh.

Eren POV

I think I've gone mad. I am absolutely crazy. This insane plan is probably gonna get me killed.

Dammit! I need to stay calm! This is all to protect that girl those bastards have their hands on! Yes, I need to act natural. This is the only way this stupid plan can work.

I guess I am quite stupid at times.

I grab my pocket knife with my right hand - which I have for reasons regarding my own safety in this war zone - and hid it within my right pocket in addition to my right hand. I needed to keep my appearance in a very natural form; can't have them assume that I have something in my right pocket.

War and Peace (Attack on Titan Fanfic) (World War 2)Where stories live. Discover now