Debt and Maruyama

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"Its enough Furuya, i was the one who let him in. It's up to him when he want to go" but his eyes are still staring at Yuki, and Yuki too staring at him, just because.

And then Yuki go, leaving a grinning man, a confused man, and one passed out man (?).


*Oya High -corridor-*

Ah, this is my time to introduce huh? Alright.

My name is Yuki, Sasaki Yuki. I'm eightteen years old.

You (reader-sama) want to know why me, a sixteen years old boy became a oya high student right?

I'll just tell you.....


A thirdteen years old Yuki running down the road he always take to his school (it's raining). he is now a Junior High School boy, just thinking about that make him feel excited.

He always go home alone, that's alright with him to be able to school is enough for him. Today is no difference, he almost arrived at his home but something make him stop halfway to his house.

Yuki saw a black car stoped in front of his home, what makes his heartbeat stop is when he see his nine month pregnant mother got thrown out from their house, his mother trying to fall with a save position and her hands clutching at her own belly to keep her baby save is one of those.

Yuki almost going to run to his mother side, but when he see his father ran to his mother side and a black suits man come out form his house, he stop.

He see his father got beaten up by those man, he prepare to help his father but when his mother eyes cought his. She mouthed to him 'don't come' with tears still flowing from her beautifull eyes. That the third time Yuki being stoped, it's make him frustated 'what happened!? Who those men in black suits!? And why he can't help them!?'.

So that night Yuki stayed there until those man go away, then he run to bis mother and father side. Trying to help them in anyway.

Tomorrow they go into the doctor to see his mother and the baby condition, they close the restaurant for the day. It seem the baby is alright the mother too, just a litle bruised here and there because of the fall.

*flashback off*

They always came every last month to ask a debt that even my father never touch. My family was being famed by my father's friends. Now we have to pay that debt every last month, and it's makes my school a litle bit dificult because i can't pay school fees on time.

One thing that i still can remember until now was when i'm on my two years junior high school, my litle brother was already born and he is 1 year old, still a toddler. I love him very much! He's my brother after all. That day i was helping my father closing the restaurant Yuzu and mother upstair, making our diner.

The front door opened and the bell jingled "sumimasen (sorry)! But our place is closed already....." my father respons makes me confused because his voice falter when he see the person who enter our place. Those man come again, my father try to ask why they came early because this is not end of month, their usual schedule. They didn't answer my father question and just punch him in the face, makes him fall all over the table and chair that already tidied up.

I tried to help my father stand. My father still asking why they are here, and what their purpose. Then my mother come down with Yuzu to check what happened, and she just gasp in surprise, she put Yuzu down first then try to help my father stand up just like what i do.

I don't exactly understand what they are saying, but when i see my parent's expresion they go white like they see a ghost or something and that makes me feel more worried.

They saw my litle brother Yuzu, we forgot he is here. My eyes went wide when i see those man make a move to kick my litle brother, my parents just hold their breath feeling hopeless.

Before i know it my legs take me in front of Yuzu, that's make me the one who got kicked. I was thrown into the counter of our reastaurant and coughing out blood. That night my mother scream and Yuzu's terrifed scream was all i heard before i passed out from all the pain.

I wake up 2 days later, and i need one week to be realeased from the hospital. I keep thinking about what happened when i'm still hospitalized. It needs me one more week to found those men base, they called themself minions of Kuryu Group.

Without thinking the consequent i go into their base, and talking with their leader. I'm asking about what can i do to lessen my family debt and make them never touch my family anymore.

Their leader tell me he can do all what i ask, but with one condition.

He want me to enter Oya Highschool and graduate just for Three Years, i still don't know anything about Oya High School that time and i think it was easy, i just have to graduate right. So i say yes imidiately, but they leave me with a scar that shaped like a ring on my left hand. They say to remind me.

Since that day i always wear a glove.

Now, i just have to graduate from this hell. But before that i beg to Oya Highschool principle first, so that i can graduate on my third year just like normal high school.

They just say yes but with one condition, I can graduate if I do not fight with students at all, 'that's all?' What i think that time. When i know what Oya High School like, my confidence weaken.

There's one time i've meet with the leader of Oya High. That time, i don't know maybe he is on his fighting mode or something. When i pass him after he beat someone that looks like not a highschooler, he grab my left leg so hard i have to kick his hand off. "What?" I ask him, annoyed "fight me!" I look into his eyes, that crazy gleam on his eyes are not normal.

'How can i go out from this situation!?' That's the first thing my brain produce.

Then we fight like there is no tomorrow, i'm not that strong but my training 2 years ago had paid off. I was so surprise how can this man with those body have so much energy, it's not my place to say about that though, because i admit i'm smaller than him.

In the end he win, with his last punch. I fall to the ground and said with my last breath before i passed out "Don't...let...them...know..." then all my world goes dark.

Not long after that i woke up inside a classroom, already dark outside. " already wake up, chibi." "Whose there!?" This dark place makes me a litle bit panic "it's just me, chibi" then i see Murayama without his headband on sitting on a chair as comfortable as possible. "Heh, you said you can't let 'Them' know, so i put you here. Who is them anyway? Beside your parents thats it...." he is the leader of Oya High can i trust him? Lets gamble.

"It's the teacher...i have an agreement with them if i want to graduate just for three years 'i can't have a fight with students, at all.' Thats what they said...." then Maruyama laughing, he laughing so hard makes me think how can he didn't fall off from that small chair? "Are you nuts? Without fighting? in Oya High??" My face just show 'Right?' face then he laughing again, hard.

"I have to go home, my family will hold a searching party if i don't...uuh...Maruyama-san can you..." at least i'm trying right? Even to a crazy man. "Bah! Don't worry....i was the one who asking you a fight so that's not count, right?" right, that's make me relax a litle " Jaa.....Oyasuminasai Maruyama-san" almost out of the door i heard "Chibi! Good punch by the way" that's the first time someone praise my punch, makes me happy a litle, then i go without saying anything.


"KAPITALS" =Loud voices

-Brukh- = Sounds/movement

'What!?' = Inner talking/Yuki's

*feeling*/ *story line*

Oooh that's Yuki's past, almost the same as me....aaah his family have Yuzu too, but in my case Yuzu was my older brother. And! Debt!? My family really have a Debt!?

Cr. Pict from web

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