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-in front of a medium sized mirror-
"What the....i'm...i'm really became a boy! what's really happening to me right now!? AAAAAAGH!!!" scratching my short hair 'since when my hair is so short!?' -Brak!- "Yuki! you're too LOUD! BE QUITE!!" ah, Kaasan da.... "Ha...hai kaasan! i'll try to keep quite!" What's going to happen with my LIFE!?


*walk down the stairs*

" Ohayou . . ." Sigh how can i bacome a boy..

"A...ohayou Yuki, oi Yuki Come here!" What is it he want to talk to me...

"Yes, Father??" Father look at me shockingly

"Fa...father!? Yuki....are you really lost it this time??" Hmm!? Why did father ask something like that? Ah right! I'm a boy now...

"O...Oyaji (?) [Father]" He start looking around again, Save~

"You doing 'it' again today, huh?" Father nudged my left hand, and smiled playfully

" again? Doing what exactly fath...oyaji [father]??" I ask dumbly, father smack my head a litle too hard, i think.

What!? Did i ask something wrong!? "Ittaaaaii!! Nanda yo, oyaji!? [Wth, father!?]"

"It's just happened a few minutes ago and you already forget about it, stupid! The one that you show your P.E.N.I.S to your mom and ask her what is it? Pfffft!! You're really stupid!!" Okay, i feel really annoyed right now.

" hey! You two!! Just move already!! The customer won't wait for you two to finish!" Mother scream at us from upstair. " Ryokai Mom!/ Anata! [Alrighty mom!/dear!] " and we move as fast as we can.

*Yuki's room*

"This's not that different with my own, the one that different is my body part....sigh....if that so, then Yuki have the same personality as me? And that make mother and father didn't think i'm not their Yuki?" sit at my/ Yuki's bed and try to dischiper what exactly happend to me.

'In your dream you stupid girl' hmm? What!? Who are you!? Am i really lost it!? Now i start talking to myself.....aaagh my head!! The voice laughing now.

*5 minutes*
'Done already? Your freak out session?? Pffft baka..' haaa! You wanna fight!? You stupid moron mysterious voice!! 'I'm really talking to an idiot.....sigh.....i just want to say that we diffinitly didn't have the same personality, it seem like this is not your first time 'come out', i think its around junior high (?)  But it was just for one day...maybe this one will be the the way, you have to go to school...'

what!? You attend a high school too? 'Of course i am, you idiot'  he really asking a fight, oh yeah what time you have to get to school?? '..........' oooiii!! Ah he leave me, in my school i have to get there at 7. What time is it? 06.45AM!? I' m going to be late!! Where is my clothes!? Ah i mean Yuki's! And! Where is Oya Koko exactly!?!?


"KAPITALS" =Loud voices

-Brukh- = Sounds/movement

'What!?' = Inner talking/Yuki's

*feeling*/ *story line*

How can i know where Oya High is!? All this time i was in an all girl boarding school and too focused on my study and cosplay....

Cr. Pict from web

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