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i'm just a simple girl, who like to read manga,watch anime, and other thing. oh i'm a great cosplayer though, but a super quite and boring girl outside. i'm not that stupid but i'm not that smart either, i'm just graduate form my junior high school and planning going in a simple and boring high school...all in all i'm a simple, quite and boring girl.
And That's what i belive until..

"You have to find it..." a deep and shoothing voice said to me.

-Asa dayo!-Asa dayo!-Piip!-

uugh, it's morning already? i though i was playing with Hiichan (online) until midnight yesterday.....i'm oversleep, ack! i already said i'm not going to sleep at all yesterday to Hiichan, she's going to strangle me tomorrow, i'm sure of it. I have to pee...

why this morning felt more colder than usual? whatever...i have to pee, like right now!
I have to pee~ pee~ pee~! hmm? why i wear a shorts that's not mine? ah its niichan da, he's going mad at me if he know i wear his shorts.

-Pull down-
-Quickly Pull up-
-Pull down-
[and that's going to happen for a few more minutes]

Hmm!? na....."NANI KORE!?" 


"Yuki! Yuki! What's happen inside there!? are you okay!?" Ah, Okaasan da! 
-Open the Door suddenly- "Ka....Kaasan!! i....i have 'that'! Look!! how can i have 'that' Kaasan!?" maybe she know why i'm sudenly have...a....a...'THAT!' inside my pants!!

-PLAK!- "BAKA MUSUKO!! What are you talking about!? of course you'll have 'That', it's a P.E.N.I.S by the way, Ju...just go back what you have to do in the bathroom then help your Father to get ready the restaurant! GO!" She kicked me! she never did that to me before!! bu...but what i have to do now, oh yeah there's a mirror maybe i can know what happen to me actually form my look.

-in front of a medium sized mirror-

"What the....i'm...i'm really became a boy! what's really happening to me right now!? AAAAAAGH!!!" scratching my short hair 'since when my hair is so short!?' -Brak!- "Yuki! you're too LOUD! BE QUITE!!" ah, Kaasan da.... "Ha...hai kaasan! i'll try to keep quite!" What's going to happen with my LIFE!?


"KAPITALS" =Loud voices

-Brukh- = Sounds/movement

'What!?' = Inner talking/Yuki's

*feeling*/ *story line*

What's going on to Her!? or Yuki...or...whatever! this is making my head's hurt! >A<

Cr. Pict from web

ONE LOVE, TWO HEART, ONE BODYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin