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I know I haven't been updating in like forever. I was losing interest in the story but I promise to keep going and maybe finish it soon. 

thank you guys.

I was seating in the ICU waiting room for about an hour now with so many thing going through my head. I was now drowning in regrets. Now I see why every time we talk about our past she would get very uncomfortable and never has nothing to say.

she was in an abusive relationship and now that I hit her I add up to her fears. Every time I ask her why she was single and haven't been in a relationship for over 5 years she only smile and say "it's not worth it". every time I think about telling her that we should take it seriously I get scared and back away.

I never wanted a serious relationship before I met her, my relationships was always sexual and never last more than 3 months.

The elevator ding I look up to see my dad, Lucy and Nathaly walk out. They walk over to me the ladies didn't say a word they just look at me with hate in their eyes.

"did they say how she doing son?" my dad ask while taking a seat next to me.

"no dad nothing yet" I look over where Nathaly and Lucy was seating at.

"hi Nathaly Hi Lucy" they look at me like I have lost my mind for talking to them. I hope my dad didn't tell them that I hit Juna.

"are you the family of Juna Pierre" a young man with a white coat came out and ask he looks like and intern.

"yes we are" Nathaly stand up and say.

"ok she is stable now her blood pressure is down but we still monitoring her to make sure her and the baby is ok" the young man say.

"can we see her?" Lucy asks.

"yes you can but only two at a time"

"Nathaly and Lucy you girls can go first" my dad told them.

"ok follow me" and the girls follow him.

"dad I don't know what to do I'm scared"

"Vladimir you are a very experience doctor you know better than me how this goes" my dad says.

"I know dad but when I see her on the floor I panic and I didn't know what to do"

"you will be fine son" he says while quizzing my shoulder.

I was feeling beyond guilty I know it was the argument that make her blood pressure go so high. But what am I supposed to do I don't trust her relationship with my father and I still think she did fuck my brother that night.

I know my brother and he won't stop at nothing when it comes to pussy. He kept on saying he didn't fuck her but I have a gut feeling that he did.

Fuck what if he really didn't fuck her and the baby is mine.

Nathaly's POV

Lucy and I follow the doctor to Juna's room. When we get in there she has a lot of wire attach to her. She has an IV line. My heart drop I hate seeing her like this. Juna her son and her sisters are the only family members I have left.

Our parents die in the earthquake that happen in 2010 they went to Haiti for vacation like they did every year but this time they didn't come back. The house they were staying in collapse and they die under the ruble. They were the only child with no parents alive. Our parents were best friends. I never knew my father but Juna's dad was somewhere in the world enjoying life.

She slowly open up her eyes you can see she was very tired. She has a cut on her lips and her cheeks were purple and bruise.

"Hey chiqua" Lucy say while walking toward her. She smiles.

"hi how long have you been here" you can barely hear what she saying.

"we just got here how you feeling?" I ask her.

"I feel much better just a little tired" she says in a very faint voice.

"they say the baby is looking nice and healthy" she says with a smile. I smile back at her.

"that's nice, Sergey is outside in the waiting room" her eye lite up. She loves Sergey and Sergey love her he's like a father to us, but when it comes to June he will do whatever it takes to make her comfortable. At first I didn't understand why he was treating us so nice specially Juna then he had a talk with us and told us how bad he wanted daughters but his wife didn't want any more kids. So we've become the daughters he never had.

"you know he told the nurse that he was my father!" she says with a big smile on her face

"he is your father June our father" I answer.

"what would I have done without him guys"

"would you like to see him June?" Lucy ask.

"yes I would love to"

"ok I'll go out so he could come in because it's two visitors at a time" Lucy told her and kiss Juna on the forehead and heads out the door.

"I had call Jordan father to tell him that your where at the hospital that I would pick Jordan up from his house tomorrow" I say.

"thank you Nat"

"where is my beautiful princess" Sergey say and walk in the room. He walks over to Juna and hugs her.

'how are you doing love" he says while rubbing her hands.

"I'm good"

"I heard the good news you are pregnant" he was smiling from ear to ear.

"yes I am" she says in a sad tone.

"I know baby it's seems hard now but everything will be ok"

"I don't know if it will I just hate to think that I'm going to do this all alone" now tears was coming out of her eyes. What does she mean all alone?

"no you won't the girls and I will be here with you and Vladimir will be here to support you" she looks at him with a sad face.

"did he tell you what happened earlier" now what is she talking about what happened earlier.

"yes he explains everything to me and believe me he's very sorry" I want to ask what happened but I didn't want to agitate her so I keep quiet and listen.

"I think you two should talk"

"no Sergey not today I got enough in one day"

"it's ok whenever you ready to talk to him love"

We talk to her for a little more than a nurse asks us to leave because visitation was over and she had to rest.

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