Untitled Part 4

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It has been two weeks since Mr. Adomovich's son been working here and things are looking good. There are some more people working here now its less stress on us with the new med techs. The new office manager looks like a very nice person instead of sitting in her office all day and bossing people around, she actually walks around the facility and checks on our work.

As for our new boss we see him when he comes around the time the patients are in the dining room for lunch. He would walk around asking the if the patients are ok and if there was anything he can do to make their stay at the facility better.

There is one lady named Maggie she's one of the people living in the facility, whenever she sees him coming she starts fixing herself. Maggie is a very sweet and funny woman she will flirt with any man she finds handsome and its funny how she would blush if the say hi to her.

I was in the back of the dining room helping the kitchen staff pass the food around when I heard his husky dark voice.

"good afternoon ladies"

I nearly drop the pitcher of water I had in my hand. I turn around to meet the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen; his eyes are a blueish grey.

"good afternoon Mr. Adomovich" the ladies answer.

He started walking around looking everywhere

"good afternoon" he pauses close to me, look at my badge and continue "Miss Pierre"

I turn my head around, look at him then answer. "Mr. Adomovich"

"Mr. Adomovich is my father please call me Vladimir"

"Mr. Vladimir" I say the he grinned and walk away like what I said was funny.

Lunch was over now it's time to go check on some of the patients and gives them their medication.

*Knock Knock* I knock on Maggie's rooms door.

"who is it"

"your favorite person"

"oh Juna come in sweetie"

"good afternoon Maggie"

"good afternoon love you know you don't have to knock when you coming in my room"

"I know but you know I have to its part of my job"

"yeah yeah I know so what do you have for me today"

"nothing much just the regular vitamins and your insulin"

After I was done checking on everyone and putting everything away I recorded everything on the computer at the nurse's station.

Now it's around 5:30 time for me to take my lunch break.

After my break its dinner time I have to help move all the patients to the dining room and help serve the food. I don't have to do it but I like doing it because I enjoy it and it help kill time.

It was eight o'clock I was giving the next shift nurse that is going to take care of my patients the daily report.

"I have everyone put to bed and have past out the meds for the night'

"ok Good so not much to do tonight" answer Nadia one of the night nurses

"nothing" I say

I don't like leaving to much work for the night nurse.

I walk out of the building I was looking for my keys in my purse when somebody bumped in to me.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I apologize to the person without looking up still searching in my purse.

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