the circus freak

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We were in Vladimir's car he got on the Florida turnpike and drove for about 30 minutes before we arrived to a place named Waterstones Bar & Grill. He gave the car to valet and we walked in. it was a bar inside of a hotel that looks over a water canal. He leads me towards a table where three people was seating. It was a very handsome young man probably in his 20's which I guess was his brother and two ladies one of them look like a circus freak with so much make up caking up her face, the other was just smiling at us.

"hey Vlad" the young man stands up and give Vladimir a half hug.

"hey bro" he hugs him back

"I would like for you guys to meet my friend Juna, and Juna this is my little brother Alexander his friend Madison and her sister Hellen"

"hi" I say with a smile.

"hi juna nice to meet you hear have a seat" alexander say.

I sat down they started talking about thing that was clearly none off my business because I was texting my son to see how his day was going with his father.

Vladimir put his hand on my knee and I jump.

"sorry did I scared you?"

"no it's ok I was just lost and those silly pictures that my son is sending me"

"oh ok would you like something to drink?"

"yeah what do they have"

"everything from soda to beer to hard liquor depend on what you in the mood for"

"you should try their strawberry daiquiri its really good"

"ok I'll take the strawberry daiquiri than".

The waiter took in the order and walk away. They continued their conversation and I was back to my phone. This time I was explaining to my cousin why I was having drinks so early in the evening with my sexy ass boss her words not mines.

"so Juna tell us a little about you"Alexander say.

I put my phone back in my clutch lift up my head and smile.

"like what you like to know about me"

"anything like where you from and stuff"

"hmm let see I'm from Haiti I moved here when I was 12 I'm a nurse and single mother of a very handsome 8 years old little boy" I say I always let people know that I'm a single mother cause my son is the reason I wake up in the morning and the person that make me who I am today.

"wow ain't you too young to have an 8 years old son" Madison say

"no I'm not that young I'm 28"

"you don't look a day pass 21" she say

"ahahh thank you"

"you talking about age I can't believe she said she's from Haiti you don't look Haitian"

Oh Lord Jesus this white bitch is about to get punch right in her shit the fuck she means I don't look Haitian.

"what do you mean I don't look Haitian how does Haitians look like" I say waiting for her to say something stupid so I could fix that make up on her face with my fist.

"I don't know" I guess Vladimir realize that I was get pissed off by that bitch he cut her off in the middle of whatever dumb shit she was about to say and changed the conversation.

He started talking about all the nurses lunch from earlier and how he learns so much about the people that has been working there for years. While we were talking the waiter brought our drinks. During the whole conversation the circus freak didn't say a word she just sat there and looked at me and Vladimir talking about how challenging being in the medical field can be. I also learned that he is a doctor a pediatrician to be exact and he's brother was in his last year of medical school studying to become a gynecologist, at first I tough he was joking then realize he was serious.

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