Part Ten

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Art and Apollo

I turned off the ignition of my truck. Sitting back into the seat I wondered what I'd gotten myself into.

A mess.

Another Admiral? I just didn't understand, why I wouldn't be told this from the get go. It was practically thrown at my face and I hadn't done a good job catching it.

The stress made my bad leg ache.

I really needed Dad. He would know what to do. He always does.

Two huskies raced around the side of Ash's house. Art and Apollo. Opening the door to scoot out of the seat they ran right up to me. "Oh hi my babies! I missed you guys!" Pushed to the ground and pinned, the twins smelled and licked me till I pushed them away. "I know I know I missed you guys too."

"Annie you're home!" I looked up to see Ash's Dad, Mike, helping to get me on my feet.

"Yes sir!" I took his hand. "Thank you."

"Got a bag?" He asked and pat Art on the head.

I nodded my head yes and picked it out of the back seat.

"Let me take that. So how ya been?" Mr. Queen asked.

"Same old same old. Recovery has been going amazing. I can't believe it was almost three months ago we got bombed." Art and Apollo nipped and licked at my hands. "I'm glad you found my pups."

He snorted and opened the door for me. "Of course, we weren't just going to forget about them."

"Thank you." I ducked under his arm, huskies following me like ticks.

"Annie's back!" Mr. Queen shouted out.

Eve came running out of the hall, she grabbed my hand and yanked me back all the way to Ashs room. She was waiting for me on the bed as Eve slammed the door behind me.

"Tell us everything."


"I got beat if that's what your wondering about." I said and leaned on the door.

"So you actually trained?" Eve whined.

I scrunched up my face. "I'm not there to fall in love."

Ash snorted. "Guess not."

I wondered if I should tell them about the admiral thing.

Maybe later.

"Who'd you fight?" Ash asked.

"General Daars. He's got quite the side hook." I winced, still sore from getting beaten up over and over again.

"Isn't that Queen Pandora's right hand man?" Eve remarked.

"No. That's Chirri. Daars is the one leading the invasion. Chirri is her body guard." We'd been brushing up on our Halion knowledge and it was complicated.

"Don't let him beat you next time." Ash laid back on the bed and sighed.

"No really? I think I'll lay there next time." I snapped.

"What happened to you?"

I sighed. "I'm tired. He bested me ten times! And even worse, I find out the Lucas is-" I caught myself.

Eve smirked. "Go on."

Way to go Annie. This is just great. "He's supposed to be another Admiral."

"What's so bad about that?"

Everything. "For starters he stalked me at the hospital, came here, threatened to hang me off the side of the boat by my wrists if I didn't get up and fight one more time, and he's intimidating!" My voice raised.

"Is everything alright girls?" Mrs. Queen knocked on the door.

"Yes mom. Sorry." Ash answered.

I waited till the sounds of her footsteps faded away. "So there's that." I rubbed my forehead.

We were silent before Eve spoke once more. "Annie why are you doing this? You say you hate it but you're still doing it. Why?"

I looked over at her. "I lost my mom, my sister, and now my dad. Until I know he's dead, this is my way of finding him. And I won't stop until I do."

They nodded softly. "We're behind you, two hundred percent of the time," Ash smiled.

"Thanks." I opened the door Id been leaning on. "I think I'm going to play with Apollo and Art for a bit, if you guys need me I'll be by the pond."

I gently shut the door and scratched Art behind her ears. Her favorite spot. Apollo wagged and sat, licking his mouth. "I know, you're hungry."

Padding down the hall I made it to my small room. Two step in harnesses had been left, one red, one blue. The Queens truly did love me.

"Sit," I curled my fist to give the silent signal too. Like the trained darlings they are, both did. "You two are such good babies!" Praising them they wiggled in glee.

When I was thirteen, Dad took me to the water tower. It's s our birthday tradition, have a picnic, collect some rocks, exchange gifts. Only this year when we got there, two little Husky puppies, black and brown with dirt came waddling out of the woods.

Me and Dad picked them up, took them home, cleaned them and saw if they had been microchipped. They weren't.

So, Dad and I have had Art and Apollo ever since. I love them with all my heart.

"You two look like you need good brushings." Apollo whined and shifted. "Yeah! I know! Who wants to go for a walk?" They both yipped and started to jump on me.

"Okay okay," I pushed them down. "Lay." I gave the silent command, my palm facing up.

They sunk to the floor. "Good babies." Snatching the harnesses off the bed I went to Apollo first. A closed fist let him sit, and he allowed me to put the blue harness around his feet and clip it in the back. A few moments later both were ready.

I only needed the leashes. I scanned the room, quickly spotting them in a basket marked "For The Pups".

Sweet. Putting them in my pocket, i called out to the dogs. "Come on. It's walk time!" They shot to the door quicker than I could.

They're good dogs so I let them run ahead. If needed, I'd call for them.

The warm sunshine felt amazing on my face. We'd always enjoyed Ash's open yard and small plot of forest. She had a little pond in the far corner of the property and we'd build a fort back there.

I hoped it was still standing.

I passed the great oak with the knot in its bark. Running a hand over it and smiling.

We would be alright.

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