Part Nine

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"If you don't stand up, I will hang you off the ship by your wrists." Lucas kneeled down next to my body.

He was a harsh trainer. This was the tenth time I'd been beaten by the Hailon General Daars in virtual reality.

"Lucas I can't." My body ached.

He smirked and sat down. "Yes you can."

I looked straight into the florecent lights that lit the sparring room. "I hate you."

"A lot of people do." Lucas said without missing a beat. "Now are you going to get up and fight or get hung off the boat? Cause General Daars would've killed you five times over by now."

"I'll fight you, how about that?" I snapped and sat up.

"There ya go. Nice and aggressive." He moved to my feet, holding out his hand to help me up.

I had something else in mind. Letting him help me up half way, I swept my foot out and let go of his hand. I knew he would go after me again so I took a gentle step back.

Lucas went down with a hard "Ugh." He rolled onto his back, sitting up with a nod of approval. "That was good. You moved back too."

I sent a silent thank you to Dad for teaching me that move. "Works every time." I shrugged and held out my hand.

He took it. "I want you to teach me sometime."

Cracking a smile I laughed. "Sure. As soon as you stop threatening to hang me off the boat."

He laughed too. "I won't hang you off the boat."

Turning to return the weapons and VR set to their places, Lucas spoke again.

"Do you think you're ready to be an Admiral?"

I stopped. I hadn't really thought about being ready, Im here to find Dad. "I can do it." I lied.

It was silent save for the clinks of me cleaning my equipment. "Are you sure? Don't get me wrong darlin," A southern accent slipped out,"You look tougher than steel, but can you handle that pressure? I know I can."

"Huh?" I turned around. "What do you mean you can?"

He looked up at me from the ground. "Didn't you know?"

My confusion became interest. "Didn't I know what?"

"I'm an Admiral too."

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