➳chapter eleven➳

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"Yeah, I guess I did. Tell me about the mall, babe. I promise I'll go with you next time."

That made him smile widely.

My heart shook whenever I saw him smile, and I felt...elated, almost, whenever I knew that he was smiling because of me.

"Well, I'd been thinking about how girls look for a while now, so after the pizza place stuff happened I told Wy and Jae how I felt."

I nodded as he spoke, running my hands up and down his sides. The tv was loud in the background, but I could only really hear the softness Jack's voice held.

"The first thing I tried on was a black skirt with a pink sweater, and it made me feel so...alive. That's stupid-"

"It's not stupid, baby. Keep going."

His arms wrapped around my neck, his face burying in the crook of it so his voice came out muffled. Feelings his breath hit my skin really fucked me up.

"We went to a ton of stores, and I used all the money I'd been saving up from babysitting but it was worth it," he sighed. "And there was this one lady at sephora who made us leave because she thought we were just gonna mess things up. We bought my makeup at lush instead."

I frowned, pulling him back by his shoulders and looking at his face. "She's a bitch. Why did she have to make you leave? You were just trying to be a customer."

He shook his head. "It's fine, forget it, I had fun anyway."

I intertwined our hands while he continued speaking. I noticed how small his hands were compared to mine, they were almost like a baby's. They were cute.

I hadn't noticed I'd been paying too much attention to his body, or that I'd stopped listening.

"I just really wanted you to be there but I thought I'd messed it up with you."


"What? No! You never did anything to me, I was being a dick! Don't say that!"

"...true. But-"

His father knocked on the door, asking whether he could come in. Jack scrambled off of me and onto the other side of the bed, turning the tv volume down and granting him permission.

"Hey boys, dinner's ready," he peaked his head in, grinning at us. I let out a nervous laugh, telling him we'd be down in a moment.

After dinner, Jack asked his parents whether I could sleep over. I didn't argue with the fact that he didn't ask me first, and neither did they.

"Yeah we don't care, just don't be too chaotic cause we have to sleep," his mother warned, crossing the room and giving Jack a kiss on his forehead and me one on the very top of my head. "Goodnight."

I smiled, holding Jack's hand behind my back. "Don't worry, we'll probably just watch a movie or something."

We walked back to Jack's room, pitch blackness having consumed it since we left for dinner. I stumbled my way over to the bed before throwing off my shirt and laying down. "Jack, your room is too hot," I whined, fanning myself with my hand.

"No, I think that's just you."

I felt my body heat up thinking about the smirk that was probably covering his face.

I felt him climb on top of me, and he didn't have a shirt on either. I quickly resented the fact that the lights were off.

"What do you wanna do?"

"You know what ended up happening last time that question was asked, Jackie."

He got off of me, crossing the room to turn on the lights. His eyes had a weird glint in them. "Whatever, I guess I can just show you the clothes I bought."

Okay, Finn, you can do this. Just think of something really gross after each outfit.

I moved one of his pillows onto my lap.

I actually really enjoyed all of the outfits, and I enjoyed them even more when I noticed how happy he looked wearing them. I felt my heart break at the thought of me missing it the first time.

Anyway, it went really smoothly, until I liked one outfit a little too much.

I'm not saying I'd fuck him in that skirt, but I'd totally fuck him in that skirt.

He noticed my eyes widen and walked towards me, situating himself on my lap again. He seemed to like doing that.

"I think this might be my favorite skirt," he whispered, careful not to wake his parents.

"Yeah, me too."

It was a normal white skirt, but it was just, like, really, really short and it showed off his legs better than any of the others, and I had no doubt in my mind that if he were to bend over, you might see a thing or two.

Jack's point of view

The way Finn looked at me made me feel something.

He fueled the fire in the pit of my stomach, except now that he was mine, it wasn't an angry fire that could ruin lives. It was a nice fire, the one that you could make s'mores over on a cool summer night.

I brought myself back into reality and attached my lips to his neck, wanting to mark it up a little bit more than I had before.

He moaned under his breath, and he whined as I ran my hands down his bare chest until I reached the waist of his sweatpants.

I took my shirt off, keeping only the skirt on.

"Baby, babe, no, you have to stop," he panted, grabbing my face and pulling me away.

I frowned, not liking that I couldn't recreate his expressions from earlier. "I'm sorry, did I do it wrong? I still don't really know what to do and-"

"No, baby, you're amazing, it's just that your parents are next door and I don't want them to hear us," he caressed my face, staring into my eyes. I nodded, feeling kind of dumb, and got up to change into pajamas and to turn the lights off. I didn't bother leaving the room this time.

He was already laying down by the time I was done, his shirt still off and his face still sweating. The only light in the room was the faint glow from his phone screen. I crawled back on top of him, nuzzling my face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me after putting his phone down. "Let's get some sleep, babe."

He kissed me on the forehead. He did this a lot, but I still blushed every time he did it because of how soft he was while doing it. "Goodnight, Finnlard."

"Goodnight, darling."


ew gross i wrote this at like 3 am

please tell me how to write good™ i would forever be in your debt

also, is it acceptable for me to drop out of the 8th grade before school's even started?

i have no friends someone please love me. all I've been doing this summer is writing these crappy chapters jesus christ help me.

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