➳chapter twenty-two➳

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Finn's point of view

Jack didn't go to school for the next week.

I explained everything that happened to everyone else. Wyatt almost broke his hand punching a locker and Sophia and Jaeden started to cry, Chosen and Jeremy standing in the background shaking their heads and speaking in low voices to each other.

I felt even more useless.

I checked on Jack every day immediately after school, even if he insisted he was okay. And I believed he was, he was joking around and his stuttering stopped as soon as it started.

We often sat on his bed, the television on as background noise. I'd play with his hair while he drew patterns on my chest with his finger, but other times we talked and teased each other and yelled like normal.

"I'm bored, Finnlard. I wanna go do something."

My eyebrows furrowed in surprise and confusion. He hadn't asked to leave his bed at any point during the past week, but I wasn't going to deny him a trip outside. He needed it.

"Okay, princess, where do you want to go?"

He thought for a moment, his hand resting comfortably and casually just below the hem of my shirt, his cold hand making my warm body shiver. "I don't know. We could...go to the mall?"

"Don't you have enough clothes?" I teased, pressing my nose against his and smiling.

"Never enough. Let's go."

I watched him fondly from the bed as he bounced up from the bed, opening his closet and digging through it. He had been wearing the same old sweatpants every day, and he hadn't left his bed willingly, so his excitement made me proud.

"You're happy, princess. You sure you're okay?" I asked, wanting to sound teasing but just sounding concerned.

He twirled around to look at me, his smile faltering the tiniest bit. I motioned him towards me and he dragged himself over, throwing himself on top of me and laying his head on my chest.

"I don't wanna dwell on what happened. I'm okay now, I'm really glad you were there to stop him. I knew you would, Finnie. It's okay."

I nodded, kissing the top of his head gently. I moved his hair out of his face and held him tightly like a baby that I needed to protect.

"Okay, baby. If you're sure. Go get dressed, and then we'll go to the mall. Maybe we can eat at the Cheesecake Factory too if you want."

He pushed himself off of me, returning back to his mess of a closet. I watched him as he threw his shirt off and pulled down his sweatpants.

He glanced back at me and I diverted my eyes to the ceiling. His smirk appeared out of the corner of my eye, which annoyed me.

He did it on purpose.

I crossed my legs, my jeans getting ever so slightly tighter. I pouted to myself.

"I'm ready, let's go."

My eyes moved from the ceiling to him. My breath hitched in my throat as I scanned his body. He wore his white skirt, and one of his many chokers.

The daddy one.

I mentally groaned, knowing that it would be a long day.

Jack's point of view

I walked around with a weight on my chest. It had been sitting there for the past week, giving me the urge to slam my head against a wall or throw myself off of a bridge. It was a painful feeling.

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