➳chapter fourteen➳

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Literally the same shitty smut as last time

Jack's point of view

Finn hadn't texted me the entire day.

I had sensed that something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it until I was laying down in bed that night. I mean, we never went a day without texting each other since the moment we had first gotten phones.

He was probably with Noah.

I felt myself finally drifting off to bed around three in the morning when my phone buzzed next to my head.

Finnlard💕💓😫😩💦: can i come over

Me: yeah whatever

That was so petty, Jack.

A few minutes later he climbed up the tree and through my window, stumbling in and falling on his face.

"I deserved that."

I had kept my arms crossed and my mouth shut. I tried to keep my eyes looking sharp but they softened once I saw his grinning face reflecting the glow of the street lamps outside.

You're too forgiving, Jack.

He looked me up and down, raising an eyebrow. "Nice pajamas."

I looked down at myself. I was wearing an oversized sweater, Finn's, mind you, and nothing else.

I didn't even blush this time, I only wrapped my arms tighter around myself.

He sat on the edge of my bed. I don't know why I felt so...dhsjfjsk around him tonight. I stood planted in my spot, digging my feet into my carpet.

He closed his eyes and sighed, shaking his head. He moved back all the way on the bed, putting his back against my headboard. "Come here, babe."

I moved towards him, not sitting on his lap like I usually would, but across from him with my legs crossed. "I'm so sorry about what happened earlier."

I shrugged. "Don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled, pulling at a string on the sleeve of the sweater.

"Yes you do. He was being rude. I told him off later for saying you were a girl and for assuming you were with Sophia. He said he felt bad and that he wanted to apologize to you," he sounded exasperated, which stung a little.

I looked him straight into the eyes. "That wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me was how you just stood there like you were embarrassed of us. We're your best friends, and we're supposed to be embarrassing, so you didn't have the right to try to cover us up like a pimple."

He shook his head. "I'd never do that, baby. I love you guys way more than I like them and I'd drop Millie's friends the second they did something wrong."

He was frustrating me with all these apologies and sincerities and baby. And I think he knew it. "Just shut up, Finn."

"Make. Me," he smirked, his eyes seeming to reflect the moonlight even more.

Well that was a shift in the mood.

I took hold of his shoulders, wrapping my legs around his waist and grinding down a little bit. I leaned in, pressing our lips together softly. His hands immediately gripped my sides, softer than last time, yet hard enough to redo the faint marks.

He is so hot.

Finn's point of view

I watched them walk away. I snapped back into reality when they passed Millie, Sadie, Gaten, and Caleb, who had noticed we had stopped and decided to wait for us.

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