➳chapter twenty➳

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Jack's point of view

I walked into school the next morning limping.

I tried to keep it on the down low, holding onto Finn's arm like my life depended on it and keeping myself at a slow pace. Finn snickered from time to time, even though it so wasn't funny.

"I hate you so much, Finn."

"You were the one who kept begging me to go faster."

I gripped his arm tighter, digging my nails into the fabric of his sweater so hard that he actually winced in pain.

"Dick! That hurt!"

"Now you know how I feel."

We had met up with the rest of the losers, and they immediately noticed something was different. I could see that Sophia was suppressing a laugh, and I would have kicked her if I could, you know, move my legs that far.

"Did you break your leg or something?" Chosen asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "You've got a major limp going on."

Really? Hadn't noticed.

"Whaaaat? I'm walking the same as always," I tried to say, almost falling over when Finn tried to step farther than three inches away from me.

They all nodded hesitantly, going back to whatever conversation they were having before all widening their eyes one by one, realization finally hitting them. Sophia only smirked through it all, and I might have been tempted to punch all of them.

"Did you two fuck!?" Wyatt yelled, trying to walk towards Finn menacingly but ruining it by voice cracking. "Jack Dylan Grazer! I swear to god if you did you're grounded!"

My mouth dropped open, a scoff emerging from the back of my throat. "You're not my real dad!"

I heard Finn giggle under his breath, whispering "yeah Wyatt, I am," so that only I could hear. Except that wasn't the case.

Jeremy looked personally attacked. "Okay you you guys do...that and you say...that!?"

I hit Finn on the shoulder. "We didn't fuck! I'm not walking weird!"

Sophia stood laughing in the background, hunched over and struggling for breath. She needed to go crawl in a hole and die somewhere. Love you Sophia!

"Oh really? Let go of Finn and go walk to that tree over there."

The tree was like five feet away, so I knew then and there that I'd be dead within the next minute. And not because I couldn't walk.

You had a nice life, Jack. At least you didn't die a virgin.

I let go of Finn's hand, telling myself that I could do it, that I wouldn't let myself be humiliated, that I wouldn't fall and let that really cute skirt get dirty.

It's the little things, I guess?

I walked across the grass, pain shooting up my spine. It felt like my dignity was being stabbed by a dull knife. I still didn't regret asking him to go harder though.

I fell against the tree, laughing dryly to myself. I'm probably overdramatizing how all of that happened.

Wyatt tried to lunge at Finn from where they stood, but Jaeden held him back. It was silent for a moment before everyone burst into fits of laughter, walking over to where I, regrettably, sat against the tree. Everyone sat down around me, which forced me to sit there for ten minutes until class started. It hurt.

"That's what you get for fucking, Jack."

"Shut the fuck up Sophia."

Finn's point of view

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