➳chapter five➳

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Finn's point of view

Millie was okay.

She was pretty, and she was funny, and she has the brightest personality out of anyone I've ever met, other than Jack of course.

Despite this, there was just...something that kept me from being fully attracted to her.

I admired her across the table at the crowded pizza place, getting lost in the funny story she was telling as well as my own thoughts. I could faintly hear something familiar in the back of my mind, but I paid no attention, not really realizing that I was a functioning human.

I snapped back into reality when Millie turned her head to the side and smiled, so I decided to look too.

Oh, Jack.

He looked upset, probably because I kicked him out of my house earlier. He was with Wyatt and Jaeden, who looked angry, which they hardly ever did. He probably made what I said seem worse than it is.

He got out of his seat the second I laid eyes on him, Wyatt and Jaeden wrapping their arms around him and leading him out. I felt some sort of anger bubble in the pit of my stomach as I watched them go, and it wasn't because he told them what happened. I felt bad about that, actually, so...it was something else that I couldn't comprehend.

"-Finn? Finn? Are you okay?"

Millie's concerned voice coaxed me back to real life, her question registering in my head after a few moments.

"Oh, uh, yeah yeah I'm fine, just...thinking about something," I stuttered, clearly holding back.

She looked suspicious. "Do you know those boys?" Oh yeah, just my best friend hanging out with my other best friends without me. Nothing really.

"Oh, no, not really. They go to my school."

Millie smiled again, standing up. "Come on, we should do something else. Mall? Movie?"

There was nothing that I was really interested in playing in theaters, so I opted for the mall.

"Cool let's go," she grinned, grabbing my hand and leading me out. I didn't blush like I usually would have, or maybe that's just when Jack does it. I'm just having an off day.

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