The Call {26}

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(Wait till you start singing to play it)

I wake up, feeling Gabriel's strong arms wrapped around me. I yawn, and snuggle in closer.

"Hey Gabriel...?" I ask into his chest.

"Huh" he mutters groggily.

"What will you do if Overwatch bands back together?"

He sighs, and looks me straight in the eyes, "whoever wants me more, I will go with them. You are the most influential person in that decision"


I try to fall back asleep, but my head is still trying to wrap itself around that fact. I glance at the alarm clock that Gabriel has next to his bed; 5:37.

Instead of trying to go back to sleep, I decide to shower. I get up, and stretch, Gabriel told the workers to go get my stuff, so my clothes should arrive tomorrow. For now, I can wear one of Gabriel's shirts and a pair of shorts Sombra lent me.

I turn the water on, and feel until it gets hot. Then I close the bathroom door and hop in.

In my hands I am holding a small travel bottle of shampoo and conditioner. I put these on the shelf, and put some shampoo in my hands.

Rubbing it in my hair, I start to sing.

I wash it out, and grab the bar of soap. Still singing, I continue to wash, and shave quickly.

"Why are you my clarity" I sing, but stop when soapy water gets in to my mouth.

"Pleh!" I spit, "well... that was gross as shit" I laugh, and hear Gabriel laugh as well. I continue to sing, and finally get out.

After getting clothes on, I throw the bathroom door open, and walk like a diva out of it. Stopping right in front of Gabriel, and popping out my hip, I wink, and do double peace signs. When he just raises one eyebrow, I add a duck face to the mix.

Suddenly he reaches down and tickles me, I can't stop laughing, as Gabriel continues mercilessly. He keeps going till I am red in the face and gasping for air.

"I- can't... breath!" I manage to stutter out between cute belly laughs.

"Well, serves you right for being D.Va!" He smirks, and kisses me. He then goes into the bathroom and begins to shower.

(After Lunch That Day)

My phone rings, and I see a name I would have never thought to see pop up. It's Winston!

"GABRIEL!!" I scream.

"What is it?" He comes running down the hallway.

"It's WINSTON!!" I scream again, "HES GIVING US A VIDEO!"

"Huh.. play it" Gabriel says, intrigued.

"Four watchers already..." I mutter, "Us, Tracer, Mercy, and Genji. I bet he and either Zen or Hanzo are watching it together."

Gabriel nods, and watches as Winston tells us about what we should do, and how he hates that we aren't doing it now.

I quickly type in: nooo! Not the disappointed monkey! :( :3

Tracer chats lol, and then silence.

Suddenly, we have a new watcher. A man by the name of Soldier76. That's wierd, only Overwatch members should be able to join.

I type in once more; hey soldier, who are you? Are you in Overwatch?

I wait and get a message back; not anymore, unless you need me

"Huh... I wonder"

Gabriel has walked back into the living room.

"Hey Gabe?" I say, eyes still on the phone as everyone tries to figure out who it is.

"Huh?" I hear from the other room, and the sound of an action movie playing.

"Who's Soldier76?"

"Some dusch who is always trying to stop Talon"

I walk over, muttering 'k' and plopping down on the couch. About halfway through the movie, I am leaning on Gabriel's shoulder, eating buttery popcorn.

I feel his gaze upon me, and I turn my head.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I smirk.

"Ok" he says, he takes his phone and does just that, then changes it to his home screen, "sorry, I had to, you looked so happy..."

I nod.. then a thought pops into my head, something that had been bothering me for a few days.

"Hey Gabriel... if you're alive.. why did you disappear?"

He sighs, and pauses the movie.

"(Y/N)... the day before the fair I got a call from Talon... they said that if I didn't work for them, and forget you and all of my friends... they would.." he choked on his words.

"They said they would kill you, (Y/N)" he tells me, tears now freely falling down his cheeks and into his goatee.

"That's why..." I mutter, eyes wide, "the bomb.."

He nods, still having silent tears flow down his face.

"Well guess what... as long as your ok. I still love you..." I say, pulling him into a hug. I grab his hand and slowly lead him down the hall, towards where his bedroom awaited.




Btw you have no idea how awkward that was to write, and you guys protected

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