Pain {23}

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All I can hear is the loud ringing that echoes in my ears. I open my eyes, and see that I am under a pile of rubble.

"SHIT" I yell, as I try to move it, and my leg flares in pain.

I look around and see Reinhardt searching for anyone, lifting massive chunks of rock and metal.

"Rein!" I yell, and he turns. He rushes over, and lifts the rubble with ease. I try to get up, but it's as if my leg is still being crushed. He looks down, and sees my pain.

"That's broken..." he mutters, then lifts me slowly up, trying not to hurt me.

I see something black lying on the ground, so I hold on to Reinhardt, hopping over on one foot, not putting the other on the ground.

My eyes well up with tears, as I see a black skull beanie laying on the ground, covered partially with rubble.

"G-Gabriel..." I sob, as I pick up the hat.

Reinhardt stands in shock, and we hear another voice.

"Guys! Anyone?" It sounds like D.Va and Lucio.

"We're over here!" Rein bellows, waving an arm in the air. I see the two round a corner, and they rush over.

I am still sobbing in to the beanie, as I smell the familiar scent, but mixed with dust and smoke.

"What's... oh" D.Va mutters, seeing my face and the item I am holding.

(Slight time skip)

I find out that Morrison has also not been found, while Mercy fixes my leg.

I put my headphones on, silent tears still falling, while we wait for the funeral to start.

I listen to a song I showed Gabriel, and he loved. I told the team to play it at the end of the program. I am wearing all black, with his Gabriel's beanie atop my head.

"We are here, to honor two heroes" I hear, and look up, turning off my music.

I listen to the priest, tears rolling down my face.

Suddenly, I hear the song that me, D.Va, and Lucio had made for Morrison.

(Play America f yeah)

In spite of being extremely sad about the death of my love, I couldn't help but smile at the teams reactions to the song.

The priest looked absolutely mortified, while the guys had looks of amusement. The women varied. Me, Lena, and D.Va all looked like we were about to burst with laughter. Mercy, Ana, and Phara looked like the priest, and the others looked as if they couldn't decide between the two.

After that song, came the one for Gabriel.

I stopped laughing, and started to cry again. I softly sang along, choking on a few words.

(Gabriel, 'Reaper', Reyes)

I watch, my eyes filling with tears, as I see the funeral in progress. My sight is mainly for       (Y/N), silently crying in her chair. I see something in her hands, and realize it is my beanie. I leave, shotguns in my hands, back to my new home.

Don't cry... I am still watching over you... please, (Y/N), don't cry over me...

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