Teams Of Two {10}

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"Alright everyone, listen up!" Morrison barks, getting everyone's attention. "Your going to be put into teams of two, whatever group has the most kills at the end wins"

We all nod, understanding thus far.

"You will have your own spawn area, and you will be in a randomly generated area of this HQ" he tells us.

"Tracer, Torb. Zen, Bastion. Winston, Hanzo. Genji, Junkrat" he continues to name the teams, and last but not least (I think) "Reaper and (Y/H/N). Your still learning (Y/N) so your going to be with your trainer. Did you bring your suit?"

I nod yes, and go get my bag. I change in the women's bathroom, and emerge as much of a badass as I can be. I put on the mask, pull up my hood and cross my arms, holding my guns.

"Argh I'm Reaper!" I joke. Most of them laugh, and Gabriel just shakes his head, but I can tell he is smiling.

"Go to your areas" Morrison tells us.

Gabriel and I run to our area, as the map forms. It's the entire first floor, we are in a supply closet.

"Don't forget, we are watching to see your skills" Morrisons voice rings over the game.

Gabriel grabs my hand, "Come, I know a good flanking spot," he rushes us along, and I fire a few bullets at Mercy, who was peeking around a corner. She turns to get McCree, by when they charge out, we have already left. "Here" he grunts.

We are in an old room, that has doors to the left and right, it has cobwebs and dust in it, and I stifle a sneeze. Suddenly, we see Winston and Hanzo running down the hall. I nod to the left and point at myself, then point at him and nod to the right. He nods, and runs off, going in front of the group.

"Ah... I thought we would find you in this old place.." Hanzo grins. Neither him or Winston see me walking behind them slowly. I raise my guns and mouth

On three

We both shoot at the same time, killing Hanzo, and sounding Winston, he takes of running down the hall, towards a health pack. I run after him, and Gabriel is right behind me. I keep shooting at Winston, and the gorilla finally gets hit one too many times.

"Nice" I say to Gabriel, and he nods.

"I think I saw Bastion and Zen going down to the front doors" he tells me, pointing to our left.

"Bastions gonna be a turret as soon as we get there..." I say, trying to think of a way to trap them.

"Yes, and Zen is going to be a nuisance too..." he says, cracking his knuckles.

"We can take em'" I say, running towards the front doors. I wait until Gabriel is there too, and we burst in, we target Bastion first. Then, we go for Zen.

"GET TRANQUIL!!" I yell, as he is finished off.
I have 77/250 health, and Gabriel has 90/250. We see this on a little sensor in our masks, so we run for a health pack. I use an ability that I have where I throw a smoke bomb, and it gives me 50 health. Gabriel gets the pack.

We keep exploring, and we see Junkrat and Genji. I throw another smoke bomb, and they are temporarily blinded, as I gain some health. As they can't see, I shoot Genji, and Gabriel gets Junkrat. We are in the lead with 3 team kills and 0 deaths. Close behind us is McCree and Mercy, with 2 team kills and 1 death. We keep walking, kill a few more teams, and finally find them.

"It's an old fashioned Western Showdown, ain't it McDonald?" I taunt McCree. He looks at me, puzzled, and I smile. "Your name has a Mc in it so I thought that I-" I move suddenly, and shoot Mercy a couple times, allowing Gabriel a chance to get at McCree. Mercy is dead, and now it's only McCree.

"Well, two against one ain't very fair..." he mutters, and I move aside, bowing. Gabriel stalks forward, and holds up his guns. McCree goes down instantly.

We go on killing and not being killed for about 10 more minutes, and finally Morrisons voice comes over the speaker.

"Well, it's clear we have a winner. (Y/H/N) and Reaper take the win with 12 team kills and 0 team deaths" he pauses and claps for a second, and the map disappears, "Please leave the courtyard, and we will be serving lunch in a few minutes, go clean yourselves up"

With that, we exit, and head towards our rooms.

(Y/H/N) = Your Hero Name ;)

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