Reunion {24}

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(Wait for song, I know it's a bit Disney reunion sing song things, but I think it's cute)

I sit in the plain grey room. Tied up, I'm a cold metal chair. I front of me sits a table, with a lamp upon it.

The door opens, and in walks my captor. He sits across from me, and simply says, "I am going to ask questions, you are going to answer them truthfully"

I glare at him under my mask, but he only sees me sitting completely still.

"What is your name, and why did you come here, you can't fool anyone with the 'I'm here to join' crap" he asks.

I simply sit in silence.

"Fine, well I guess I'll just have to do this" his gloved hand reaches towards my face, and I lean back as far as I can, but he takes my mask off, and sees my face, sitting there in Gabriel's beanie.

(Gabriel Reyes)

My eyes open wide in shock. In front of me, sitting defiantly, is (Y/N).

I slowly remove my mask.


I gasp in shock, and immediately start to cry.

"G-Gabriel!?" I scream through my tears, "You're alive!" I struggle against my restraints, and he scrambles to untie them.

Once undone, I throw my arms around his neck, and kiss him. I kiss him as if I wouldn't ever be able to kiss him again. He kisses me back in the same way, and the guards rush in. Among them are Sombra and Widow.

"Ooohhh!" Sombra squeals, "who is this?"

"This is (Y/N)" he tells them, "you know... the one who helped to defeat you in Overwatch HQ?" He adds.

They clear out of the room on his request, as he leads me down the hallway, towards the shooting range. I hear my phone ring, incoming text from my old client.

'I need another mission from you' it says, but we both hear the ringtone.

(Play it)

It is the same song that I listen to everyday, thinking of Gabriel. It is the same song he always silently sheds tears over.

I softly sing along, selecting it from my music, and playing it out loud.

Gabriel eventually joins in, his low tones melting in to my high ones, as we sing. He has a single tear rolling down his cheek, while I have my eyes full of them.

"You only know you love her when you let her go..." he sings, and I sing too, replacing her with him.

Grabbing my hands, he slowly dances with me, until the end of the song arrives. As the last tones of the music end, he leans down, and places another kiss onto my lips.

I giggle.

"What?" He asks, concerned.

"Your goatee.. it tickles" I laugh. After hearing the explanation, he leans forward, chin out, and rubs his beard onto my face.

"Ahh!" I giggle once more.

He pulls me into a hug, and I kiss his cheek.

He holds my hand, a small smile on his lips, as he guides me to his quarters. I embrace him once more, and fall on to the soft bedsheets, asleep as soon as I touch the pillows, vaguely aware of Gabriel's warm body laying next to me, spooning me into his arms.

"I love you (Y/N)"

Grim (Reaper x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ