Chapter 13

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So the sleepover went amazing.

I found out Dinah is amazing at cuddling. She seems to already know me inside and out. I love that. I woke up and the glass was already beside me. When I got to the kitchen I found my amazing girlfriend making bacon.



I loved ghat word so much. Dinah was my image of perfection. I didnt care what my parents thought. Screw them. Seeing her, with her messy culrs flipped to one side and her orbs of color looking at me, full of passion, it didnt matter she was a girl. She was mine, and I was hers.

"Morning." I say wrapping my arms around her waiste and kissing her cheek.

Dinah blushes. "Morning." She says leaning on my head slightly.

"Can you guys stop being cute for one second!" Lauren grumbles. "I swear it will be the death of me."

"Lauren you cant even see us." I point out.

"But by your voices I can tell and take pictures and make someone else prove how cute you guys are. Also the way you guys talk... uggh. Perfection."

I laugh and Lauren rolls her eyes. "How can you roll your eyes?"

"Its a gift." She says with a smirk.

"Mmm..." I sit down and Dinah passes out the food. We devour it quickly and soon it time for me to leave. I frown at Dinah and lean against her.

"I dont want to go."

Dinah kisses me. "Then dont."

I groan. "My mom will come if Im not home."



She smiles. "Testing."

I nod. "Like it."

"Love it."

She gives me another kiss. "I'll see you at school Monday."

"Too long!" I groan.

"Well Im not taking the risk that I lose you forever." She says kissing my hand. "Id rather keep this secret so Im not your dads target practice."

I kiss her cheek. "Agreed. See you Monday."

She nods. Giving me a long passonite kiss before I leave. I let her taste linger on my tongue. Smiling at the sweet taste. "I love you."

"I love you too."



So maybe school wasnt all that bad afterall.

I got to have Dinah nonstop.

She is the sweatest thing. Walked me to everyone of my classes. Well except the one after lunch. In which I was walking away from my locker when I was shoved into it.

My head slammed painfully into the lockers. My world seeing stars at first. When it stopped spinning I realised Camila was there.

"Talk bitch!" She screamed. "I know you fucking did something!"

"What the hell?" I gasp out.

"Fuck!" She screams slamming me into the lockers again. For someone so smalla nd delicate she has a lot of power. Only when I am able to see straight again do I realise tears are falling from her eyes.

"What happened?"

"Ally happened!" She shrieked. "She fuckin dumped me. For that slutty dyke! Where the fuck is Dinah!?"

"Camila Dinah didnt-"

"Liar!" She said before slapping me.

I screamed and fell to the floor. Camilas breathing was uneven. "Where is Dinah?" She asked slowly, deadly.

"I dont fuckin know!" I screamed at her standing up. "She told me to meet her in the library after lunch for a surprise."

My memory began clearing barely.

Camila dragged me into the library. It was quiet and I found rose petals strewn over the floor. I followed the path to the back shelves where I found my girlfriend kissing Ally.

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