Chapter 3

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My mom gave me a smile when I got in the car. "I noticed you talking. Is it getting better?"

I shrugged. My tongue felt caught though. I could tell I needed more of the drug. My thoughts felt slower. My movements more iffy now. My legs were slower to move. I lifted a shakey hand and gave her a thumbs down.

She gave me a worried look and nodded. We drove in silence. I knew it must be hard on my mom. Having a daughter that relied solely on a drug that shouldve killed me. But I was alive. She always told me I was worth it. But sometimes I wondered if she secretly wished I had died instead. The quick pain instead of the slow pain my life causes her.

We got home quickly and she ran in hastily. Taking down the box from the cabinet. It was a small silver box with the word special printed on it. She lifted it open and took out a glass. My mind focused on moving. Forcing my legs to move toward the chair. It was a slower process than usual.

I sat down finally and my mom handed me the glass. Filled with the powdery silver substance. Half liquid and half of the drug. I swallowed hesitently. It scraped down my throat but my mind began to clear.

My mom took the glass after I had finished. "Was it too much? The support group?"

I shook my head. "It was alright." My words were actually almost normal spead now. Coming out with more ease.

My mom handed me my phone. "A friend called."

I looked down at the number. It was Lauren. I remember we had met previously but I hadnt actually talked to her since. The last I heard from her was when she went blind. I redialed her number. It picked up on the first ring.




"Its Normani."


"Did Lauren need something?"


"Then why-"

"Because I wanted to know if you would meet me in the park this afternoon."


"I thought maybe you would grace me with your prescence. I wasnt kidding when I said I wanted to hang out with you."

"Dinah Im straight-"

"I know that. But would you at least give me the pleasure of being your friend or at least aquantince?"

A smile crept onto my face. "Alright. What time?"

"Say now?"





I hung up the phone. Oh Dinah.

"Mom Im going to the park!"

She ran out from the living room. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine."

Sha handed me a small cup. "Just in case."

I scrunched my nose at the drug that had ruined my life. "Okay mom. Thanks."

She kissed my forehead. "Be careful Normani."


I arrived at the park to find Dinah sitting on a bench. I quickly grabbed my bag and went to sit beside her. She gave me that huge goofy smile of hers. "You came."

"I said I would."

She laughed. "So Normani Kordei, whats your story?"

I sighed. "I was taken hostage when I was-"

"No no." Dinah interrupted. "Your real story."

"I was giving you the real story." I countered. "I usually lie about it but..."


I shrugged. "I dont know."

She grinned. "Well I dont want that sob story. I want to know about Normani Kordei. The real Normani Kordei."

I sighed. "I am very... unextrodinary-"

"I reject that at the hand." Dinah interrupted.

"Its true. Ive spent most of my life reading in my room alone."

Dinah frowned. "Thats sad."

"Well my other story is worse." I said softly.

She wrapped an arm around me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. "Its okay."

She stood and offered me her hand. I took it confused. "Well its a lovely afternoon and I happen to have a picnic!" She spread out a blanket and took out some strawberries, 2 sandwhiches, and lemonade.

I smiled brightly. Sitting down beside her. "This is amazing."

She nodded, taking a bite of her sandwhich. "So what books have you read?"

I thought for a moment. "I think my favorite was The Book Theif."

She raised an eyebrow. "Never read it."

I smiled. "You must!"

She giggled. "Okay only if you read one of mine."

I raised an eyebrow. "Alright what?"

"The Mortal Instruments."

"Deal." I said happily.

She handed me her phone. "Plug in your number and text me the author."

"I could just tell you."

"But that ruins my plan for getting your number."

I laughed and handed her back her phone with my number added in.

"Thank you. See everything works better when you go along with it."

"Not always." I muttered to myself.

Unforunetly I think she heard. "Pardon?"

"Nothing." I say absently and lay down. She lays down beside me. And we stay like that, looking up at the beautiful clouds until I fall asleep.

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