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"When the sins of my father, weigh down in my soul, and the pain of my mother, will not let me go"

Pain clouded into Freya's mind. It was all she could think about. No matter how hard she tried to focus on something else the agonizing pain always found a way back.

Freya wanted to cry but she wouldn't. She'd be damned if she gave her father the satisfaction of crying. He had been torturing her for hours. He would change up the things he did and everytime Freya would try to avoid eye contact with Mitch because she knew that if he saw her he would break and tell Anton everything.

She had to be strong for them. She tried to keep her noises to a bare minimum and it worked at first. However the more she was tortured the harder it was to keep her screams at bay.

Tears made their way down mitches cheeks as he watched the girl he was in love with get hurt over and over again. It was almost as if all the pain she felt he could too. He wanted nothing more than to get her out of here. He couldn't help but blame himself. If he never would've made her so upset to where she left he never would've gotten taken and used for bait.

Anton stoped what he was currently doing and unstrapped Freya. When the confines on her legs and arms were removed she crumpled to the ground making Anton only laugh. "My, my Freyanna it's almost as though you've only gotten weaker since I've been gone. Don't worry we are going to take somewhat of a break to have a talk about that night."

Anton forcefully grabbed Freya's arm and yanked her up sitting her in a metal chair and placing hand cuffs on her wrist. Freya perked up, she wanted to laugh. How dumb was he? She could slip out of handcuffs like nothing, but she was going to wait until the perfect moment. She turned to Mitch and winked leaving him confused.

Anton threw a punch a Freya's jaw, "Yes, the fire was a test. One that you failed. How could you do that? after everything I taught you!" he threw another punch and Freya's head whipped to the side as blood splattered out of her mouth.

"Never, ever make promises you can't keep. I always warned you Freyanna, and still you couldn't even keep them safe!" he grabed a knife and plunged it in her thigh then pulled and threw it somewhere on the floor as Freya cried out. Her head hung low and she caught her breath, "I didn't promise them anything, you did."

She lifted her head looking her father in the eyes, "Don't worry Mayella, nothing will ever happen to you I promise." she imitated him. Anton growled and Mitch became nervous.

"How could? They were your wife and your own flesh and blood! You swore you would take care of us! that nothing else would happen to our family especially after Annalise, and you left them their to die!" Freya began to move her hands as she talked getting ready to pop her thumb out of socket.

"It doesn't matter now, they're all dead! Your mother, Mayella, Annalise, all because of you! All because you couldnt save them! You killed your family."

Freya had enough, she popped her thumb and with a yell tackled Anton to the ground. She went to punch him but he grabbed her arm and kicked her off him. Freya scrambled to her feet and got into her stance. Her father struck first aiming for her injured side and she moved swiftly punching him in the throat. Anton gasped for air and Freya kicked him in his stomach sending him flying backwards. She ran towards him and got on top of him punching him in the face.

Freya kept swinging her fist at his face taking out all her anger and frustration on him. She hit him because of Annalise, because her family was gone. Freya punched him because he ruined her life by making her become a monster; for training her to become something she never wanted to be. She hit him because of Mitch and all the bullshit he had put her through. Freya continued to punch him but a gunshot going off made her freeze.

Mitch held his breath when he heard it. he hoped that it was freya who shot the gun but when she fell to the ground he knew it was the exact opposite. Mitch wanted to scream.

Anton got on top of Freya and began to choke her. Freya thrashed around her hands finding their way on top of his as she tried to pry them off her neck. Her arms flew around her as she desprately felt around for something to help her stop choking him.

Her vision began to become spotty when her hand hit something sharp. She grabbed it and without hesitation stabbed her father in the neck. He fell over on his side, his hand holding the part on his neck where blood spilled out as Freya gasped for air.

She moved as far away from him as possible as quickly as she could and winced in pain. Looking down she saw the blood that started to seep into her shirt from the gunshot wound in her lower abdomen. Nevertheless, Freya let out a sigh of relief because her father was finally dead.

She stared up at the ceiling with a smile on her face. "Freya!" Freya turned to see Mitch, concern and dry tears on his face he was wiggling around trying to find a way out of his confinements.

"T-The wall." Mitch nodded and stood up, running and ramming his chair into the walls. It broke into pieces and he ran quickly cutting Stan out of his ropes. "Go get help Stan!"

Stan nodded and ran out, Mitch ran to Freya taking off his belt and wrapping it around her waist. He tightened it and Freya cried out, "shhhh I know I'm sorry but we're gonna be ok."

"M-Mitch-" Freya tried to choke out what she wanted to say. What she longed to but it was as if she was mute. "No shhh baby don't speak ok. You're gonna be fine." He brushed her hair out of her face with one hand and used the other to apply pressure to her wound.

Freya shook her head and tears leaked out of her eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
"Hey, this isn't your fault. You saved our lives Frey."

Her eyes began to droop closed and Mitch shook her, "Freya! Come on I know it hurts and your tired but you have to stay awake please."
No! Im not letting you go. I can't lose you, I can't . You have to pull through."

Freya smiled weakly and she lifted her hand to place it on Mitch's cheek. He leaned into it and wet her palm with his tears. "Mitch I lov-" but before she could finish her sentence her eyes closed.

"No, no, no, no! Freya? Come on please wake up! Don't do this to me. Baby I need you. Please Freyanna, I-I love you!" Mitch let his head drop as he cried.

Stan burst into the room with reinforcements, "We need to get her help now!" The rushed to her but before they could get to her Mitch pushed the back, "No, get away from her."

They shook their heads and tore her from him. Mitch lunged but before he could reach them Stan wrapped his arms around him and held him back.

"No! Let go of me!" Mitch thrashed around. "Mitch, stop! They're going to help her. Freya's going to be ok!" At the sound of her name Mitch stopped struggling and let out a strangled sob. He slumped to the ground with his head in his hands.

Mitch thought to himself that Stan was wrong, she wasn't going to be ok. Mitch had lost her, he had lost the love of his life and this time, it hurt a thousand times more than it did with Katrina.

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