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"I keep a closed watch on this heart of mine."

Freya tore her eyes off the road to glance at Mitch for probably the 20th time. After the little confrontation they had in the hotel room they both got dressed and hopped in the car heading to a nearby mall to shop for some clothes.

The only problem was they hadn't said one word to each other since then. It was quite, too quite and Freya hated it. It made her feel anxious and she felt as though the silence between them was almost, awkward.

She looked over at Mitch again then darted her eyes away when he sighed. From her peripheral vision she sees him turn his head to her, "What?"
Freya clears her throat, "Nothing, I just, um I'm kinda bored." Mitch lets out a laugh, "Frey, your driving how are you bored?" The only answer she gives is a shrug of her shoulders.

"Where are we going anyways?"
"A mall Mitch, we cant just wear stolen old man clothes for the rest of our lives." Her statement made Mitch shake his head in amusement,"We don't have a lot of money Freya."

She turns to him with a smirk,"Correction, you don't have a lot of money. I on the other hand have thousands."

Before Mitch could say anything else  Freya finally pulls up to the mall and cuts the engine off, but she doesn't get out, she stays in the car looking straight ahead with her brows furrowed.

Mitch studies her, "What's wrong?" She seemed really worried, too worried, and Mitch was ready to tell her that wearing old man clothes for the rest of their mission wouldn't be that bad.

Freya turns to look at him a frown on her face, "I don't know. I-I just have this feeling, and it's not a good one. You know what? Nevermind." She shakes her head and gets out of the car Mitch following close behind her.

Mitch and Freya had an ok time. It wasn't awkward and Freya cracked a few jokes here and there. Everything with shopping went perfectly fine That was until certain movements Freya noticed started to form a pattern. "Shit." Mitch looked down at her, "I know I see them too."

Freya runs her hands through her hair, "They blocked all the exists. If we get to a secluded part of the mall than maybe we could quietly-" she was cut off by Mitch grabbing her hand and pulling her to one part of the mall.

He pushed her up against a beam, "I'm sorry."
"Sorry, sorry for what? Mitch what are you-" she was cut off by him placing his lips on hers.

They were soft. Softer than anything she ever could have imagined. The kiss made her brain fuzzy and for once in her life she couldn't think straight. The only thing that captivated her mind was the kiss.

She threaded her hands in his hair and tugged eliciting a groan from Mitch. God, she loved that sound. Sadly just as soon as the kiss started it ended. Mitch pulled away from her, and Freya let a small whine slip out of her mouth, both of them panting, trying to catch their breaths.

Mitch stared at her, his hand on her cheek and hers on his shoulders, he caresses her cheek bones and flicked his eyes down to her lips, contemplating on whether or not he should kiss her again.

Freya leaned in slightly, but he snaps out of his daze and grabs her hand. They both rush to the car, throwing their bags in the back and speeding out of the parking lot.

Freya looked in the rear view mirror to see a car speeding right behind them. She makes a sharp right, "Shit, hang on!" She then slams on the breaks. The other car didn't stop in time and hit the back of their car. The two men get out of the car, and Freya and Mitch both leaned out of the windows shooting at them. They hit their targets and Freya sped off looking in her rear view mirror every once in a while.

After a couple minutes of driving the pair come across a closed car rental place. They steal another car and go back to the hotel; this time Mitch driving them.

Silence. Except this time the silence didn't make Freya irritable. She was actually thankful for it. Thankful that she could be encased in her thoughts. Her thoughts about what had happened earlier today at the mall.

On the other hand the silence only made Mitch anxious. He kept tapping his finger on the steering wheel. He hoped that driving would distract him from the kiss he and Freya shared but no matter how hard he tried not to think about it, he couldn't help it. It took control of his mind.

Sure, the kiss was planned. Only meant to be a distraction so that they could quickly slip away and head back to their hotel unnoticed. However, the kiss they had didn't feel like just a distraction.

Mitch couldn't pinpoint why he felt that way. He shouldn't feel that way. He had lost Katrina not that long ago. The thought of her making him angry. He hated himself because he couldn't protect her. she was gone and now here he was thinking about a kiss he shared with another women. Someone who wasn't his fiancé.

He pulled up to the hotel and quickly got out. Rushing to the room and to the shower slamming the door. Not missing the confused and hurt glance Freya gave him when he did. He knew he shouldn't have been so cruel but he couldn't help it. He shouldn't feel the way he does.

But it was like the more he tried not to, the worse it got.

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