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"Oh father tell me, do we get what we deserve."

Freya had been walking around Berlin for a long time. She hadnt kept track of time or where she was going, and now she was lost.

That's what happens when Freya's thoughts consume her. All her assassin capabilities fly out the window. She screamed out curses and the people on the street gave her dirty looks.

She gave them condescending smiles in reply and continued walking. She hated Mitch. She hated him because despite everything he's said to her she still felt something for him.

She hated the feeling he gave her. It felt like somone dug a shovel into her and took a piece away she could only get back when she was with him. She felt weak and giddy when she was around him and when she wasn't there was this sharp pain in her chest like she couldnt breathe. However, at the same time she didn't want the feeling to go away.

Freya came to the conclusion then an there that she was in love with him. She felt the tears start to stream down her face. She was in love with somone who would never feel the same. He just thought of her as a killer, the daughter of a terroist whom he was forced to protect.

"You should really tell him how you feel." Freya abruptly turned her head to the source of the voice. It was an elderly lady sitting on a bench her clothes were partialy torn ans she had a small smile on her face.


"The boy, the one your crying over, you need to tell him how you feel." Freya let out a small laugh. She took a seat next to the elderly woman, "He doesn't feel the same way about me, there's no point."

The ladys smile widened, "Me and my husband hated each other at first. We couldn't even be within 10 feet of each other, and I remember when I first realized I loved him. I was a wreck, thought it was the end of the world because he would never feel the same."

Freya shook her head, "It's not the same he doesn't care about me. He was just using me."

The lady placed her hand on Freya's shoulder making her jump, "Sweetheart, boys are stupid. Whatever horrible things hes said to you, he actualy means the exact opposite. Your a strong girl you've been trough a lot I can tell, and if you tell him and he doesnt feel the same it's ok. That's not the end of the world, you'll find someone else."

Freya smiled at the women a genuine smile, "Thank you." Freya stood up and made her way, she somehow found her way back to the hotel but when she got to her room the door was busted open.

Freya's heart started to speed up in her chest and fear made its way into her mind. She pulled out her pistol and entered the room. All their stuff was there but she didn't see Mitch. Images of him being dead began to plague her mind but she pushed them away.

"Mitch? Are you out there?" Freya heard nothing in return and her breathing started to pick up. Oh God.

A piece of paper on the table caught Freya's attention. With shaky hands she picked it up and began to read.

I have your boyfriend and Stan Hurley. Come to the worn down insurance building on Feurgston unarmed. You have 2 hours. If you do not show up I will cut them up and send it to you piece by piece. I'm looking forward to seeing you again Freyanna.

                    Your father,
                            Anton Romanova

Freya dropped both the gun and the note on the floor. She ran her hands through her hair and put her heads in her hand.


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