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"Truth is, I am a toy that people enjoy till all of the tricks dont work anymore, and then they are bored of me."

       Freya woke up to an empty bed. She looked around for Mitch but he was nowhere to be seen making her lips turn down into a frown.

Freya got out of the bed and slipped on a shirt and underwear. A second later Mitch came through the door with a bag and some coffee in his hand.

Freya smiled, "Good morning." However that smile quickly turned into a scowl when Mitch averted his eyes and turned around, his back facing her as he mumbled a "Morning ."

Freya scoffed of course he was going to act like nothing happened. That whole dialogue he told her was nothing but a few sentences to make her swoon and sleep with him. She should've known better.

Freya cursed herself for giving way so easily, and as much as she tried not to she couldn't help but feel an ache in her chest because of the hurt Mitch was causing her.

She wanted to cry, to curse at him maybe punch him a bit but Freya was done with the helpless girl act. From now on there was no "Frey" or "Freya" from now on there was only Freyanna the cocky bitch whome everybody wants to shut up. Two could play at that game Mitch.

Freya was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize Mitch had asked her a question. "Huh?" Mitch cleared his throat before he spoke again, "I aksed if you were hungry."

Freya rolled her eyes, "So what if I am, I can make my own food Mitchy I'm not five. Why do care anyways you're my protection detail that's it."

Mitch frowned at first he didn't know what to say. Freya's response surprised him and what she said didn't sit well with him. He scoffed, "You're right I am on your protection detail much to my dismay considering your a terrorists daughter; however, in order for me not to have my ass kicked by my superiors I have to make sure you eat, but do not think I actually care because I don't."

Freya's mouth gaped open. Oh no he did not. Freya puffed out some air and shook her head. What an asshole. She got up grabbed her stuff bumping Mitch's shoulder with so much force it made him stumble back a bit. She turned to walk away but before she could get too far Mitch grabbed her hand turning her to face him.

Regret was shown on his face and Freya looked at him standing tall while she tried yo push her tears back. "Frey, I-Im sorry I didn't -" Freya cut him off with a dry laugh, "No need to apologize I see where you stand."

She yanked her hand from Mitch's and proceeded to walk towards the balcony, but before she got out the door she turned around to look at him, "Don't call me Frey again Mitch." She then entered the balcony slamming the door closed and turning the lock.


Freya had hung out on the balcony all day. Only going inside if she had to use the bathroom, get some food, or maybe a jacket. The whole time Mitch sat on the bed trying to watch tv but he would stare at Freya who was outside.

He made a big mistake. He always had to fuck shit up. Mitch let out an aggravated sigh and put his head in his hands. His head jolted up when he heard the screen door open seeing Freya enter the room.

Freya wordlessly slipped into bed not acknowledging Mitch at all and turned to her side drifting off to sleep. Mitch got under the covers and turned on his side with his back to her and after a short while also went to sleep.

Smoke was all Freya could smell. It clouded her brain making her barely able to breathe. It also got into her eyes and she couldn't really see. "Mom?!? Mayella?!?! Where are you? If you can hear me say something."

Freya heard nothing and she started to cough as she made her way further into the house. "Dad?!?? Anybody, someone answer me please where are you?!!!!" Tears started to fall down Freya's face but she passed it off as just being a result of the smoke. She screamed when a hand grabbed her wrist and turned to come face to face with Markus. He was shielding his eyes with his hand and a cough made its way past his lips every so often.

"Freyanna what are you doing?!? Come on, we have to get out." He began to tug her out of the house and she struggled against him, "No! I have-I have to find them I have to get them out!"

Markus shook his head, "I can't let you do that! Come on Freyanna maybe they're outside!" Freya frantically shook her head and continued to struggle against Markus. He coughed and wrapped his arms around her dragging her out of the house as she screamed and kicked, "No! No! Please I can't leave them. They're all I have left!"

He pulled her out of the house and held her against him to prevent her from running back in. Freya cried harder when she realized none of her famliy were out there with them.

Freya sobbed, her family was gone the last piece of herself was forcefully torn from her.

Freya woke up a loud sob echoing in the room and Mitch was quick in action. He enveloped Freya into his arms rocking her back and forth while he rubbed small circles into her back. He wispered things in her ears along the lined of 'shhh, and your ok' but Freya just cried harder.

She couldn't save them. They were dead because of her and Freya felt her breathing begin to pick up. Mitch grabbed her face in his hands forcing her to look at him, "Hey, Frey look me baby you're ok. You're here not there. You gotta slow your breathing Eya come on."

Freya shook her head, "I-I can't , M-Mitch I make it stop p-please." Mitch grabed Freya's hand and placed it on his heart. It was beating at a steady pace where as hers was frantic and all over the place. "Do you feel that? That's me telling the truth when I say your ok, you're safe Freya and what ever happened whatever you saw baby it's not your fault. Ok?"

Freya's erratic brething began to calm down and Mitch breathed a sigh of realief. He shifted them so Freya laid on his chest. He ran his hands through her hair as her tears stopped and her breathing began to slow and even out.

He placed a kiss to her forehead and waited a bit longer before he finally he finally went back to sleep.

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