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"We're king and queen of the weekend, ain't a pill that can touch our rush, but what will we do when were sober?"

   When they entered the bar they saw it wasnt as crowded as they thought it would be. Mitch was thankful for that, and he turned to Freya, "Find us a table and I'll get us some drinks?" She nodded and told him, "Get me something strong." then walked away.

Mitch looked around, surveying the area making sure there were no threats as he waited for the drinks. He looked over to where Freya was and saw her doing the same thing. He wanted to laugh at that.

Then he really looked at her. She was beautiful on the outside. Her brown hair accentuated her face perfectly as it was in loose curls. His favorite part about her was probably her eyes. He could get lost in them forever. The color of brown they were captivated Mitch, like he'd never seen a color like that before. He new they were just a regular color brown but in his eyes they were like a rare diamond he had the pleasure of finding.

She looked so innocent at times but the fact was she was far from it. The complete opposite if anything. She was tainted but Mitch loved that about her.

He was snapped from his thoughts when the drinks were placed infront of him. He thanked the bartender and placed some bills on the table then walked over to the booth Freya had found.

He placed a glass infront of her and she looked at him a smirk on her face. "Burbon? Wow I would've thought youd get me a vodka or something."she snorted.
"You told me to get you something strong." Freya smiled at Mitch then downed the whole cup. "No ice? Hmm your dirty." She winked at him and he laughed.

She waved her hand at the waiter who filled her glass up halfway; however, when Freya raised her brow and gave him a look he filled it up to the top. Mitch looked up at her amused as she thanked the man.

She stutied him, "I see your wearing the look a like shirt I bought you Mitchy." Mitch cringed, "Not Mitchy never Mitchy." She grinned up at him. He took a swig of his drink, "Like I told you earlier, it was my favorite shirt." She nods, "I can understand, dark blues a good color on you."

Mitch was going to say something but was cut off by a man and his rowdy group stumbling up to their table. He was clearly drunk. "Party times over big time rush, now move along so I can have a chat with the pretty lady." Freya snorted and mitch didnt move a muscle.

"Sorry Blake Shelton I'm flattered, really, but I'm having a chat with my boyfriend so if you could move along that would be greatly appreciated." Freya was somewhat tipsy now. The man snapped his head up to Freya and seethed, " i wasn't talking to you bitch. Wait your turn."

Mitch stood up and got in the mans face, "Don't talk to her like that." The man and his minions laughed, "Or what you gonna flip your hair in my face." Freya stood up and got in the middle of Mitch and the man. She placed her hands on Mitch's chest and looked at him, "Its ok, come on lets just go he's not worth it."

She grabbed his hand and they started to walk out but the man continued, "We're not done yet!" Mitch gave no reply that was until the man pulled the last straw.

"What I gotta fuck your bitch to talk to you?"

Mitch stopped and Freya turned to look at him. Her eyes saying lets go, and Mitch almost did but then the man continued. "How bout I fuck your bitch and then we can talk?"

"Mitch no." Mitch didnt hear her. He turned around and looked at the man furry in his eyes. The man and his minions laughed, "Or, how bout me and all my men fuck your bitch then well talk?"

That was it. Mitch rushed over the the man and punched him square in the face, satisfied when her heard a crack. Freya gasped and covered her face.

Another man punched Mitch in the face, surprising him and he took a couple steps back. He regained his composure and punched the other men.

He blocked all the punches they threw at him and he knocked them all out. He grabbed the main guy by his shirt and told him in a deadly tone, "You ever look or think about her again so help me God I will kill you."

He grabbed Freya's hand and dragged her out of the bar. She was still tipsy. When they got back to the hotel Freya yanked her hand out of his, "What the hell was that Mitch!"

He scoffs, "What, no thank you?" She looks at him like hes crazy. "Thank you? Thank you! I told you to let it go!"
"I wasn't gonna let them just say those things about you!"
"Thats the thing I don't care what the say about me!"
Mitch yells at her, "Yea well I do!" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head.

She goes to take a step toward him but stumbles because of the two cups of burbon she had, and Mitch catches her. He steadies her with his hands on her hips. She looked up at him, "You could've gotten seriously hurt Mitch."

Mitch wanted to snort but he knows she's only saying it because she's drunk and cares about him. "I'm fine Freya." She brings her thumb up and touches the corner of his mouth were there was a tiny cut from where the man had punched him.

Mitch grabs her hand and strokes his thumb over it comfortingly, "Frey, I'm fine." She brings her gaze up to his eyes and they stare at eachother for what felt like the longest time.

Mitch finds himself slowly leaning in and they connect their lips. Its deep and passionate but breathy and needy at the same time. Freya immediately tangles her hands in Mitch's hair and tugs. Mitch lets out a groan, "Freya."

She tasted like burbon and the smell of mints makes its way up to Mitch's nose. Her scent was intoxicating and Mitch found his mind becoming fuzzy. He bites her lip and she lets out a small moan as he slips his tongue in her mouth, exploring it. She grinds her hips into his and the sound she makes immediately makes Mitch want to throw her on the bed and have his way with her.

He pulls away and the sight he opens his eyes to has him wanting to go back to what they were previously doing. Freya's eyes were somewhat hooded and her lips swollen, she was panting. Mitch had to stop himself, she wasnt sober and as much as Mitch wanted to it wasn't right.

Freya went in for another kiss but Mitch pulled back and she pouted. "We can't Frey your drunk." She shook her head like a five year old, "Nuh uh." Mitch grinned at her. "Come on were gonna get you to bed." Freya crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "B-But I'm not tired I-" she was cut off by a yawn.
"Yea ok your not tired."

When Mitch finally tucked her into bed he got up which made Freya shoot up with him. He sighed and laid her back down, "Get some sleep Frey." She smiled up at him, "Hmmm Frey I like that but only when you say it. It sounds right coming from you."

Mitch smiled and let out a laugh which made Freya furrow her eyebrows. "You should smile more you know, it suits you.Can you stay please. I-I get bad dreams and I don't want to be alone."

Mitch frowned then nodded his head. He took off his shirt and his jeans then slipped in bed next to her. She laid her head on his chest and he held her. They both fell fast asleep not knowing about the shit storm they were gonna have to face tomorrow.

So much for laying low.

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