Chapter One - Groceries

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Louis carried the plastic grocery bags to his car, skilfully opening the trunk with two fingers to put them inside. Making sure nothing was being squashed and all the cold things were together, Louis closed the trunk and got into the car. He pulled out of the car park and onto the road, and a few minutes later he was back at his apartment.

Louis turned the car off and got out, then opened the trunk to take his things inside.

"Hey, Louis!"

Louis turned around to see his friend Zayn, who lived in an apartment near Louis', and his girlfriend. He smiled, walking over to them.

"Hey Zayn. Looking beautiful as ever, Perrie," he said with a playful wink.

Perrie giggled and rolled her eyes as Zayn put a protective arm around her. "Hi, Lou. We just got back from a date, Zayn is such a sap," she said fondly.

Zayn smiled, nuzzling into her neck. "'M not a sap."

The three of them started walking toward the apartment building, but Louis stopped at the door. "Bye guys. I have to go get my groceries out the car, I left the trunk open."

The couple said their goodbyes and went inside while Louis returned to his car. As he approached it, he frowned - there was something brown and furry waving around from the back. Probably a stray cat or something.

"Hey, shoo- oh my god!"

There was a person in his car! Kneeling at the edge of the trunk, going through the grocery bags. He froze and looked up in surprise, a whimper escaping his lips.

"Who are you? What are you doing with my stuff?" demanded Louis, walking closer.

Then he noticed the brown tail sticking out from the boy's pants and waving behind him. "What- what are you?"

Their eyes were locked on each other for a few long seconds, before the boy dropped his gaze and scrambled up, jumping out of the trunk. Louis leapt forward, grabbing his arm tightly so he couldn't escape. He could feel the bones through the boy's thin shirt. "No! Don't run away. You- come inside, I want to ask you some questions." He noticed two cat-like ears on the top of his head, flicking back and forth in distress.

The boy cringed back, even though he couldn't go far while he was still in Louis' grip, and his ears were pinned almost flat on his head. He didn't reply.

Louis frowned. "Come on."

Deciding to come back and get the groceries later, Louis closed the trunk and pulled the stranger into the building. Luckily, the hallways were empty so no one saw them.

The curly-haired boy tried to resist the whole way to Louis' apartment, tugging weakly against Louis' hand around his wrist, while low whimpers escaped his mouth. Louis tried to ignore the heartbreaking sounds, letting go of the boy once they were inside and the door was locked.

Immediately, he darted to the other side of the room and sank to the floor against the wall, wrapping his tail around himself. Louis hesitated, unsure of what to do. " name is Louis Tomlinson. What's your name?"

No reply.

" you...what are you?"

No reply.

"Can you speak?"

Finally, he got a response as the boy nodded.

"Are you going to?"

The boy shook his head and Louis sighed. "Okay then. Erm...are you hungry?"

He nodded.

"Okay. Well, all the food is in my car because I just went shopping. Are you okay to stay here by yourself while I go get it?"

A nod.

Louis unlocked the door, stepped into the hall and locked it again, so the strange boy wouldn't run away while he was gone. He walked quickly down to the car park, took all the grocery bags in one go, and hurried back to the apartment. Who knows what the boy could be doing in there? Hastily unlocking the door, he walked inside to find the boy in a different spot to before, this time standing just behind the kitchen table.

"Hello..." said Louis cautiously. "I, erm, I brought the food. Is a sandwich okay, or...?"

The boy nodded, and he sighed in relief. "Good."

Louis quickly made a tuna and cheese sandwich and got a glass of water, setting them both on the table. "You can eat once you tell me your name."

Letting his wary gaze flick between Louis and the food, the boy blinked slowly, hesitantly. When he did speak, his deep, raspy voice was clear and careful, so he could be understood easily.


Then he dropped his gaze and perched at the edge of a chair, quickly downing the sandwich and water like he was scared of it getting taken away. When he was done, he tilted his head toward Louis who realised he still had a lot of questions.

"How old are you, Harry?"

Harry held up ten fingers, then nine.

"Nineteen? I'm twenty-one. Erm...what are you?"

Harry, who had been playing with the end of his tail, grabbed it gently and held it up to Louis. The older boy rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I've noticed your tail. But...what....I don't know how else to ask," he chuckled sheepishly.

"Cat cross human hybrid."

Again, his words were clear and concise.

"What were you doing in my car?"


"Okay. So I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to go?"

He shook his head, keeping his eyes trained on his bare feet.

"You can stay here for a while, if you like."

Harry looked up, a combination of hope and fear in his eyes. When he reacted, it was minimal - a tilt of his head so small Louis nearly missed it.

A gentle smiled played on his lips. "Great."




Hello, I hope you liked this. Sorry if it's a bit short, but hopefully with shorter chapters I can have regular updates. Also, I'm still getting into the swing of this story.

What do you think of Harry? And Louis?

Anything in particular you want to see in this story?

Anything you DON'T like in hybrid fics?

Your favourite colour?

I'll post chapter two when this gets 15 reads. x

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now