Chapter Two - Cuddles

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Since they still had the whole afternoon left, Louis made it his mission to get the hybrid to relax.

"Do you want a change of clothes?" he asked.

Harry nodded shyly, looking down at his own dirty outfit.

"Okay. Come, you can get changed in my room," said Louis, walking to his room with a glance back to make sure Harry was coming.

Louis was a bit smaller than Harry, so he dug around in his drawers for a loose shirt and sweatpants.

Surprisingly, Harry started to change then and there, bringing an embarrassed blush to Louis' cheeks. But, he couldn't bring himself to look away.

Once Harry was done, they went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Want to watch a movie? How about I put on a Disney, I don't know what you're used to," said Louis. He put in the disk for Finding Nemo and dimmed the lights, going back to the couch.

Harry was enthralled by the bright colours of the movie, his eyes glued to the screen the whole time. About halfway through, he changed his position to lie down instead, letting his head rest on Louis' thigh. Louis didn't know what to do at first, but eventually started running his fingers through Harry's hair. They brushed one of his ears, and Harry flinched away before slowly relaxing again. Louis tried again, and after a few minutes, Harry was purring peacefully. His eyes were half closed in pleasure and he was completely relaxed.

With one hand, Louis slowly rubbed at one of Harry's ears. With the other, he played with the tips of his curls. From his deep, even breathing, Louis could tell that Harry was nearly asleep.

"Hey...Harry." He didn't want to, but if Harry slept now, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night. "Harry...don't go to sleep now. You'll not be tired at night if you do."

Harry shifted slightly with a little grumble. "Mm."

Louis chuckled. "I'm serious. Come on, get up and we'll do something else."

When Harry made no move to get up, Louis stood up himself, forcing Harry to move. Louis started to walk away and Harry just whined, putting his arms up in a grabby motion. With a soft smile, Louis leaned over and picked Harry up like a child, letting his legs hang down and supporting him by his back and bum. Harry stiffened, starting to regret doing this, but he was too comfortable to think that for long and slowly relaxed. He wrapped his arms tightly around Louis and rested his chin on Louis' neck, pressing their cheeks together and loving the warmth and comfort of skin on skin.

Louis walked them over to the kitchen, setting Harry down on the counter. As he tried to let go, Harry's grip tightened and he pulled him back, wrapping his legs around Louis' waist to be as close to him as possible.

"You're feeling cuddly," Louis chuckled, but held onto him anyway.

Harry blushed, shyly hiding his face in Louis's chest.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, Louis standing between Harry's legs and both boys clinging to each other, until Louis finally spoke.

"As much as I love it when you're in this mood, I think we should try and get something done. Do you want to do some baking?"

Harry shrugged, shifting away from Louis a little.

"C'mon, it'll be fun. We'll do something simple - what about cupcakes?"

Harry just shrugged again, and Louis nodded. "Well, I take it you don't want to talk anymore, that's okay. Here, I'll get the ingredients and we can get started."

Giving Harry a last tight squeeze, Louis pulled away and wandered around the kitchen, gathering everything they needed while Harry watched.

"Are you ready? Let's get started."


Hello, beautifuls! I hope you liked this chapter, I made it really cute and fluffy haha. So Harry likes a good cuddle eh?

I know it's quite short and I'm sorry, but I figured with shorter chapters I can update much more often. I promise to make the next one longer, though.

Anyway. What do you guys think I should do with Niall and Liam? Do you want a side of Niam, or should I leave them straight? Idk. Comment your opinions please.

Also, the next chapter will be up when this gets 20 reads, okay? I'll be introducing Liam and Niall then (maybe as Niam, depends on what you think) so please share this story.

Thank you and have a great day (or night idk) xx

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now