Chapter Eight - Spaghetti

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Louis led Harry into the kitchen, looking around. "What should we spaghetti okay Harry?"

Harry nodded shyly, fiddling with his tail. He stood against the counter while Louis gathered the ingredients.

"I'm not the best chef, but I can cook well enough to get by," Louis chuckled, and Harry smiled back. He put everything they needed on the counter. "Are you okay to make the salad if I show you how?"

With a moment of hesitation, Harry nodded slowly.

"Great!" Louis clapped his hands before hurrying over to Harry. "Okay. Now it's not very hard, you just need to slice everything and put it in the dish, yeah?"

Harry took the knife and, clumsily, he tried to cut into a carrot.

"No, no- look, I'll help you." Louis moved to stand just behind Harry's right side, wrapping his hand around Harry's and the knife, leaving his other hand on his hip.

"Look, you just...nice and steady," he murmured, guiding Harry's hand.

They cut a few pieces of the carrot together until Harry got the hang of it. When he did, Louis brushed his nose and lips against the back of Harry's neck, making him shiver and hang his head to expose more of it. With a chuckle, Louis pressed a few kisses to the back of his neck before pulling away.

"Good job. Keep doing that and I'll do the pasta," he said.

Harry watched Louis with hungry eyes for a few seconds before resignedly going back to the carrot.

Ten minutes later, Harry scooped everything up to put on the dish, which didn't take very long because of his huge hands. Louis stopped to admire his hands because damn, what would he be able to do with those fingers? With slightly darker eyes, he approached Harry again, hugging him from behind and ruining his concentration. Harry jumped in surprise and made a questioning sound. "Hmm?"

Louis kissed up and down the back of his neck, making Harry press back into his grip with a little whimper. He continued his kisses, which turned into open-mouthed ones on the top of Harry's spine. Harry was completely under his control as Louis latched onto his skin and started sucking gently. Harry groaned softly, turning around so he could join their lips, nipping sharply at them, the salad forgotten.

Harry quickly gained control, while Louis was more than happy to let him lead. This time, it was Harry who opened his mouth first, and he nibbled against Louis' lips. Cheekily, Louis sealed his lips tightly and refused entry, until Harry let him hear a low growl from the back of his throat and he quickly changed his mind.

Not long into the kiss Louis found himself backed against the counter, pulling away for a second. Harry opened his eyes and Louis swallowed because they were such a dark, dark green and his pupils were slit vertically, and even though it looked strange it was also very hot. Louis let out a desperate whine and attached their lips again.

Their make-out session was interrupted by Niall, who stood gaping in the doorway. "Whoa...wha- didn't know you had it in you, cat boy."

Harry spared Niall a single glance before placing his lips on Louis' neck, biting at the skin with his teeth. Louis brought his hands to his chest but didn't have it in him to push the hybrid away, not when he was soothing the skin with his tongue, oh...

"What is this? Um- his eyes!" Niall got out nervously.

Louis shrugged as best he could with Harry's hands on his shoulders. "D-don't know...he is a c-c- Harry!"

And that was his sweet spot.

Niall shuddered. "Ugh. Could you guys please not have sex in the kitchen? I don't want my dinner to have come and sweat in it, yuck."

Stealing His Groceries (And His Heart) Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now