A nightmare returns

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Elsa's POV

Roland introduced both me and Jack to the guests at the party. Most of them were nice, friendly and welcoming, however some were... how to I put this.... Judgey 

I could feel their scrutanous stares even when we'd moved away from them, but each time Jack would squeeze my waist, letting me know that everything was okay. I'm grateful that he was there. Without him I'd be over whelmed, maybe I wouldn't have made it through the night. 

I feel so judged. But I guess that'd make sense if a random girl showed up out of nowhere being announced possible heir even though she was illegitimate.

"Hey, just smile and wave girl. Smile and wave." Jack whispered to me with a cheeky grin on his face. I got up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek before smiling up at him.

"Thank you for being here." I muttered as he held onto me tighter as we continued to make our way throughout the ballroom being introduced to noble after noble, villager after villager, even some foreign royalty.

Anna was here too, she was so excited helping me be introduced to everyone. She's really bubbly and hyper, but I think that's why people here adore her, whenever she'd come near their faces would brighten up. Sooner rather than later, she left for reasons she didn't explain, leaving me to fend for myself with the rest of the guests.

Finally we got to the only person in the room who I had yet to be introduced to. She had black curly hair and was wearing a lovely red dress with a small golden crown perched on her head, she was laughing and smiling with the guests, but... it sounds weird... but her expressions, even though she was smiling seemed cold. I was automatically terrified of this lady.

Gulping as we approached her, I held tightly onto Jack's arm. He cast me a worried look, but I didn't respond to him, only looked at the woman in front of me cautiously. 

"Elsa," Roland began, "this is my beautiful wife, Gothel." He said hooking his arm around her waist and kissing her on the cheek, she smiled up at him, "Gothel, this is my daughter, Elsa." 

Gothel turned to look at me, and her eyes turned cold, as if she was trying to figure me out, why I was so important. What made me tick. Though I don't think anyone else saw that quick glance. Especially not after she smiled at me and ran to give me a hug.

"Elisabeth dear! it's so nice to finally meet you. Roland here would tell me so much about your mother and what could've been. When he had found you he couldn't have been happier."

I nodded, smiling uncomfortably before she grabbed my hands in a tighter grip than I would've preferred, "I hope we can get along. And that" she sniffed and wiped a non existence tear from her eye, "you'll be able to think of me as your mother."

Nodding again, she left go of my hands after a while before turning back to Roland.. Wait.. did she just wipe her hand on her dress?

You know, I've had a long day, I'm probably just imagining things. Jack slung his arm around my shoulders smiling at me, I managed a weak smile back, but my heart wasn't in it. I guess he could tell because squeezed me a little before letting go.

"I know this is your party and all, but you don't look okay Elsa. Do you wanna go ask if you can take a break?" 

"I'd like that."

We made our way towards Roland while he was talking to Gothel when I noticed a tuft of ginger hair. I thought it was Anna at first, then realised as I got closer, that the hair was too short, the figure too large.

Eventually I saw who it was.

"Hans." I muttered as my breath hitched. I took a step back as the others looked towards me, Jack tightening his grip on me, his face stoic.

Searching for answers (Somebody I used to know sequel)Where stories live. Discover now