Chapter 73: The GRAND BALL (Part 2)

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I was left behind. I should have expected that Nicole would do that. Cameras flashed as the Peters and the nerving Nicole, paraded on the red carpet. Reporters drew the microphone towards Alex and his dad, interviewing them. I shook my head at the craze crowd screaming when someone else entered. My gaze skimmed around to find a way in without stepping foot on that horrific carpet. Cameras and flashes weren't my thing.

The premise was massive. I walked around the chateau, trying to see if there was a side door. "Looking for something?" A voice surprised me.

I crooked my neck to have a look at the person who just spoke. "Eleana?"

"Who else did you think I was, the ghost lady of this castle?" joked Eleana.

"A lady ghost would be fascinating," I chuckled. "When did you arrive?"

"About an hour or so ago," answered Eleana. "By the way, what are you doing here alone? Aren't you supposed to walk the red carpet with your beau?"

"Well, someone stole my beau and I am searching for a side door to enter the building without getting notice. Posing and pouting aren't my thing."

"Me neither. There's an entrance that leads to the kitchen. Come on, I'll direct you in." She walked ahead but suddenly, she halted her tracks. "Stole your beau?" Her brow creased in confusion.

"Yeah, I'll tell you all about it later. First, let's get in, settle on good seats and I'll spill my dirty bananas."

She nodded and continued walking. Shortly, we arrived in the main hall after getting puzzlement looks from the sous-chefs on duty. An exotic chandelier suspended from the ceiling. Thousands of tiny lights flickered and illuminated the hall. A stage lined at the other end of the space. Hundreds of round tables and chairs covered with golden silk were placed all over the hall, a few inches away from the stage. Stunning was all I could think of. The inside resembled a Disney castle's ballroom; the murals, statues, authentic portraits, and the well-dressed attendants.

"We can settle here." Eleana pointed at an empty table. "Stop gaping at the chandelier and sit down," ordered Eleana.

"I can't. It's too stunning."

"I know. The enthralling design would sweep anyone off their feet. Adelaide was lucky to win the heart of a loving and caring king. He built all of these for her."

"Don't worry, Eleana. I'm sure you'll be swept by a king just like Adelaide."

"I doubt it." She huffed. "All these exist in fairy tales. Unfortunately, they're dead." She lightly tapped her fingers on the table. "Now tell me, who stole your beau?"

I told her everything about Nicole and what she did to hurt me.

"I think she's in love with him, that's why she's trying to snatch him away."

"Nicole and love don't mingle. She only loves herself and her aunt."

Eleana grabbed the event's planner from the center of the table, observing its content while saying ever so casually, "Do you love him?"

"Alex? Of course I love him. He's my childhood friend, best friend, and roommates."

"Do you love him as a friend or as a lover?" Her eyes narrowed at me.

I grabbed the event's card that stood at the center of the table, around a little porcelain vase with a lily in it, and pretended to skim through the evening's schedule. Her question had me questioning myself. I loved Alex, I adored him, I admired him, I looked up to him but as a friend or lover, that I wasn't sure. What should I tell her?

"I'm sorry to pry, Hannah. I can't help it when I'm curious." I placed the card back on the table and faced her. "The way you talked about Nicole, your dislike for her sounded like jealousy to me. I'm not trying to judge. I'm just stating the fact that-"

"To tell you the truth," I intervened her before she had a chance to end her sentence, "I don't know. Alex has been a huge part of my life. We grew up and witnessed all kind of mooks and crooks from every nook and cranny together. It's hard to tell you if I love him as a friend or as a lover cause he's family to me and I love him to great extent."

All of a sudden, both Elena and I turned to the direction where a commotion started. Everything seemed to freeze as a pair of piercing emerald orbs held my gaze. The rate of my heart tripled. He sauntered in the grand hall with his partners while his focus was determined to scrutinize me to endless debate. Feeling remorse, I shifted my gaze to his cronies. To my amazement, they glanced our way too. Eleana's attention was on a particular brute that had similar orbs except his was even more repulsive. The bloke next to the brute narrowed his electrifying blues at my direction too. Three devilish-looking chaps transmitted mysterious signal our way. Each of them had a different purpose. Our tongue felt heavy to mouth an opinion to each other but instead, our grip tightened in a fist, feeling intimidated by those statuesque guys. Trouble was here and calling for me. 


Enjoy the song above . Both Hannah and Eleana are wishing to FADE. I have a better song for the next chapter.  The song that gave me inspiration to write the upcoming scenes Let me see if you folks know the song that's playing in my head.

I know I'm bad to stop here. I need more fuel for the next chapter.  Too many emotions. Too many electrifying trills dropping about. 

Any guesses who are those chaps staring at Eleana and Hannah?

Any guesses who are those chaps staring at Eleana and Hannah?

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Eleana in her black gown ^

* Thanks a lot to rdritwika for reminding me to update. I guess I needed that push. I didn't forget. It's always in my head. It's just time isn't on my side plus my confident.



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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