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A/N: I apologize for uploading a day late, I was very busy yesterday. Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series and characters. Also, potential OOC characters.

While Fred's doing his weekly dose of detention with the Greasy Git, and by the fact that the Yule Ball was coming up. George had not secured a date yet, and decided to ask a very unlikely character, as you know by the name of this chapter.

"Professor!" George exclaimed as he stood in front of McGonagall. "Mr. Weasley, I am extremely busy. Whatever you have say, can be said later." said, McGonagall as she attempted to get through and avoid whatever trouble the Weasley twins will probably, or already have created.

Unfortunately, she was unsuccessful.  "Mr. Weasley, what do you want?" sighed, McGonagall, resigned to her fate, though she was slightly hoping that he will just say something random and walk away. She already had a headache, preparing for the Yule Ball.

George said, " I haven't got a date yet, Professor and everyone's taken so...."

McGonagall sighed again, and said, " Just go alone." and started to go.

George stood in her way, and continued, " So, will you go to the ball with me?" and mimicked Ballroom dancing.

McGonagall stared at him for a very long time.





Well, she should have expect this, so she finally found her voice and said," No, Mr. Weasley." 

Professor McGonagall turned away and left.

George just smiled cheekily and skipped away. 'Fred should be out of Detention by now." 

100 Things that Fred and George cannot do at Hogwarts.Where stories live. Discover now