Sam and Dean

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Snape's P.O.V-

I woke up to a pounding headache.I turned over to see a potion labeled hangover and a note.I quickly gulped it down and the headache ceased.I took the note and read it.

You apparently got drunk,I made you a hangover potion by the way.Hope that helps.

-Jamie C.

I put the note down and sat up.I then realised what a mess my room was.There were glass shards everywhere and blood?

I immediately felt guilty,did I harm her when I was intoxicated?

I quickly got dressed and went to her room to find her.

I knocked."Caster are you in there?"

No answer.

I went down to the living room to see she wasn't in there either.

Now I was beginning to worry.

Before I checked the kitchen,Caster walked in looking all bloodied and beaten up.

No I couldn't have done that could I?

"C-Caster why are you covered in blood?"

She looked surprised to see standing there.
"Stuff happened" She replied dully.

"D-did I do that?" I asked quietly while gesturing towards her.

Jamie's P.O.V-

"D-did I do that?" Snape asked quietly while gesturing towards me.


Just then Zoe walked in.

"C'mon Zoe lets get you patched up."

"Get me patched up?I think you need more help than me," She chuckled.

"Hey Snape you seem less intoxicated,did you take the potion?"I questioned.

"Yes thank you" He mumbled

"Jamie stop babying people and get yourself patched up,"Zoe stated.

Zoey's P.O.V-

"D-did I do that?" I heard Snape ask quietly.

"No." Jamie answered while I walked in.

"C'mon Zoe lets get you patched up,"

"Get me patched up?I think you need more help than me," I replied

"Hey Snape you seem less intoxicated,did you take the potion?"Jamie asked

"Yes thank you" He mumbled

Snape's actually thanking someone?

"Jamie stop babying people and get yourself patched up,"I stated.

"I have some potions that might help," Snape offered

Before Jamie could object I answered "That would be wonderful!"

Snape went up to get his potions while Jamie glared at me.

I continue humming innocently.

She never really liked asking for help,always too independent.

A few minutes later Snape walked in with a cauldron full of vials of potions.

We all made our way to the couch and he set them down on the coffee table.

"Now tell me what happened." He demanded.

Jamie was wearing her hoodie so he couldn't see the claw marks.

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