The Test

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Jamie's P.O.V-

I just sat there for what seemed like hours,just looking back at all the memories,some good but mainly the bad ones.

I actually had sat there for 2 1/2 hours not saying anything.Just thinking.

By the time I came back to reality Dumbledore came in the office with Snape carrying a stack of papers.

I watched curiously as Dumbledore conjured a desk and Snape set the papers on It.

"Ms.Caster you can take your test here,"Dumbledore said as he motioned towards the desk.

   I made my way to the desk and sat down.There was a quill placed neatly by,which I could only assume was charmed so I couldn't find a way to cheat.

"You may start the test" Dumbledore said.
He then proceeded to sit back down at his desk while Snape took a chair and sat down a couple of feet away from my desk just looking and observing me.
Which kinda creeped me out.

I better get this over with,they're not even going to give me time to study or Recap.


  The test was fairly easy just about some potions I learned a long time ago.A few spells here or there and some stuff about history,magical  animals,magical items,and even questions about muggles

I finished it with ease in less than an hour.
I gently placed the quill down.

"I've finished,"I spoke up which caught their attention.

"Already?"Dumbledore asked surprised.


"Well then you may head back to your room Professor Snape and I shall grade your papers,"

I nodded and left the room.

Sure Snape might be suspicious of me for a while but I think it's better than telling him the truth,I don't need anymore pity in my life.

I quickly made my way to my room and slid down the closed door.

"Hey Yin,"
"How's life treatin ya"
"I've resorted to having conversations with my Owl,"

"Might as well try to find something to do."

I made my over to my trunk and dug through it.
When I came across my old switchblade.

"Sorry Acorn,"I mumbled almost inaudibly.

I made my down to the bathroom,went in and locked the door.

I started the filled the bathtub with a little bit of water so it'll make less of a mess.

Trigger warning

I slowly rolled up my sleeves and took off my glove to reveal all of my previous scars.

I then took my switchblade and dragged the cold metal into my skin.

And watched the warm blood trickle down my skin and in to the water.

Trigger warning over

  After a while of doing the same routine I was getting light headed.

I could've passed out right now if it weren't for the knock on the door.

"Caster are you in there?"I hear Snape yell through the door.


That woke me up real quick.

"Yup!Lemme just wash my hands real quick!"I shout as I clean everything up and put my glove back on.

"Hurry up!"

"Hold your horses!"I shout back.

I had finished cleaning everything up and went out to the door to see an impatient Snape and a peaceful looking Dumbledore standing in the living room.

"Alright I'm out what do ya need"

"Well Ms.Caster we have finished grading your test and you have got 100% of the questions correct,"
Dumbledore explained.

"So..What now?"I asked.

"I have come to a conclusion,though Professor Snape wasn't too happy about it,he had to reluctantly agree because I'm his boss."Dumbledore chuckled.

"Anyway you and Professor Snape here shall be working together,him as your tutor but this time he shall be teaching you more advanced things.And you shall become his new apprentice,"he continued

"You two shall also continue living in these quarters,"Dumbledore ended.

Are kidding me?! I have to spend more time with him?!

"Sorry to tell you that just now Severus,"To which Snape glared at him.

"Headmaster,isn't there something else we could possibly do?!" I asked.

"Nope see you later have fun!"Dumbledore said as he walked out the door with a peace symbol.

Mf hippies.

"This is just great,"I said sarcastically

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