The Philosopher's Stone

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Jamie's P.O.V-

  It's been a while since we tried to find some clues about Snape.

  During that time I got called into Dumbledore's office,he said something about grades,potions,and summer I don't really remember due to the fact that I too busy thinking about Nicholas Flamel.Speaking of which Hermione found out that he was the maker of the Philosopher's stone.

We all went to Hagrid's hut,so they could tell him that they think that Snape was going to steal the stone.

But turns out the Malfoy brat was following us.

So now I'm with Malfoy and Harry in the forbidden forest trying to find the beast that's been drinking the unicorns blood.

Who sends 11 year olds in search of a beast?

Well I'm not exactly the best person to be asking that.

We stop when we see a hooded cloak sucking the blood out of a poor unicorn.

Malfoy runs away like the pansy he is and Harry clutches his scar.

This can't be good

The figure slowly glides towards us,before I pull out my blades a centaur scares it away.

Oh thank the lord.

The centaur tells us the figure was Voldemort and that he might be after the stone...


I don't know how I got in to this situation, but all the sudden I'm sneaking out of the Gryffindor common room at night to stop Snape from stealing a precious stone after petrifying Neville.

We made our way to the 3rd floor.
Unlocked the door and stood in front of the three headed dog.

"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Harry stated

"Come on let's open the trap door,"Hermione said.

I quickly summoned a violin to play along with the harp and went over to the trio.

"Jump!" Hermione yelled.

We all jumped and landed in a pile of mushy vines.

"Well this is just great," I complained

"Now what are we gonna do?!" Ron asked frantically

"Dude just relax," I answered

Me,Harry,and Hermione all relax and fall through the devil's snare.

"Guys!Where did you go?!" Ron yelled

Does he not listen to a word I say?
Group projects all over again.

"Ron just relax!" Hermione yelled back


"He's not relaxing is he," Harry asked.
"Apparently not," Hermione replied

"For Merlin's sake Ron!"
"Lumos Solemn!" I casted.

The snares recoiled and Ron fell through.

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