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Jaime's P.O.V-

After that fiasco I headed to my common room got dressed for school cause I know I'm not gonna get any sleep.


And I was right.
Me and the trio headed to breakfast.

After Ron finished stuffing his face and me some toast.We headed to potions, great just wonderful.

As usual Snape barged into the room like the drama queen he is.He made his way to the front of the classroom,glared at me, then started the lesson.
He soon started asking questions about what we had learned and some extra stuff that was in our books, if anyone had read them.

"Where is a Bezoar taken from?"

I of course knew the answer
Goat's stomach,poor goat
But didn't raise my hand.

Hermione and few others raised their hands.
He of course chose a Slytherin,who answered correctly.

"5 points to Slytherin,"

"What are the ingredients of a cough potion,"
He questioned

½ cup of cold pressed castor oil,
2 cloves of garlic, crushed,
1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger root,
3 drops of eucalyptus oil, and
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper,
Add a pinch of cinnamon and some butterscotch if you want it to be more potent (A/N:I'm making the more potent part up btw 😅)

Like before Hermione, but fewer people raised their hand.And again he chose on another god damn Slytherin,who of course answered the god damn question right.But didn't the Slytherin didn't say anything about how to make it more potent.Pity.

"Correct, 10 points to Slytherin,"

"At least how many uses are known for Dragon blood?"


Only Hermione raised her hand this time.

"Yes, Miss.Granger?"

"12, sir," She spoke confidently

"Correct,5 points to Gryffindor,"He muttered annoyingly.

"Now who knows the ingredients for the Draught of the Living Dead?"

Water,some powdered root of asphodel,an infusion of wormwood,Valerian root,a Sopophorous Bean, and a sloth brain.Simple really.

"No one?"

"What a pity,"

Ron raised his hand.

"What is it Weasley?" He asked annoyed

"But sir,aren't we supposed to learn that potion in the 6th year."

"And how would you know that?" he asked as he raised his eyebrow.

Well you kinda just told him ya dumbass

"I was listening to Charlie talk about it when he was in his 6th year."

"Well then if you were listening to him talk about it then why don't you know the answer?"

Well what if Charlie didn't mention the ingredients you ol' git.Plus it was so long ago.

"I d-don't know sir,"

"5 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention,"

This mf bitch.He gives points to us then some how comes up with an idea to take em' away.

Maybe I should've raise my hand.

"Classed dismissed,"

We packed up and walked out of the classroom,and since it was Tuesday we get to go to our first flying lesson today.

"It's no fair I was like 9 when Charlie mentioned it how was I supposed to remember the ingredients, or even remember if he mentioned the ingredients?!"
Ron exclaimed.

"It's alright Ron he's just being the nasty ol' git he is," I said


We made it outside, where Madam Hooch was teaching us the basics of flying a broom (which I have done before). So I had an advantage.

Neville had lost control of his broom and fell to the ground.So Madam Hooch had to take him to the hospital wing.

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass." Malfoy snickered.

"Give it back Malfoy," Me and Harry said at the same time.

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. " He said as he hovered

"How 'bout up on the roof?" he questioned

"What's the matter Potter, Caster, bit out of your reach?" He asked

That's it

Me and Harry got on our brooms.

"Jamie, Harry don't do this you could get in trouble or hurt!" Hermione warned.

We just ignored her and flew up to Malfoy.


"Give it back Malfoy." I demanded

"Or we'll knock you off your broom."Harry threatened.

"Have it your way then."He said as he threw it.

Harry and I flew towards it quickly I slowed down when I saw we were towards a window.

Harry caught it quickly and threw it at me.

I zoomed quickly towards the ball and caught it.

We slowly head back to the group.

When we get there a lot of people were cheering even some Slytherins.

Professor McGonagall shows up.
"Harry Potter, Jamie Caster?"
"Follow me." she demanded.

She led us towards a classroom and opened it.
"Excuse me,"
"Excuse me,Professor Quirrel could I borrow Wood for a moment?" She asked

"Oh.Y-yes of course."

"Potter, Caster this is Oliver Wood.Wood I have found you a new Seeker and Chaser!"

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