“Were you sleeping or something? ”

“Nope. Listening to music. You know you're supposed to at least pretend to be nice, I just got back home.” I say whilst glaring at him.

He just plasters on his annoying fake smile, “Simi, the only day of niceness you could get from me was that exact day you came in. ” He says and then shoves me aside so he could go in.

“Tayo! ” I yell whilst he's already halfway out of the kitchen.

“Love you, sis! Oh, by the way, ” He spins around to face me, “Don't lock the door yet. Someone's coming in.”

“Who? And why'd you take the back door in?”

“No reason.” Then he shrugs and leaves. Shortly after, blondie comes in too.

“Oh, hey. Simi, right? ”

Omg, his accent.

I'm guessing he recognized me from our family photo in the dining room and either Tayo or Lola mentioned my name to him, anyhow though.

“Yeah. Hi. ”

“Where's T?”

“Sorry, I'm Jon.” He adds as an afterthought.

I palm my cheeks with my two hands and then, “Oh my god, Jon Bellion's in my kitchen.” I drone out dramatically and the poor guy tries to subtly laugh but fails to.

“I'm – I'm not Jon Bellion. Unfortunately for you.”

I pout. “So, Jonathan …? ”

“Harper. Yeah, but just call me Jon. When'd you get back though? ”

“Oh, two days ago. ”

“Right. So, where's T? ”

“I'm guessing he went upstairs, not sure. ”

“Okay. Uhmm, I'll go check. ” And then he leaves too.


※  ※  ※  ※

“Chuba , I swear you're still as stupid as ever. I think you even got more stupid. ” I say in between pizza bites.

“I'm not the one eating like a pig though. Lady, chill on the pizza. ”

“You have no idea how much I missed Dominos' pizza. I will proudly answer to the name of a pig if i have to. ” and then I shrug.

So, Chuba arrived ten minutes later but I obviously forgave him because he brought two medium sized boxes of the deliciousness that is Dominos . I personally devoured one whole box because who doesn't love an extra cheesy pepperoni sauce with chilli pepper & onions and chicken suya thin crusted pizza  with melted Choco Pockets for a sidekick? Not me!

I'm honestly really thankful for my genes and the fact that I'm not too lazy to exercise atleast three times a week because I don't know how I'd have looked by now with the amount of**coughs**pizza**coughs** I consume.

“So, how much did you get them again? ”

“So....what? ” He raises a brow.

“So, I could reimburse you, duh? I made you buy them. ”

“Nope. Bought them 'cause I wanted to though I'm not a huge fan of pizza but I obviously ate some too. ”

“C'mon! You don't have to spend money on me, you have Viv to spend on! ”

“Uhmm, I can if I want to. ” Then he rolls his eyes and I throw a pillow at him. He laughs, then, “But really, its my treat. After not seeing you for so long, let me spoil you at least. ”

“Awww. Thank you then. But next time, I won't eat even a slice if you don't let me pay; half at least. ”

He begins to laugh so loudly and I just cross my arms and stare. “What? ”

“I long to see the day you reject pizza, Simisola Ayo. ”

“You will soon! Try me. ” Even I, don't believe my words but c'mon.

“I hear you. ”

I grab my last slice of pizza, take a bite and then,“ How's Vivian by the way? I saw how you subtly slid by her name.”

“She's fine, I guess. We broke up. ”

I drop my pizza and gape at him, “whyyy?! You guys were my OTP! ”

He shakes his head and has an amused look on his face before facing me, “It got boring and weirdly scary. ”

“Weirdly scary? Never heard that one before.”

“She also got too clingy. It was irritating.”

I facepalm myself. “She's your  girlfriend, she's allowed to be clingy! ”

Was my girlfriend, point of correction. ”

I shake my head and just give up before glaring at him.


※  ※  ※  ※

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