Part 5

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After several months, the stalemate had grown between the G.U.S.S. and its enemies, no one group was able to acquire the upper hand on the other.
The Mandalorians held control of their systems and neighboring worlds. They made no attempts to expand further for their forces had been depleted in the battle over Telos.
The Yuuzhan Vong armada had spread far and wide across several worlds on the outer rim.
They had received a steady influx of reinforcements but their numbers still paled in comparison to their first venture outside of their home system many thousands of years ago.
Regardless they still held control over a large area expanding from Esfanda, to Kalee, and even as far as Sempidal.
It led nearby worlds to join the new Reformed Systems Alliance; creating a new and stronger Senate of their own and holding off the Vong advancement.
It made them stand out amongst the other worlds, and forced every system in the area to swear fealty to their new conjoining.
Over were the days of the Galactic Union and those worlds that claimed independence from it, it was no longer safe to maintain a neutrality, not from the Mandalorians or the Yuuzhan Vong.
The galaxy became separate, it divided itself into five parts: First was the Vong controlled regions encompassing a large area of the outer rim.
The Mandalorian home front as it became known, controlled a full circle around their home space.
Controlling everything from Wayland to Eres; the Hutts remained sheltered behind their criminal veil, aiding any side that allowed them to conduct their operations, subsequently they were the only ones that kept a sort of neutrality.
And lastly the scattered outer rim worlds and half of the mid rim systems that defected from the original Union joined the R.S.A., the original Union remained at the helm of the other mid rim systems and all the core worlds as well.
The R.S.A. had one small problem in its formation, while before they stayed in hiding from the Union by being a small hotchpotch of worlds; now they were no longer so. The small ripple they were, had become the waves of an ocean.
It put them in the cross hairs of a Galactic Union that saw them as a new threat, it needed their resources and military might to overcome the new enemy at large.
They could no longer remain invisible, their center was located at Dantooine, and the heart of the new Jedi order was centered at Ossus, led by grand masters Sao Sahan and Kal Kano, the divided senate, order, and Union were no longer a mystery from one another.
The only group to remain away from the new political and military makeup of the galaxy were the separatist Jedi that left the order and followed former grand master Bon Raya into hiding.
Their whereabouts remained unknown, although scattered reports placed them at Ord Mantell, this remained unconfirmed.
What became common knowledge were their doctrines, although sometimes exaggerated it related tales of a new Jedi order that lived as hermits and nomads.
Perhaps moving from world to world, they treated the force as a gift and the Jedi became a sort of religion to them, the essence of the force was like a living god, and they even called what they practiced Jediism.
But both sides had each other and their common enemies on their sights, no one would pay any mind to a small group of separatist Jedi.
A Jedi vessel landed on the private platform of the Jedi temple on Coruscant, construction to repair the damage had commenced a month ago but the building still bore the scars of the attack that left the order shattered.
Rysa Tarlee departed her ship and made her way towards the temple itself, she stared for a moment at the construction droids while they worked to repair the structure.
She sighed as she thought of that night, what would it have felt like for those younglings that trained at the temple?
How a peaceful evening had turned into their last night alive, and how everything that led up to that moment had started so long ago by one of their own.
Seilif Dannos was to blame for all that, for the damage to their temple and the lives lost on that fateful night.
She forced the thoughts from her mind and made her way inside the temple, security had increased since the attack, she passed at least three checkpoints before she reached the place she had been summoned to, the council chambers.
She waited outside until called to enter the room, the order itself had been busy with the war effort, they did not even have time to find replacements for the grand masters that left.
It remained just the three of them, Suur; Fedors; and their leader Naba Ran. Rysa bowed as she stood in the center of the room, the view of Coruscant displayed through the glass panels behind them.
"Thank you for coming Rysa." Spoke Ran as she smiled at the young woman before them.
She nodded at the other council members, "Always happy to be here." She replied but her comment lacked any semblance of truth.
"I'm sure you've been wondering the reasons behind our behest." Retorted Merqui Suur.
"Yes, a bit." She responded.
Emelien Fedors shifted in his seat, "We have a matter of much concern that we must discuss with you young lady."
"Fact is we should be talking to both you and Sylus but he tends to be more...hard headed about certain topics, we decided you might be more inclined to listen to reason." Offered Naba Ran.
Rysa nodded, still wondering why she was brought here on this morning.
"It has come to our attention that you and young Sylus have been displaying...a sort of behavior we don't allow amongst the order." Spoke Fedors, she stared at them for a moment.
She had wondered how long it would be until they approached them about it, they tried to cover up their relationship but over the last few months it became increasingly more difficult to do so, or part of them did not care anymore.
They knew there would be consequences to their actions but their love was paramount, they shared the same room at the Binka academy; they held hands in public and even kissed on occasion.
She and Sylus had rehearsed what to say once confronted with this issue, but they planned to be called together not her alone, she was hesitant to speak; for she knew not how to react.
Together they could anchor on one another, but on their own she would rely on her personal interest, not on what was best for both as a couple, they even discussed leaving the order if they were forced to end their relationship, but once more; it was discussed and practiced being done together, here she was all alone though.
Sylus would have her back in this but he was not summoned, and now she had to face the thousand-ton Rancor in the room, she would have to brave it alone without the love of her life to aid in her choice of words.
Naba Ran rose form her seat at the helm of the council; "You are aware of the rules within our order correct?" She asked.
Rysa nodded but refrained from any comments.
"Then you defy our rules on purpose?" She proceeded to ask coldly.
No more could she just get by on gestured answers, she had to speak no matter the outcome.
"We don't defy your rules grand masters, our love does."
It stirred silent protests from present company in the form of judging glances and disapproving gestures.
"You think us all as stupid is that it child?" Asked Merqui Suur.
Rysa shook her head slightly, "No grand masters."
Naba Ran walked towards her, "What are we to do with this, what do you think should be our course of action?" She inquired but Rysa chose to omit a response.
"It's obvious you understand we have to act upon this?" Rysa nodded once more.
"And what do you think a befitting punishment should be for your insolence?" Asked Naba Ran.
Rysa felt the lava flow of anger rise inside her, but her volcano of emotions failed to erupt; or rather she held back the eruption. They had a reason to ask these questions, it was after all stablished rules they were breaking with their relationship.
"I guess Sylus and I would be kicked out of the order." She offered flatly.
Grand master Ran smiled at her, while she turned and headed back to her seat.
"That will not be necessary child, the offense isn't grave enough to warrant an expulsion from the order."
She saw Naba Ran take her seat and smile at her once more, 'yes it was bad enough to merit their excommunication from the Jedi' she thought.
Rysa realized there was more to her summons than just a discussion of her relationship.
"Then what is to become of us?" She asked.
Merqui Suur responded her inquiry.
"The correct thing would be for the both of you to end your relationship, but..." He stopped himself and stared at the other council members.
"But what?" Asked Rysa with a frown.
"We believe this isn't a new fling you both just undertook recently correct?" Asked Fedors.
Rysa nodded, Naba Ran proceeded.
"Asking you to end it would only force your departure from the order, we wish to avoid that."
Rysa stared at them, they were trying to reach a goal but they did not want to come out and say it; more courting needed to be applied.
"You want us to hide what we have.?" Rysa offered.
The grand masters nodded faintly in agreement but also as if to say she missed some important part.
"Things are complicated when it comes to relationships." Naba Ran began with.
"In the end, the heart wants what it wants, hiding your feelings at this point may be asking too much, we are going to separate both of you, mission wise I mean."
This was also something they foresaw happening, "We will be sent on separate missions." She stated, to which the grand masters nodded.
"We can do that, it won't be a problem but, why did you think that Sylus would object to it?" She asked.
"We never said he would object, only that he tends to be a bit hot headed and overreact to certain orders he does not agree with."
She smiled at them, "I think you underestimate him grand masters."
Rysa's comment seemed to go over their heads, they wanted to continue regardless of what was offered from her behalf, what they wished to present was more important than the mundane conversation this meeting began with.
"Perhaps but no matter." Offered Ran matter of fact.
"We need your help in dealing with a problem."
Rysa smiled at them. "You have a mission; why didn't you say so before?"
Ran shifted in her seat, "Grand admiral Xenon has requested your presence with the task force."
"Task force?" she asked.
Ran nodded at her. "Yes Rysa, you will be traveling with other Jedi, they are subsequently in charge your presence is there for your...ability."
Rysa nodded as she frowned, then a faint smile appeared across her features, "My battle meditation."
The grand masters nodded at her, it just dawned on her right then and there, they had lied to her, she was brought here under false pretenses.
She shook her head as she stared at them, "That's the real reason you didn't want Sylus to come, you don't care about him; makes no difference to you if he quits, you're right maybe he would've overreacted and left the order but you knew if that happened I would leave with him, brought me here alone because you really only care about my battle meditation..."
She took on a pensive demeanor between her words, as if deciphering their puzzle as she spoke.
"And I take it once this conflict is resolved then you could care less what happens to me and Sylus right?"
          The grand masters remained quiet, eerily quiet. Her comments could be taken as insolence, and rightfully so, but there was also an inkling of truth to her accusations. They never wanted to use her but her battle meditation was too enticing to resist the temptation.
And they really did not need Sylus at all, Rysa was another matter altogether, whatever they planned Rysa knew she would be a part of it.
"You start to sound as rebellious as Jerr Khan and his sister, obvious you shared the same teacher and that could be the problem." Stated Naba Ran coldly.
"Don't bring him into this it has no bearing on the way I think."
"Then explain your behavior young one?" Demanded grand master Fedors.
Rysa looked at them, she wondered if it was even necessary to continue this argument, and that is exactly what it had turned into; an argument.
"Ever since the events with Darth Wraith began you have looked at us as the black sheep of the order, tell me what kind of attitude should any of us have?"
Naba Ran looked away from her, she was right in her accusations, they had not done an excellent job at hiding their displeasure with Seilif Dannos former students, and to a certain degree they were a bit happy to not have all of them around, only two left to deal with.
"We want you to understand our end of this entire mess with your former master, everything he touched has been tainted, every student ended up dead or turned to the dark side, you must understand how worried we are of you and young Sylus."
Rysa did not comprehend their view point, or she did not care to; all she knew is that the council saw them a certain way because of matters that were beyond their control.
Yet they were blamed for it all the same, it was time to put all this to rest; now more than ever she wanted out of the Jedi for good.
"Tell me what this mission is?" She asked sternly.
It raised stares from her peers.
"Grand admiral Xenon will fill you in on the particulars, you leave tonight, make yourself at home until then young knight."
Ormon Sydow and Mara Chaal engaged each other again, their skills had grown much but they still had plenty to learn.
They had learned most of the lightsaber forms but the mastery of the force was proving to be the main focus of Sahan and Kano.
Both young knights Ormon and Mara had control of their power before meeting the Jedi, but they lacked the mastery of it, every time they had to use it the force was unleashed to its maximum.
They could not practice that way, most of their training had been focused on meditation, learning how to channel that energy and plenty of breathing.
Mara had acquired that knowledge far easier than Ormon, she had learned to calm herself and control the energy flow through her, Ormon did as well to a certain degree but the difference being he was more impatient.
Both young knights would battle each other then both were forced to turn their attention to the remote thrown in the mix by master Sahan.
"Focus your strength young knights!" He would yell every occasionally.
The remote would catch them by surprise and its laser would find the mark, a leg here, an arm there; all hurt the same.
Ormon looked at the older master, "Do you have one of those things that doesn't hurt?" He asked jokingly, Sahan laughed.
"No but it is better than the training sabers, lets concentrate on meditation."
Ormon sighed disappointedly; Sahan smiled at them; "Oh come now, lightsaber dueling isn't the most important part of a Jedi's training, the understanding of the force is; and you two still have difficulties controlling the raw power you wield."
He led them into one of the rooms of their new academy on Ossus, they knelt and master Sahan commence the breathing exercises.
Mara looked down at the floor, Sahan noticed her demeanor and took a moment to discuss what appeared to be an expression of concern forming over her features.
"Something wrong child?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing wrong I'm just thinking."
Sahan gazed at her, "You should be concentrating on your breathing like Ormon is doing."
The young man seemed deep in concentration, then he spoke as he smiled; "Actually I'm falling asleep; all this breathing is making me drowsy."
Mara Chaal laughed at his comment, master Sahan shook his head; "Yes I was right, trouble, the two of you, nothing but trouble."
Mara's smile widened, Ormon loved to see her like that, it brought one across his lips as well.
"Right, if you two won't take this seriously then maybe we can talk about whatever you were thinking." Offered Sahan.
Mara rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her palms, "A lot of the other Jedi give us looks when they see us, I don't mean a look of rejection or objection to us being here, it's just when we are know."
"Yes, we sometimes hug and...well, they look at us like if we are weird." Offered Ormon.
Sahan smiled at them. "That is because the order does not allow displays of affection in public." He stopped himself. "Actually, not at all, not even in private."
Mara frowned at him, "Why? I know they don't allow attachments but what does that have to do with love?" She asked.
"It's part of the old tenets of our order, attachments of a personal nature are prohibited; it tends to lead to emotions that could send a Jedi down the path of the dark side."
"You Jedi seem very afraid of the dark side?" Asked Ormon; to which Sahan had to think before he answered.
"One would think a Jedi will be stronger than that, a notion shouldn't frighten us much but it does."
He shifted his weight to place his frame in a more comfortable position, "Fact is young ones, that when one wields so much power that power does not come alone, it brings great responsibility with it; the Jedi feel one must always avert any chance of temptation, besides to serve within our order one must accept certain facts."
Ormon frowned at his comment, "Such as?"
"Such as the fact that we are here to serve others across the galaxy, we are here to protect those who can't defend themselves, we must bring some sort of balance and peace. You must give of yourself and expect nothing in return, if you aid anyone expecting a reward then the gesture was not bred from purity."
Sahan took a deep breath before he continued; "You can't help those in need if you only do it for a great reward, the reward should be the very same action you undertook. The fact you help is reward enough, attachments lead to certain behaviors the Jedi are not comfortable with; if you lose what you are attach..." Master Sahan stopped himself, he received frowns from both of them.
Mara looked into his eyes, "What does that mean? I don't get it; if I lose an article of clothing I'm not going to lose it and kill anyone or fall to the dark side."
"That is not what I meant, there are other attachments that have nothing to do with material things."
It was time for Ormon to frown at his comment; "You mean personal as in...a loved one?
Sahan nodded as they looked at each other, "Jedi are not supposed to love, nor are we allowed to contact our families once we join the order, in fact youth is very important in that process; we only accept younglings of a certain age, after the age of five it can be difficult to negate the feelings of attachment one has already forged, loneliness, homesickness, if you miss what you left behind then you have attachments, a loss of those particular...I mean..."
"You mean if your parents die then the hurt will be..." Added Mara.
She held back from finishing the sentence to avoid the memory of her own personal loss, Sahan nodded slightly, he did not wish to touch the subject for he knew of Mara's past and what transpired on Ryloth with her family and the slavers.
He cleared his throat before he proceeded; "Those feelings are the ones that get in the way of what a Jedi is and what we are supposed to do, pain in such scale can lead to sorrow, sorrow to hate; and hate to the dark side."
The older master continued, "Any form of resentment should be avoided, that's why we meditate often, that's why I emphasize this part of our training. When you are faced with such painful moments and decisions; your training must rise above all else, if you react with emotions and not logic then the dark side has already claimed you as its pupil."
Ormon looked at him, then at Mara; "You want us to stop our relationship?" He asked defiantly.
Sao Sahan smiled at him, "No, I will not expect that from both of you, just conceal it when in the presence of others that's all."
Mara smiled at the older Jedi master; "We can do that master Sahan."
"Good then, lets concentrate on our meditation." Ordered Sahan.
All three of them closed their eyes and worked on their breathing, slow, deep, soothing for the inner soul of all Jedi, Orson's demeanor displayed a faint smirk.
"If I fall asleep someone elbow me please."
Mara broke into laughter and lost her concentration, Sahan shook his head and spoke while his eyes remained closed.
"Yes sir, trouble; nothing but trouble."
The land speeder crossed the frozen plains of Ziost at high velocity, it picked up snow and ice across the ground, a storm brewed in the distance but for now the clouds gave way to a few rays of sunlight, the wind had picked up from the front approaching from the northern range.
The ruins of the old citadel stood before the vehicle as it closed in on it, the speeder came to a stop near the southern façade of the mount of rubble that remained of the ancient structure.
The driver stepped out and observed the pile of old stones just ahead, Nimrah Khan removed her hood and took in the sight, the last time she saw this place it stood regal, defiant of time and the elements.
Now it just reminded her of the rubble excavated during her visits to the Xyrax ore mining site, there was nothing regal about this place anymore, it was depressing; it bore the scars that were left of the Sith Vanguard.
A reminder of the failures of her brother, and it quickly became a symbol of her hatred for the Jedi, she would not rest until the order collapsed under the might of the Sith, one day she would stand before the great temple on Coruscant, and watch as its foundations lay in ruins just as this temple does now.
Nimrah struggled to walk in the snow, she labored her way towards the southern wall, a large part of it was not destroyed and it still stood, she used the force to jump over it and land atop one of the arch ways.
She stared down at the rubble below her, she reached forward with her right hand, the stones began to wiggle and turn over themselves. Smaller ones and medium size rocks levitated and were thrown across to the sides, more and more moved at once, force pull could remove any object from a force user's path.
The only Sith left in the galaxy began to outstretch her left hand, now the larger boulders began to stir, large sections of wall and roof levitated, half ton and multiple ton sections were removed from the center of the temple.
Slowly but surely the main hall and rooms became visible, the stone floor still intact in most parts. She jumped down and landed in the room were the decisive battle took place, she stood erect and observed a darkened metal armor piece.
It failed to protect the torso that still inhabited it, resembling nothing of the shiny metal piece she remembered Juboth wearing.
It was dented and darkened by all the battles it adage, scarred and damaged like the temple itself, a befitting resting place for such a piece of hardware, the wearer could not be easily identified however, a tear escaped her, it froze on her cheek as the temperatures across the valley dropped.
There were still feelings for Juboth in her heart, another reason the Jedi had to pay for all they had done to her and the Sith.
His head had been crushed beyond recognition by the stones that fell on him after the explosion, his limbs severed by the blast from the thermal detonator, the arms and legs well preserved by the cold but damaged by the heat and shock wave of the detonation.
Nimrah stepped over the body and walked a short distance to the rubble on the edges of the room, protruding from the rocks was the bottom of a lightsaber, she used force pull to remove it and bring it to her hand.
She felt the strength of the diamond inside the casing, it was bent and damaged; the weapon itself would not work but the crystal that gave Darth Wraith his power was intact, she closed her eyes and listened to that inner voice.
"Yes my lord, I have it." She waited.
A faint smile flashed across her features.
"The galaxy will bend to our rule my master." Snow began to fall around her, the storm was getting closer, she smiled while her eyes remained closed.
"I will, I can't wait until we are" Her smile widened as thunder clapped in the distance.

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