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Sylus leaned against a wall just outside the meditation grounds, the Binka academy was bustling with activity that morning, many padawans clamored around a figure walking towards him, it was still early in the conflict with the Mandalorian people.
Only five months since the start of hostilities but in that short time the figure approaching had made a name for herself.
Kara Rias had become one of the most beloved figures within the Jedi order; a short while after being made a full knight for her part in the destruction of the Sith Vanguard, she took to teaching the younglings at the Binka academy the art of Shin-To.
She was also called upon to report at the front lines of the war, and along with Rysa Tarlee made an immediate impact in the conflict.
Her diplomacy skills and Rysa's battle meditation made short work of their enemies and became front runners for the Union war effort, while Sylus and Ayden carried a lot of the burden of command, it was ultimately Rysa's force ability along with Kara's amazing leadership skills and personality that proved to be the turning point in the war.
Where the Union charged in for battle Kara allowed for diplomacy to prevail, many Mandalorians surrendered without even an engagement.
Now she was mobbed everywhere she went, in a short time she became well known throughout the order and the galaxy, mostly in her dealings with the Mandalorian refugees, those who had fled their home world to avoid the coming war.
They were subsequently mistreated in many Union worlds they took refuge in, until Kara changed all that, the Jedi order backed her initiatives and the Union's leadership had little choice but to follow suit.
While many still blamed the Union for the treatment of those refugees, they managed to remain afloat of any wrongdoing because of her actions.
Kara Rias had become the savior of the Mandalorian people, and many back on Mandalor believed she was the only hope for a peaceful resolution to a war that saw them losing more than they won, the old traditions of their clan days were long gone.
Mandalorians of old they were not, the people that almost brought the old Republic to it's knees could not even dominate the systems neighboring theirs; for every foothold they gained they lost many ships and men in return, eventually losing control over the few worlds they claimed for themselves.
The aid they thought would come from systems not aligned with the senate and the Union never came, their armada was large but not large enough to contend with the Union's forces, and the strength of the Jedi as well to boot.
But any ill feelings towards a Union many Mandalorians saw as the betrayers of their kin and traditions was waning away faster than the ocean waves crashing against a sandy beach, and all in part to the work Kara was doing with those who needed help.
           She had also brought the image of the order to new grounds. No longer did many saw the Jedi as the military arm of the senate and Union, as was the case before, many sentients across the galaxy always believed the Jedi's purpose was to keep balance by offering aid to those in need, and she was doing just that, upholding the old code and the old traditions to the point of changing hearts and minds with many who previously held discord for the order.
           Sylus couldn't help but to smile as every time Kara attempted to reach the academy's main building many padawans flooded to her, some younglings wanted to talk to her, others just to show their appreciation, must just wanted to hug her.
            She brought about displays of affection the Jedi were not used to, but it was difficult to suppress them when her personality oozed so much love and warmth, she spotted Sylus from her position and smiled at him.
           After a few minutes the students allowed her to reach him and gave the two knights some privacy, although five months had passed since the battle with Jerr Khan aboard the union vessel.
           Sylus noticed that Kara Rias seemed older than she truly was, she had grown wiser during those months, but something physical had changed in her it seemed.
           She had just celebrated her sixteenth year, yet she seemed to be in her twenties, she had matured and grown more beautiful, he didn't know if it was a Cathar trait or not; perhaps their species reached a maturity point were the age showed drastically.
           She smiled as she stood next to her friend, "Well, look at you Sylus; I thought you were still in the thick of the action."
"I was until just recently, and I see I wasn't wrong about you after all." She frowned at him but her smile persisted.
"Back when we met on Coruscant I told you that you might become a great Jedi one day, and here you are, the famous Kara Rias, I feel like I should ask for your autograph."
          A nervous laugh escaped her, she blushed slightly, her beauty stood out in a surreal glow, her skin seemed brighter and new.
"You are too much Sylus, how's Rysa, is she here?" She asked.
          Sylus shook his head as he responded, "No, she's out in the field, I will travel back to be with her, we have some Mandalorian forces to contend with in the outer rim worlds; renegades I think, just needed to make a quick stop though."
"Well, it was good to see you after all this time, I'm enjoying training the younglings, I love being around them, they're so full of life, I think I can positively affect their journey towards becoming knights of the order."
           Sylus smiled at her comment; "Kara you can influence a Sith to return to the light, that's your gift girl, your ability to spread love like if it were treats to children."
           Her smile slowly ebbed, she looked down at the ground before raising her gaze to meet Sylus' eyes, "Any word know?"
           She asked timidly, Sylus shook his head, "On master Lok? no nothing yet."
"You know what Sylus, it's a beautiful morning, lets not ruin it with sadness, I need to go but it was good to see you again."
"Likewise Kara." They hugged and she departed.
           Sylus made his way towards the main building and saw Lara Boel leaving head master Bol's office, "Sylus."
           She offered with a nod and kept walking, Sylus stared at her until she disappeared down the hallway, he entered the office to be greeted by a wide grin on the older Zabrak's face.
"Sylus my friend come on in." He invited.
           Sylus shook his hand and sat in the chair across from his desk, "What brings you back here?" He asked.
"I'm on my way to a mission i was just given, but i took a brief time off to procure a farmstead on Dantooine."
          Head master Bol leaned back on his seat, he stared at the ceiling with a grin tattooed on his features.
"Ah yes, Dantooine can be quite beautiful this time of year."
"Indeed, as I was saying; I was heading back when I heard a curious report come through the Union's war channel, something about admiral Targus found the SS Interceptor?"
"Oh yes, they found it derelict in space somewhere over Telos, it seemed to have been abandoned for some time, and it just drifted away in space I guess."
Sylus frowned at the information, "No word on Nimrah Khan I take it?"
"None, she obviously wasn't on board, she must've left the ship and gone off somewhere."
Sylus never worried about her whereabouts, but bringing her to justice would finally close that chapter on the Sith Vanguard. They stared at each other for an uncomfortable length of time.
"I want to ask but sometimes I find myself holding back you know? Even from myself." Retorted the Zabrak Jedi master.
Sylus smiled faintly and nodded in affirmation as if to say 'I understand.'
"Sometimes I find myself not wanting to think about it too, and I hope no one asks me questions." Replied Sylus.
They stared at each other again.
"I guess we are the ones who should talk about it." Exclaimed master Bol.
"I just want to know why he did it that's all, I think I...we deserve an explanation."
"Yes, I agree, he was my friend, and like a father to you all, I mean he..."
Master Bol stopped himself, he cleared his throat before continuing.
"Did you see master Boel before you came in?"
Sylus nodded, "The council dropped the investigation, she was reinstated; after what happened with master Lok they now believe her side of the story; so expect her to gloat a bit around you, they think he programmed the droid and is responsible for killing those poor padawans."
Sylus made a disgusted gesture but offered no arguments, "I take it they are looking for him in regards to that?" He asked.
Master Bol nodded. "They are, there's no arrest order from the Union either, it's shoot on sight if anyone sees him."
Sylus stared at the floor for a bit, master Bol sensed the frustration and the confusion within the young man.
"How are you holding up Sylus?" He asked.
The young knight shrugged as he answered, "How do you think master Bol, I placed that weapon in his hands, handed it right to him; you saw you were there; and now...who knows what he might be doing with it.
All I can think about is everything he told us in regards to the Rakata diamond, how if Jerr Khan accessed that power he would become a Sith god, do you think that's why he did it, to become what, a god?"
Master Bol shrugged, "Maybe if we ever get to see him again he might have answers for us all, I don't know young Sylus."
The knight of the order took on a pensive demeanor, "You've heard what the council is calling him right?"
The Zabrak master nodded.
"Yes, they say he's the dark lord of the Sith responsible for creating the Vanguard, Darth Wraith."
"Do you believe that?" Asked Sylus.
"Don't know, how can a Sith be a part of the council and no one ever sensed it?"
Sylus looked around the room, then settled his gaze on the Jedi master, "Palpatine did it."
"He was the senate's chancellor, he didn't have the Jedi around him constantly, he spent most of his time around Anakin and he ended up turning him to the dark side."
"You think that's what he wanted, to be the next Palpatine?" Inquired Sylus.
"Maybe, but who is he planning to take the mantle of Darth Vader, certainly not Jerr Khan, he's dead, master Lok is all alone now." Offered the Zabrak master.
"That we know of." Retorted Sylus, he rose and proceeded to the front door, Hadem Bol walked him out of the office.
Before he let Sylus depart master Bol asked one last question.
"One more thing Sylus, I heard you requested the information on the Cult of Mandalor, may I ask why?"
Sylus smiled before he responded, "I trust Kara Rias could bring an end to the conflict, but diplomacy takes a while, I think I can end the war quickly."
"By opening the files on a closed case?" Frowned the Jedi master.
"You'll see, next stop for me: Mandalor, maybe next time you see me we will have peace at last."
With that Sylus turned and left the academy, he boarded his Jedi star fighter and docked with the hyperspace ring in orbit over Agamar, he input the coordinates to Mandalor and jumped to light speed shortly after.
A ship landed on a strange world, what looked like a facility heavily guarded, a battle during the approach saw their forces decimated quickly, now the alien ground forces protected the strange building behind them.
The place looked like it was built from natural technology, the planet was lush but it wasn't vegetation, the lushness of the world was like a bio- technology, it was a city and a forest all in one, the ship landed in a clearing as the forces closed in on it, their species were fierce looking, with horny protrusions from their heads and bodies, they wore military organic armor, and their weapons reflected the bio-organic technology of their world.
Inside the ship Darth Wraith made a call on his com-link device, a hologram appeared on the small display panel near the ship's controls.
"Yes Darth Wraith?" Responded the man in the shiny armor.
"Keldrick Aron it is time to go to work once more, I will send you a list, do what you do best my friend."
"As you wish Darth Wraith, where are you? The transmission isn't very clear." Asked Aron.
Darth Wraith smiled at him, "I am in a far away place, an old Republic enemy must join our cause by any means necessary." They both smiled.
"I take it if they refuse things will go badly for them?" Asked Aron with a wide grin.
"It has already, perhaps their leaders will be more understanding."
Keldrick Aron laughed as he put on his helmet, "Take care on your mission, I will handle things on my end, good bye Darth Wraith."
The transmission cut off and the dark lord of the Sith exited his ship, by then more forces had gathered to stop him, to try and accomplish what their interplanetary defense couldn't.
Darth Wraith took several steps towards them, they readied their weapons but didn't open fire upon him, they recognized him as a force user.
Darth Wraith removed his lightsaber, a silvery glow flowed on ignite, he smiled wickedly, then proceeded to attack with force speed, closing the gap between him and the guards before they could open fire, the Sith lord cut them down to shreds, then he entered the building that was his target from the start.

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