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        After a long drawn out war against a group called the Sith Vanguard, the Galactic Union finally began to achieve major victories; driving back the small but pesky band of dark Jedi.
Only a handful joined the initial group, over time they had grown in numbers and also in strength, but now with the help of the Jedi order the Union was at the cusp of a final defeat of the Vanguard leadership.
Destroying most of their vessels in the final confrontation, the Vanguard's leader; Jerr Khan retreated with the remaining members to the ancestral Sith world of Korriban; there they met the remaining Jedi forces laying in waiting, the Vanguard fell into the Union's trap; Admiral Granka led the final assault on Jerr Khan's flag ship.
A promising young Jedi knight, Sylus Onora, accompanied by a small contingency of Jedi, planned to land on the old Sith training academy on Korriban, there they would ambush the Sith and engage their leader in the place the Vanguard was conceived.
They attempted to end the insurgency with a single strike, but as the Jedi would soon learn, there's always more to the Sith than meets the eye


A massive Union dreadnaught led the star ships in a circling formation as Vanguard Sith fighters attempted to maneuver around the G.U.S.S. fighters.
Jerr Khan's flag ship made another attempt to enter the Sith home world, but the G.U.S.S. ships cut off their means of reaching the planet's surface safely, on the main deck of the dreadnaught Admiral Granka and newly promoted general Hoxe observed the battle as it unfolded before them.
"Soon this insurgency will be at an end." Spoke Granka, Hoxe nodded in affirmation.
"I could've ended this mess months ago if I was allowed to drop my commandos on their base."
"Union brass likes to take their time before acting." Retorted Granka.
            "Besides I'm not so sure your commandos could prove useful against Sith forces." Hoxe snorted at his comment.
           "With all due respect Admiral, We are the best around, we can handle a bunch of renegade Sith wannabe's."
"Perhaps you'd like to test your men today?"
           Both men turned to face Sylus Onora approaching, "My Jedi strike team is ready, we'd be honored to have your commandos join us."
           Admiral Granka smiled at Hoxe, "Ready your men general, you get your wish today." The general saluted his superior and left the bridge.
"What's the plan young Jedi knight?" Asked the admiral.
            "We'll use the general's drop ship, let us pass the blockade into the planet's surface we'll drop in the old Sith academy, there should be a ruined space port near by then allow Jerr Khan's ship to land shortly after. I trust you can handle the Sith fighters up here?"
             "They're almost wiped out, that flag ship is all that will remain of the vanguard in the next few minutes. Are you sure the Sith will head for the space port?" Sylus smiled at him.
             "I know Jerr Khan, he will head for the academy. They constructed tunnels beneath it, they will use them to escape."
             As the Vanguard fighters fought on, the pursuing Union forces exited hyperspace and joined the rest of the already massive fleet; further threatening the Vanguard's survival, and blockading any means of retreat.
             Admiral Granka observed the planet from the main deck of the bridge, "Who in their right mind would use a desolate world like this for a training academy? This planet is dead."
              "It means a lot to the followers of the Sith teachings admiral, this used to be their ancestral home, thousands of years ago when it was alive and their species thrived, it's become a place of pilgrimage to all dark Jedi since those days, the old Sith lords are entombed there still."
              "Disturbing facts if you ask me Sylus, but what can you expect from this bunch."
              Sylus smiled at the comment, Granka looked at him once more, "Ready your Jedi forces, I'm sure Hoxe and his men are eager for a fight, and do look out for them down there I know they're tough but I've seen first hand the horrors the Vanguard can unleash, I'd like most of them to return."
              "Don't concern yourself with it, I'll make sure they return."
             "Good luck with that you certainly don't know the general very well." Exclaimed the admiral.
           "Eagerness is fine until it meets a blast of force lightning from a Sith, I'm sure the general and his commandos will think twice before engaging after that."
            Sylus smiled before he turned and left the bridge, admiral Granka barked orders to his men on the control panels.
           "Let them pass, wait a few minutes then allow the Sith ship to land."
           The drop ship entered the planet's atmosphere, the ship reached the landing platform of the old space port the commandos dropped first and took defensive positions as Sylus and five other Jedi knights dropped behind them.
          "Cover the main entrance to the port, clear the facilities one room at a time, now go!" Barked Hoxe.
          His men began the systematic sweep of the abandoned port while the drop ship departed, Sylus observed them with a smirk.
           "They seem excited, someone should tell them this place is deserted." Spoke Yania Mopa; a female Twi'lek Jedi.
           Sylus smiled back at her, "Let them have their fun for now, when that ship lands the games will be over for them." 
            "Do you think they can handle the Sith?" She asked.
           Sylus looked up as a sonic boom announced that Jerr Khan's arrival was near, "We'll find out soon, lets go."
            The Sith Vanguard ship landed at the space port, the cargo ramp opened and the fallen Jedi within exited the space ship, the group of at least twenty Sith entered the space port.
             They were met by a hail of lasers form ten commandos stationed in adjacent rooms, several of the Sith dropped before they could react, the rest used their traditional red lightsabers to ricochet the shots away from them, using force speed they closed the gap quickly between the main doors and the attacking commandos. Once within striking distance it was a slaughter, as commando after commando were cut down by the superior Sith knights, within seconds they were dead; beyond the main corridor were large double doors, two Jedi knights guarded them.
              The Sith approached slowly, their leader smiled before they attacked, the young knights of the order held their ground briefly but they were no match for so many dark Jedi, they were made short work of; after clearing the main corridor. The leader of the Sith opened the door using his mastery of the force, beyond it was the cliff near the valley, a wall of rock flanked it to their right side, directly beyond the walkway, they saw the doors carved into the rock face by the ancient Sith so long ago, the entrance to their academy.
               They saw a female Twi'lek standing guard, Yania Mopa enticed them to advanced by drawing her green saber, the remaining thirteen Sith walked towards her, like a predator slowly approaching it's prey. Fifty commandos descended upon them from above the space port's roof, using their jet packs they hovered over the Sith; they fired from above giving them an advantageous position, some of the dark Jedi tried to defend themselves but it proved fruitless indeed.
               Only their leader reached the doors of the academy, "Seize fire men! Let the Jedi handle it from here." Ordered Hoxe as he and his men landed amongst the dead Sith.
             Yania Mopa raised her light saber as the sole survivor of the Sith forces engaged her in combat, Hoxe looked on as the two duelist danced their deadly saber waltz around each other; the young Sith proved to be far tougher to defeat than Yania expected, his skills with the lightsaber honed to perfection.
          She noticed some of the skills from the masters of the training academy in his style, he was no doubt one of the fallen Jedi that turned to the dark side, one of many that Jerr Khan seduced with the promise of galactic conquest. Yania's luck expired as the Sith cut her down in a frenzy, he observed the commandos, they stood at the ready but did not attack, he turned and saw the large doors were slightly ajar.
          The Sith leader entered the academy with caution, the main corridor opened into a large hall, several other corridors departed from this point, the academy was built in what seemed like a wheel pattern, with the hallways as the spokes, he noticed two Jedi in waiting on the center of the hall, he approached slowly.
         Sylus and his companion drew their blue sabers, "Well I expected Jerr Khan but instead we get you, Suni Avano, not sure if I should be glad or disappointed." Spoke Sylus with sarcasm in his tone.
Suni walked closer smiling himself, "The Jedi are so asinine, you didn't really expect the great Jerr Khan to surrender to the Galactic Union?"
Sylus looked past him, but saw no one followed, "Safe to assume the commandos and my fellow Jedi made short work of your Sith friends?"        "Yes, but so did we of your Jedi scum, now there are only two of you left, Jerr Khan will surely reward me when I bring him your heads."
Sylus smiled and turned to his Jedi companion, "Stay behind, I'll handle him."
He walked towards the Sith who stood at the ready, red saber in hand; "Where's Jerr khan now?" Asked Sylus.
"Far from your reach, the vanguard will live on and your pitiful Order will fold under our might, we will rise again."
Suni lunged forward and attacked, he cut and thrust with his weapon, Sylus parried the blows.
Suni delivered several attacks, all parried by Sylus, they spun around, sabers twirled and turned in their grips, both trained in one of the newer Jedi fighting arts; nicknamed the deadly duel style; a fighting form conceived by the great grand master Roe Dannos.
It combined the ancient forms of Makashi, Ataru, Niman, and Juyo; the commonly known deadly duel style was officially named Shin-To, it created an acrobatic style of fighting which involved the spinning and twisting of the lightsaber itself, twirling the weapon in the user's hand into a precise stylized form.
Along with the acrobatic movements, and the turning and spinning motions before the thrusts and parries; the new style made the user much more difficult to handle in combat, confusing his or her opponent, making a striking movement seem like a block and vice versa.
Their light sabers collided as the two clashed in combat, Suni attempted force lightning but Sylus used his light saber to halt the bolts, he delivered a blast of energy in the form of force push. It sent Suni reeling to the floor, he stood and came at his Jedi foe, the Sith used force choke but was briefly cut off by Sylus' fellow Jedi who sent him reeling backwards again with force push.
Suni stood slowly and gazed at the other younger Jedi, "It takes two to handle a Sith, we are the superior ones after all."
"Sylus attacked again, sabers thrusted and parried. The Jedi spun around after a successful parry and swung his saber to cut off Suni's saber hand, Suni dropped to his knees in pain, Sylus stood over the defeated Sith.
He smiled at his fallen combatant before he spoke, "Not really, I was merely toying with you, impressive skills; but you were not taught by master Lok, one more time, where is Jerr Khan?" 
"I'd rather die than to give up my brothers!" He yelled.
Sylus cut his head off with his lightsaber, Hoxe and the commandos entered the room shortly after, Sylus approached them.
"Did you lose any men?"
Yes, the ten we set up to ambush the Sith." Retorted Hoxe.
"You lost most of your Jedi." He added with sadness in his tone.
"We knew the risks when we volunteered for this mission, survival is an unknown outcome when dealing with the Sith."
"Aye, same with my commandos, we knew the risks too, shall we leave this place now?"
Sylus looked over at the fallen body of the Sith, he saw his young Jedi companion as he stared at the body, "Avi, are you alright?"
"Did you have to kill him? We could've taken him prisoner?" The young knight exclaimed.
"A Sith would never betray his own, at least not a Vanguard Sith." Responded Sylus.
"You don't know that, the Jedi have ways to make him talk, we are supposed to use compassion, that's the Jedi way isn't it?"
Sylus walked over to him, "Do you realize what happened here?" He asked, a perplexed look on Avi's eyes was his only response.
"They commandeered Jerr Khan's ship, they led us to believe he was on board; they came here under the Sith lord's orders Avi. They knew they would die and they came anyway, he was never going to talk or accept a deal with the Jedi."
Avi looked at the severed head again, "It was suicide then, they knew they would never return?" "Yes, talking wasn't a part of the outcome. They would triumph or die trying, that compassion the Jedi taught us, use it with all other beings, not the Sith; they deserve none of what they refuse to give to others."
He turned to see Hoxe finalizing his communication with admiral Granka on his Com-link.
"I've sent the admiral the news of our success, he wants to know if the academy should be bombarded from space?"  
"No need to destroy a part of galactic history, this place presents no threat to anyone."
"Preserving a dark part of galactic history? I guess one would have to be a Jedi to understand your way of thinking." Retorted Hoxe.
Sylus smiled at the man and placed a hand on his shoulder, "All history is worth preserving general, even the darker parts of it, if we don't learn from the past how are we ever going to stop repeating it?"
"We haven't so far." Offered the general.                       "One day my friend, one day all wars will end, and the galaxy would know peace again."
They departed the academy as general Hoxe called for the drop ship to pick them up.

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